The Inquiry Project
Investigation Roadmaps - Motion
Introduction STC Motion and Design is a 15-lesson kit intended for students in grade 5. It introduces students to the physics of motion and the importance of technological design. Big Ideas This kit is focused on both science content ideas and science process skills. Force as a push or pull Moreā¦ Foundational Images Along with a variety of drawings, sketches, and multiviews, three of our foundational images are used in conjunction with the STC Motion and Design kit: Vectors , Particles and the Magnifier tool. To get a better idea of how some of these foundational images can be used in the classroom, refer to the Motion and Design roadmap below. - National Science Digital Library
NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards
NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards Next Generation Science Standards Introduction Scientific & Engineering Practices Asking Questions & Defining ProblemsDeveloping & Using ModelsPlanning & Carrying Out InvestigationsAnalyzing & Interpreting Data Mathematics & Computational ThinkingConstruct Explanations & Design SolutionsEngaging in Argument from EvidenceObtain, Evaluate, Communicate Information Crosscutting Concepts PatternsCause & Effect: Mechanism & ExplanationScale, Proportion, & QuantitySystems & System Models Energy & Matter: Flow, Cycle, ConservationStructure & FunctionStability & Change Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas PS1A - Structure & Properties of MatterPS1B - Chemical ReactionsPS1C - Nuclear ProcessesPS2A - Forces & MotionPS2B - Types of InteractionsPS2C - Stability & InstabilityPS3A - Definitions of Energy Life Science Disciplinary Core Ideas Earth & Space Science Disciplinary Core Ideas Engineering, Technology & Applications of Science Disciplinary Core Ideas 0 items