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David Merrill demos Siftables

David Merrill demos Siftables

Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at SIGGRAPH The annual meeting of the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 2009, takes place in New Orleans this week. The event brings together some of the world’s best digital artists and computer researchers and is a showcase for some interesting new interfaces. Here are five particularly cool ideas that will be on display at this year’s event. 1. A team of researchers at the University of Tokyo led by Hiroyuki Shinoda has developed a display that lets users “touch” objects that appear to float in space in front of them. The virtual objects appear in mid-air thanks to an LCD and a concave mirror. 2. Frantz Lasorne, a student at L’École de Design in France, has invented an ingenious way to breathe new life into old toys. Lasorne’s Scope display automatically recognizes ordinary toys that have been mounted onto platforms covered with hexagonal patterns. 3. 4. 3D Teleconferencing 5.

PhotoSketch Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage Tao Chen1 Ming-Ming Cheng1 Ping Tan2 Ariel Shamir3 Shi-Min Hu1 1TNList, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University 2National University of Singapore 3The Interdisciplinary Center Abstract We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. Paper Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, ACM Transactions on Graphics, to appear Tao Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ping Tan, Ariel Shamir, Shi-Min Hu System Pipeline Retrieval Results Composition Results Video Supplementary Materials 1. General supplementary materials, including intermediate results and comparisons. 2. High resolution compositions and detailed statistics of the user studies. Sktech2Photo Team Tao Chen, Kun Xu, Fang-Lve Zhang, Meng Ding and Ming-Ming Cheng Update: A web-based Sketch2Photo application: click here (Chinese), collaborated with Tencent. Acknowledgments Note Original Name: PhotoSketch.

Apple Magic Trackpad Review Apple has been in the line of fire lately. It's an unusual place for the company, which has found itself on the positive end of things for quite a while. In fact, for a string of years, it seemed as if Apple could do no wrong. The iPhone 3G and 3GS were huge hits, as was the new "unibody" MacBook design. But with the iPhone 4 came all sorts of criticism. But here's where it gets strange. The Magic Trackpad is an interesting device. The specifications here are fairly simple to digest. The Magic Trackpad was a bit perplexing when we first saw it.

Basics of Cloud Computing Michael Wood Michael R. Wood is a Business Process Improvement & IT Strategist Independent Consultant. Michael is creator of the business process-improvement methodology called HELIX and founder of The Natural Intelligence Group, a strategy, process improvement, and technology consulting company. He is also a CPA, has served as an Adjunct Professor in Pepperdine's Management MBA program, an Associate Professor at California Lutheran University, and on the boards of numerous professional organizations. Mr. Maybe you have heard about Cloud Computing, maybe not. Like the song says, “Let’s start at the very beginning, because it’s a very good place to start." Cloud Computing has its roots in the service bureau concepts of the 1960s.

10 Interactive User Interfaces For The Future - Gizmo Watch We have already seen an array of user interfaces, ranging from the mouse and keyboards to touchscreens, gestures and multitouch. But the future is still nowhere neigh. There are still more unique, interactive and futuristic user interfaces to be seen and reckoned with, because only a good user interface can bring out a great user experience. Here, we have compiled a list of top 10 interactive user interfaces that give us a glimpse at what is yet to come in the genre, down miss the jump. Edit 3. Sean Gustafson of Potsdam University’s Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany visions an imaginary interface which’ll allow the users to imagine and use their own graphical interface to navigate a device (or will it be a device at all) instead of relying on the touchpad, mouse, buttons or screens etc. to navigate preconfigured options on a display. 4.

What Is The Singularity And Will You Live To See It? 1. I'm generally skeptical of the singularity and of post-scarcity economics in general. 2. I think it's interesting to ponder why the singularity might not occur. 3. 4. 5. 6. AR et chirurgie: “une innovation majeure” » Article », d Si ses usages dans le marketing sont les plus connus du grand public, la réalité augmentée apporte aussi beaucoup à la chirurgie. Explications avec deux spécialistes. Une caméra filme le patient et l'information fournie par le modèle virtuel du patient est superposée sur l'image vidéo. Le chirurgien peut donc voir le patient en transparence. Si ses usages dans le marketing sont les plus connus du grand public, la réalité augmentée apporte aussi beaucoup à la chirurgie. Explications avec le docteur Stéphane Nicolau, qui dirige la nouvelle équipe de recherche en réalité augmentée pour la chirurgie à l’IRCAD de Taiwan (Institut de recherche contre les cancers de l’appareil digestif), et le professeur Luc Soler, responsable de la recherche et développement à l’IRCAD de Strasbourg. Comment s’est fait le pont entre le monde de la chirurgie et la réalité augmentée ? Actuellement, quelles techniques sont déjà utilisées ? Modèle 3D du patient réalisé à partir de son image scanner.

Twine, A Tiny Gizmo That Holds The Internet's Future | Co. Design "In the future, your house will send you a text message to warn you that your basement is flooding." Sounds like the kind of hooey you only hear in those fantastical "future of…" videos, doesn’t it? Not anymore. Two MIT Media Lab graduates have created a "2.5-inch chunk of the future" called Twine that does exactly that, and more, and is available right now. Well, not quite: It will be available in early 2012, thanks to its wildly successful Kickstarter campaign. Here’s the basic idea behind Twine: Software and physical stuff should be friends. Twine is a small slab of gray plastic that hides that PhD’s worth of engineering magic--a bunch of internal and external sensors and a Wi-Fi hub--"the simplest possible way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing," in Carr and Kestner’s words.

