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Catch the irregular verbs by D. Araujo by araujo_dulce on

Catch the irregular verbs by D. Araujo by araujo_dulce on
escape game created by Miss D. Araujo How do you know if you master the English irregular verbs ? Follow the steps of your mission and your teacher Miss Araujo will give you an infallible method to know them ! You'll see, it's fantastic ! Accept FINALMission CONSEIL : utilisez Chrome et non Firefox sinon des pages auront des erreurs ! run win do hit go Which verb doesn't change? hear heared heart heard Which form is correct? Can you speak louder ? sold said spoke say Which verb is correct? Yesterday, he ... he was sorry. you your keep the 2 words at the bottom Then, click here *Try again! Mathematics - Arithmetic Natural Sciences Physical education Social Sciences How do you say "acheter"? bought build buy Which verb is NOT related to "shopping"? smell cost pay Which verb does NOT change with i-a-u ? find sing ring Remember the word MUST for later! HOW DO YOU SAY "J'ai passé 2 mois confiné" IN ENGLISH ? I've spent2 months locked up I sent 2months locked up I slept2 months locked up I waslocked upfor 2 months I sang2 months locked up

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ESCAPE GAME THE STOLEN RECIPE by araujo_dulce on READ :,Someone has stolen (a dérobé) your recipe and you must find it to be a candidate for the competition "Junior Kédange Chefs" organised by your English teacher Miss Araujo,AN ESCAPE GAME : the stolen recipecreated by Miss D. Araujo,objectives : discover Jamie Oliver, learn new words and how to express quantities or ask questions, understand a recipe,Who is this man ?,ingredients and utensils,STEP 1 : learn your vocabulary,Watch the video, then test your memory with Quizlet,do the exercise about the vocabulary, note down the clue at the end,STEP 2,Watch Buddy, Jamie Oliver's son and his recipe,STEP 3,learn your grammar,STEP 4,HOW MUCH / HOW MANY,Note down the letter given at the end,2 activities to get a new letter,les quantifieurs / some et any,double click here to have a bigger picture,FINAL STEP 5,b.

FANTASTIC BEASTS - ESCAPE GAME tart Isabelle Beaubreuil (Ac. Limoges) Dear No-Maj, I must go back to New York City but this time I'm not taking my suitcase with me.That's why I need your help! Twitter Secret Messages - Steganography Hide secret messages in your tweets (or any text) with steg-of-the-dump.js. Encode Warning: Not all of Hidden Message stored in tweet. Add more text (e.g. spaces) to Tweet, or reduce text in Hidden Message. Decode

YOUR JOB APPLICATION - AN ESCAPE GAME FOR PROFESSIONALS by teacher.lopez on Genially MISSION,YOUR MISSION,9,2,3,4,7,5,0,1 ,8,6,START,You want to work as a sports coach. Click on the corresponding offer.,MISSION 1Prepare you CV.,Accept,JANE DOE,Experience,Education,Skills,Hobbies,-2018-2020: Personal coaching-2016-2018: Physcial preparation coach in local Football Club-2015-2016: Internship at GreatSports,-REPs level 3,myemail@mail.com1234-5678,JANE DOE,Experience,Education,-REPs level 3,-2018-2020: Personal coaching-2016-2018: Physcial preparation coach in local Football Club-2015-2016: Internship at GreatSports,Skills,myemail@mail.com1234-5678,Hobbies,JANE DOE,Experience,Education,-REPs level 3,-2018-2020: Personal coaching-2016-2018: Physcial preparation coach in local Football Club-2015-2016: Internship at GreatSports,myemail@mail.com1234-5678,Your CV is getting interesting !,Skills,Hobbies,Click on the corresponding icon.

Black Lives Matter and Rap by Béatrice Guillemard ac Montpellier on Black Rap Power,Hip hop and the fight of African-American people for their rights.,,Read everything carefully then click wherever you need to.,La création et le rapport aux arts - Le passé dans le présent / Art et pouvoir,We've just arrived in Time Square in Manhattan. Can you find us?,Hi! My name's Sarah. how adventurous are you? by diddy2703 on Genially I am going on an expedition! I'm really excited! But first, we need to go to my place.Hurry up! Wikidata Card Game Generator “Ludicrously cool!” “It's awesome!” @Auregann “Superb” @umblaetterer Generate your own card game, suitable for playing Top Trumps, using Wikidata! Think of a topic, and type its singular form into the search box over at Wikidata.

Complète cette biographie de James Dean en ajoutant le verbe qui convient à chaque fois. Complète cette biographie de James Dean en ajoutant le verbe qui convient à chaque fois. by C. Chalmin The Queen's hat Escape game,Click onWikipedia to know what 1926 corresponds to for the Queen.,The Queen's hatby Alexandra Ayad,INTRODUCTION,CONGRATULATIONS!,Le chapeau de la reine a disparu, suis ses aventures.Regarde la vidéo, fais les jeux et donne à ton professeur les 4 chiffres que tu auras trouvés.Tu auras une récompense.,Step 1 Watch the movie,Step 2 Do the game to find the second number.,Where does the scene take place? Click on the correct answer.1 London 2 Paris 3 New York,PLAY,Click on the number you found to continue.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,Super, click on the third number to continue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,Click on the hat to start.

Year9_Spy_Mum by LuckyteacherAG on Genially start.,The case of the stolen listing,Answer well,C ...she wasn't a good spy,The second number is:3,Stella wasn't well accepted by her colleagues because....,A..she was a woman.,Characters,B ...she was too strict.,First question:,Right,Introduction,Map/missions,This is Boris, a KGB agent. He has stolen the listing.

Santa's Mission Santa's Mission C. Rollo (Ac. The Stolen Warhol by charlierollo on Genially The Stolen Warhol,Night At the Museum:,Welcome to the MOMA: the Museum of Modern Art. This is an evening tour of the special exhibition about Andy Warhol,What is happening here?,START,FREEZE!A Warhol was stolen, I need help to find the culprit. Help me!,Click on the beautiful small yellow high-heel shoes.
