Pearltrees Raises $6.7M For Its “Collaborative Interest Graph”
Pearltrees, a company offering a novel interface for sharing and finding content, has raised 5 million euros ($6.7 million US) in new funding. The basic unit of the Pearltrees service is the pearl, which is basically a bookmark. Users can assemble these pearls into trees based around a topic. Meanwhile, Pearltrees is using that data to determine how different topics and bookmarks are related, and allows users to find new pearls (related to whatever topic they’re exploring) through its “related interests” button. Following the lead from Google’s PageRank and Facebook’s EdgeRank, Pearltrees has named its technology TreeRank. Pearltrees launched in December 2009, and the company says it has been growing consistently at 15 percent per month, and that users have now created 15 million pearls which were assembled into 2 million trees. Previous investor Groupe Accueil led the new round.
Infographic Tutorial
What is an Infographic? Source: Hot Button Studio Source: Infographics Archive How to make an infographic Step 1: Determine what data you want to include in your graphic Step 2: Use to create an infographic Here's a tutorial on using Be sure to include your sources! Think carefully about what messages your design sends--are they the messages you intended? Other tools for creating infographics:
Content Curation with PearlTrees
Note: This post is also cross-posted over at the EasyBib blog. I’ve written and spoken before about the essential skill (a literacy according to Howard Rheingold) of students not only being able to collect content from their network(s), but to curate what’s collected. Just like a museum curator pours over artifacts to find the very best to display, we should also do the same not just for our own professional resources, but see it as an obligation to model it for our students. I came across a new resource recently (I believe the hat tip goes to Alec Couros for this find) called Pearltrees. Once you’ve signed up for your account, you will already have your “root” Pearltree created for you with your username. You will also see there that I have created a Pearltree called Digital Citizenship. As you noticed above you can share links to specific Pearltrees in your account and also embed any Pearltree you’d like on your own website, blog, LMS, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Like this: Like Loading...
7 Ideas for Using Twitter in the Classroom
This post assumes you already know the basics of how to use Twitter. You know what a hashtag is and what purpose an @mention serves. If you need a general overview of how Twitter works and why it’s useful for teachers, we recommend starting here. You can also consult the Graphite review of Twitter, as well as the many teacher Field Notes about Twitter on Graphite. Many educators are using Twitter in new and exciting ways with their students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Twitter’s super-short format doesn’t mean it's short on learning potential. Subjects & Skills (click to expand)
Patrice Lamothe (Pearltrees) im Interview: Content-Organisation made in France
Die Organisation digitaler Inhalte dürfte heute wichtiger sein denn je und die Liste entsprechender Organisationsdienste ist nicht nur lang, sondern auch vielfältig. Eben jenem Thema der Content-Organisation hat sich auch Pearltrees verschrieben, ein französisches StartUp, das, obwohl es monatlich bis zu acht Millionen Pageviews vorweisen kann, in Deutschland bisher eher mäßig bekannt ist, aber den europäischen Durchbruch angehen will. Der Name deutet es bereits an: Bei Pearltrees geht es um Perlen, die mit Inhalten verknüpft in Baumstrukturen angeordnet werden und den Zugriff auf die eigenen Inhalte erleichtern sollen. Ganz im Stile von Anwendungen wie Prezi lassen sich mit Hilfe des französischen Dienstes Content-Pfade anlegen, die natürlich auch mit anderen Nutzern entsprechend geteilt und ergänzt werden können. Film ab! Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
9 Evernote Products You Have to Try
You've heard a ton of positive stuff about Evernote, but rather than learn about its seemingly endless functionality, you've left the app sitting lonely and unused in the Productivity folder of your iPad. After all, Evernote offers so many features, it can get overwhelming — especially when you'd so much rather take a big old nap. In an effort to help you learn more about Evernote's potential, we explored its branded products and partner apps. SEE ALSO: 7 Photo Editing Apps to Use With Instagram Use these tools to document your travels, save online content, sketch over photos and even create food porn. How do you use Evernote?
Pearltrees Beta 0.8.1 est en ligne, une nouvelle version qui apporte plus de contrôle, de confort et de simplicité. Pas de révolution, l’objectif est d’apporter une expérience d’édition en équipe toujours plus agréable et intéressante. Et maintenant la revue des avancées : Une interface plus pratique et plus agréable Une interface plus intuitive Tout d’abord, les perles. Un navigateur plus confortable Le navigateur de Pearltrees a été amélioré pour plus de confort pendant vos navigations : la barre de navigation est déplacée en haut, et vous pouvez maintenant partager directement vos perles sur Twitter et Facebook, en un seul clic.Restaurez vos pearltrees perdus Depuis plusieurs mois vous éditez patiemment un très beau pearltree sur vos groupes de rock préférés, organisés selon leurs influences. Partagez vos trouvailles en un clic ! Faites équipes avec sérénité L’édition collaborative est un vrai succès. Bonus : L’édition du web s’internationalise !
Yesterday, Yahoo announced their intention to shut down Delicious. It is a sad piece of news. Delicious has been a great source of inspiration to us and a major contribution to the possibility of a humanly organized web. This announcement is not the end of the idea, though. We believe curation communities are the next generation for two reasons: 1. 2. Pearltrees is a social curation community. Want to try? Here is simple and quick process to give new life to your bookmarks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Welcome to Pearltrees, the social curation community! [ Edit: Yahoo has now announced that they rather intend to sell Delicious. Filed under: Ecosystem, Imagine, Trends by Frocaboy on December 17th, 2010