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The eLearning Guild: Community & Resources for eLearning Professionals 50 Top Sources Of Free eLearning Courses - Bhushan Unplugged - Quora Whether you are looking for a master’s degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education for free.From databases that organize over 1,000,000 students throughout 16 universities, to a small library of documents for those interested in history, the opportunities for free online learning continue to expand as the Internet becomes a crucial component in education. 1. UMass Boston Open CoursewareThe UMass courseware offers a broad range of classes in areas like psychology, biology, early education, political science, history, mathematics, and others. Each department has a separate page listing the classes available. Along the side, you are given your syllabus, assignments, a professor bio, and recommended reading.There are no slides, videos, or lecture notes, which makes this open courseware inferior to other universities that offer extensive resources. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

The Wolfram Education Portal Is Here! January 18, 2012 — Wolfram Blog Team Teachers, are you looking for a new way to integrate technology into your classroom? How about through a dynamic textbook or pre-generated lesson plans? Students, are you looking for some extra help or practice in your classes? How about using interactive demonstrations and widgets to help understand the concepts you are learning? The Wolfram Education Portal is the answer for students and teachers alike! We are happy to announce the launch of the free Beta version of the Wolfram Education Portal. We developed the interactive textbook by working with the CK-12 Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission to produce free and open source K-12 materials aligned to state curriculum standards and customized to meet student and teacher needs. The Wolfram Education Portal was built with the technology from Mathematica, and Wolfram|Alpha, and the Computable Document Format (CDF).

What is social learning? Social learning is the shiny new toy of the e-learning world. But what exactly is social learning and why has it become so popular? Interestingly the first of these questions is hard to answer since it’s effectively an emergent label – in other words lots of people are using it to mean slightly different things. More of what those things are in a moment. Why has it become so popular? But before we get carried away let’s establish exactly what social learning means. The second seems to suggest that social learning is the fashionable new term for ‘informal learning’ and ‘knowledge management’ (KM) – in other words learning from each other rather than from a teacher or trainer. Of course one could argue that the most ‘social’ form of learning occurs in a face-to-face workshop. So is social learning just a phase or is it here to stay? I recognise the attraction of social learning. For those who are unfamiliar with KM I am also planning on a guide to KM for the unitiated. Related stuff:

IHCL aprašymas - Soros International House IHCL aprašymas The International House Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL) is a 4 - week, 120 hour teacher training course designed to prepare candidates for a job or career as a Language Teacher. It consists of four main elements. As the course is focused primarily around learning from the practical experience of preparing lessons and teaching them followed by reflective consideration and evaluation that will inform future lessons, the core element of the course is Teaching Practice. The other three main elements are seminar input, observation of experienced teachers and a component of assessed written work. The International House Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL) is awarded to teachers who have followed an approved course programme and passed the practical and written components of the assessment procedure.

ShowMe - iPad Interactive whiteboard Jay Cross IHCTL CERTIFICATE COURSE - Soros International House SIH yra vienas iš Pasaulinės IH Organizacijos Affiliate Network patvirtintų mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo centrų. Turintiems aukštojo išsilavinimo diplomą kalbos srityje specialistams, kurie neturi praktinės kalbos mokymo patirties, arba jos turi nepakankamai, mes siūlome IHCTL International House Certificate in Teaching Language/CELTA kursą, kurio metu įgyjama daug praktinių ir teorinių žinių apie kalbos mokymą. Šis kursas bus naudingas ir tiems, kurie nori susisteminti savo mokymo žinias, jas papildyti ir įgyti tarptautiniu mastu pripažįstamą kvalifikaciją. Detalus kurso aprašymas anglų kalba. Šį labai intensyvų 4 savaičių kursą sudaro dvi dalys: seminarai/aptarimai, kurių metu perteikiamos ir aptariamos teorinės žinios, ir praktinė dalis, kurioje besimokantieji įtvirtina įgytas teorines žinias. Kursas vyks 2014 m. Kurso kaina - 2750 Lt. Susidomėjusius šiuo kursu prašome registruotis, nes vietų skaičius ribotas. Konstitucijos 23 korp. tel. (8 5) 272 48 79; (8 5) 272 48 39

E-Teacher Scholarship Program Eligibility and Application Overview Candidates should be highly motivated teachers, teacher trainers, or ministry officials who are both dedicated to their own professional development and willing to share their knowledge with colleagues. Qualified candidates should: Have the ability to complete academic work at a U.S. university level (an advanced level of reading and writing in English, roughly equivalent to a minimum TOEFL score of 525/iBT 70)Have an understanding of English technical terms relating to computers and the InternetHave regular access (4-5 times/week) to a reliable, up-to-date computer with high-speed internet connectivityHave basic technology skills related to email, internet searches and downloads/uploads, logins/passwords, and e-file use (e.g., pdf, MS Word, Excel). The E-Teacher Scholarship Program is open to non-U.S. citizens living outside the United States. The Office of English Language Programs does not accept direct applications.
