Hojas de estilo en documentos HTML Nota: Este documento es parte de una traducción al castellano de la Recomendación del W3C "HTML 4.01 Specification" (más información). Puede consultar la versión original del mismo. Para cualquier comentario o corrección acerca de la traducción póngase en contacto con el traductor en jrpozo@conclase.net. Gracias por su colaboración. Véase el Aviso de copyright de la traducción. 14.1 Introducción a las hojas de estilo Las hojas de estilo representan un avance importante para los diseñadores de páginas web, al darles un mayor rango de posibilidades para mejorar la apariencia de sus páginas. La utilización de extensiones propietarias del HTML Conversión del texto en imágenes Utilización de imágenes para controlar el espacio en blanco La utilización de tablas para la organización de las páginas Escribir programas en lugar de usar HTML Las hojas de estilo resuelven estos problemas al mismo tiempo que reemplazan al limitado rango de mecanismos de presentación del HTML. <! Cascada Nota. . . común.
Google+ Adds Content Recommendations For Mobile Websites Website owners with a Google+ page will soon be able to add content recommendations to the user experience on their mobile websites. Google just announced the new feature today, which blends both Google+ activity (such as +1s and shares) and search authorship to determine the best related content to show to users as they browse mobile website content. Readers will see recommendations whether they’re signed in to a Google account or not. The feature works for iOS and Android, for the Android browser, Chrome and Safari. There’s a video on that Google blog post that shows best how it works, but that video is inexplicably not on YouTube and doesn’t appear to be easily embeddable. You can see it in action now by reading any Forbes.com article on your mobile device; and here’s a screenshot showing the recommendation in action: Here’s how Google explains the feature on the content recommendations developer page: This feature is being rolled out now.
The top 10 things you've always wanted to do in CSS | Alternate Gateways Horizontally centre a block element on a page Float block elements next to each other Clear a float Wrap text round an image Make a div expand to fill its content Spruce up your links Have your block element stretch to fit the visible screen Remove page margins, so there is no gap around the edge of the screen Create a horizontal menu Converting a block element to an inline element and vice-versa Horizontally centre an element As you most probably know, the align="center" property has been depreceated for a good long while (since HTML 4). Block Elements By using margin:0 auto , we are creating equal margins on both the and sides of our block element, thus pushing it to the centre of the screen (this is the same as using margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto ). Inline Elements display : block ; margin : 0 auto ; Inline elements will not centre with margin:0 auto alone, as it isn't in their nature. A div horizontally centred on screen will force the element to appear just where it occurs in the code a {
Box-shadow, one of CSS3′s best new features Home / CSS3 Previews / Box-shadow, one of CSS3’s best new features The box-shadow property allows designers to easily implement multiple drop shadows (outer or inner) on box elements, specifying values for color, size, blur and offset. Browser support is growing of late with Mozilla (Firefox), Webkit (Safari/Chrome/Konqueror), Opera and the IE9 Platform Preview all offering a decent implementation of the spec, although Mozilla and Webkit still require their respective -moz- and -webkit- prefixes (note Mozilla Firefox 4.0+ no longer requires the -moz- prefix). Here’s a basic example: Firefox, Safari/Chrome, Opera and IE9 users should see a grey fading shadow under this box. In theory, the code for this is straightforward: But for the moment, as with many other ‘experimental’ CSS3 properties, you’ll need to use the following prefixes to support Mozilla and Webkit: How it Works The Syntax: box-shadow: none | [ , ]* = inset? Examples: Creating a basic drop shadow Layering multiple shadows Example:
Border Radius: CSS Rounded Corners Without Images Rounded corner effects to the blocks in HTML structure enhance the beauty of blogs and we have achieved this effect by using corner images in the past, but the CSS3 border-radius property allows web developers to easily utilize rounder corners in their design elements, without the need for corner images or the use of multiple div tags, and is perhaps one of the most talked about aspects of CSS3. I am going to write CSS rounded corner tutorial to understand “border-radius” property of W3C along with the concept of CSS browser extensions. Let’s start with a very basic example, Border Radius Example 1 Let’s write a html code, and style it with “border-radius” to generate a block with rounded corners. Output You have noticed “border-radius” property and browser specific extension of Mozilla Firefox in the style code. CSS Rounded Corners Without Images Border Radius Detail Rounder corners can be created independently using the four individual border i.e Syntax Examples Border Radius Example 2
Box Shadow Generator | CSS3 Generator | CSS3Gen Use this CSS3 box shadow generator to quickly generate box shadow CSS for your project. Your browser does not support the CSS3 box-shadow property. You can still use this tool to generate the CSS3 rule, but you won't be able to see the results. <div class="error_msg">Please enable Javascript to use this page.</div> Box Shadow Explained The CSS3 box-shadow property allows you to add depth to your website's design without the need for images or extra container elements. While the syntax is easy to understand, it is hard to visualise the style using just code. The box-shadow syntax works as follows: The first value defines the distance of the box shadow in the x (horizontal) direction and the second value defines the distance in the y (vertical) direction. Optionally you can include an additional parameter after the blur distance: This defines the spread distance of the shadow. Supporting Browsers
10 Free Wireframing Tools for Designers This series is supported by Ben & Jerry's Joe, Ben & Jerry's new line-up of Fair Trade and frozen iced coffee drinks. Learn more about it here. Wireframing is a crucial step in web design and development as it allows for rapid prototyping and helps to pinpoint potential problems early in the process. It can be invaluable to have a visual representation of content, hierarchy and layout. Wireframes make it easier to communicate ideas, reduce scope creep, cut down on project costs (due to fewer design revisions later), and enable greater upfront usability and functionality testing. This post highlights 10 of the best free wireframing tools available, including standalone applications, web-based tools and browser add-ons. If you're partial to a particular wireframing tool available for free download, let us know in the comments. 1. Mockingbird is a web-based beta software based on the Cappuccino framework to create, link together, preview and share wireframes of your website or application. 2.
Live Chat Pricing - SnapEngage Live Chat Chat Agents are members of your team who can chat with your visitors. Each agent account is associated with an email address. Extra agents are $25 per month per additional agent, and there’s no limit! So add as many as you need. With a click of a button, (okay, two buttons) transfer a chat to another agent, support tier, or department. Our real-time dashboard provides overview information to your team leads to help them manage response time and keep an eye on chat volume. Set your team’s hours and schedule, then offer visitors different contact options when they’re offline. These persistent chat rooms and 1-to-1 secure chats ensure that your team is always connected and always on the same page. Sort your agents into separate tiers. Multi-login and user roles Share access and control user permissions within your team. For big teams who need the extra flexibility, the Premier plan lets you set up multiple administrator accounts. See a few customization examples here. No software to install.
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