[ Perspectum, MemTable, Work by Seth Hunter ] MemTable is an interactive touch table that supports co-located group meetings by capturing both digital and physical interactions in its memory. Everyone can be a scribe at the MemTable. The goal of the project is to demonstrate hardware and software design principles that integrate recording, recalling, and reflection during the life cycle of a project in one tabletop system. The project has been developing during the last year, and was my masters thesis at the MIT Media Lab in 2009. Memtable poses an important question to HCI designers: How can the multi-person interactions we design be integrated with our workpractices into systems which have history and memory? This video demonstrates many of the features of the MemTable Platform. Users in this meeting were discussing potential themes for a restauraunt in their neighborhood. Use case example, photo 1: Marcelo and Natan had a meeting to discuss a new prototype of a food printer before demo week.

Knowledge Base » Will History disappear, if we can “see” the past via Augmented Reality? By: Clyde DeSouza Augmented Reality, let’s us relive History What if we could harness Technology, to educate and stimulate the younger generation to value and cherish tradition but in a non text book manner, and thus impart education to them with help from the same devices that they seem hooked onto. In effect, hijack these devices in an interesting way, so as to break into a students “Digital Personal Space” which they are not so keen to give up that easily. – This is the key to the future of education – Taking History outdoors and bringing History to the present. (the old Berlin wall, and the site as it stands today) Harnessing Augmented Reality creatively, in Education: With advances in technology and the penetration of Smart Phones such as the Iphone and Google Andriod based phones, it is soon becoming de-facto for smart phones to have built in digital compasses, accelerometers, GPS and a camera. Apps – are the little bits of software that do all the magic on smart phones.

Du Mac à Firefox Le Macintosh a 25 ans cette année (30 ans depuis les premiers prototypes), et en faisant un tour au rayon nostalgie, j'ai découvert un lien entre cette révolution des interfaces de communication entre l'homme et la machine, et une nouvelle qui pourrait bien être en train de voir le jour dans les laboratoires de Mozilla. Ce lien, c'est Jef Raskin, génial chercheur en IHM, dont je découvre les travaux. Aux sources d'Ubiquity Ubiquity est un de mes projets favoris des laboratoires Mozilla. Il marque une étape du retour de la ligne de commande, qui a toujours été mon interface de communication préférée avec mes compagnons digitaux. Ubiquity est entre autres l'œuvre de Aza Raskin, spécialiste en interfaces homme-machine et responsable de ces questions aux laboratoires. Après son départ d'Apple, Jef Raskin a continué ses recherches et créé un nouvel ordinateur, pour Canon, le Canon Cat. L'interface humaine Certains de ces principes me heurtent un peu. Archy Alors ?

Réalité augmentée: le monde en RA 1/5 La décennie qui débute sera celle de la réalité augmentée (AR), véritable révolution technologique en marche. Loin de n'être qu'un simple gadget, c'est un outil important d'accès aux informations de façon plus intuitive et en contexte. Image CC Flickr dmolsen La décennie qui débute sera celle de la réalité augmentée (AR), véritable révolution technologique en marche. Loin de n’être qu’un simple gadget, c’est un outil important d’accès aux informations de façon plus intuitive et en contexte. À tous les journalistes qui me demandent encore quel sera le prochain Twitter, je leur réponds systématiquement que la décennie naissante nous réserve de bien plus belles surprises qu’un autre Tweetbookbuzz. Après l’interconnexion des communautés (le web 2.0), c’est l’interconnexion des objets et des datas. Le concept de réalité augmentée (« augmented reality » en anglais), où on superpose une couche data virtuelle sur une image/vidéo de la « réalité », n’est pas récent. Exemples Développement

Augmented Reality - Explained by Common Craft - Common Craft - O I think we can all agree that reality is pretty great. It’s what we experience through our senses like our eyes, and phones with cameras. The Internet is awesome too, but the Internet and reality have a hard time working together. Thankfully this is changing quickly. New tools mean that the world around you can now be seen with a layer of new information from the Internet. Let's start with an example. Let’s say you're hungry and at a busy intersection. But now, thanks to new software on mobile phones, you can simply point your phone's camera at buildings around you and voila! Another example is shopping. And this functionality only requires a few things. Augmented reality can also work with a camera attached to your computer. These examples are just the beginning.

Réalité augmentée: la 3D virtuelle 2/5 Les usages de l'AR peuvent être classés en trois catégories. Voici une présentation de la première, exemples vidéo à l'appui. Avec elle, l'effet « nouveauté » fait son chemin, c'est le premier contact pour le grand public. Image CC Flickr Hans on Experience Dans la prochaine décennie, je ne m’attends pas à un simple développement incrémentale vers le web 3.0, où la communication sur le réseau sera encore plus aisée, mais bien à une prise en charge par Internet des éléments de notre réalité : une communication à deux sens entre le virtuel et le réel décuplera la force du réseau et changera certainement notre rapport au monde. Hier, j’ai identifié les trois catégories d’applications de la réalité augmentée. Première catégorie : la 3D virtuelle La première catégorie explore le potentiel de simulation de l’ordinateur via de nouvelles interfaces. En fait, cette catégorie est une « interface » tactile pour contrôler son écran à distance. Exemple 1 : La carte jouet virtuelle d’Avatar Potentiel.
