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The Song of the Earth Some birds make sounds that are musical to our ears. Consider the skylark, whose melodious sounds we label as song. So it’s quite natural to wonder whether there is a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create. The deepest mystery of all: What purpose does music serve? 88 Important Truths I’ve Learned About Life Everyone gets drilled with certain lessons in life. Sometimes it takes repeated demonstrations of a given law of life to really get it into your skull, and other times one powerful experience drives the point home once forever. Here are 88 things I’ve discovered about life, the world, and its inhabitants by this point in my short time on earth. 1. You can’t change other people, and it’s rude to try.

33 Pictures Taken At The Right Moment We Bored Pandas are huge fans of perfectly timed photos that capture perfect (and usually funny or unexpected) moments that come and go with a blink of the eye. The internet is abound with images shared by people who have captured images at just the right moment or from just the right perspective, so we wanted to share some more of them with you. Anyone with a smart phone, point-and-click camera, DSLR or any other sort of camera can potentially capture such a moment – whether it’s staged or spontaneous. If you’ve ever captured such a photo, share it with us below!

Why Birds Sing Inspired by musician and eco-philosopher David Rothenberg's book of the same title, this documentary explores the intriguing, charming, complex and often conflicting theories on why birds sing like they do and why humans are so attracted to the sound. The film features contributions from musicians including Laurie Anderson, Jarvis Cocker and Beth Orton; enlightening and often startling analysis from some of the world's most eminent birdsong scientists; a literary guide to birdsong in poetry; a bizarre birdsong-themed art 'happening'; the creation of a new musical composition from the Afro-Celt Sound System, entirely made up of manipulated birdsongs; and a strange musical duet at New York's Bronx Aviary, featuring humans and birds. Filmed in the forests, aviaries, studios and laboratories of England, Germany and the USA, this is a colorful, entertaining, informative and occasionally weird journey through the songs of nature that have enchanted and perplexed humans for thousands of years.

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Reacţia emoţionantă a unei pisici când îşi revede stăpânul după trei zile Click pe Share pentru a distribui şi prietenilor tăi! Îţi mulţumim! :) După trei zile în care pisica Moo şi-a petrecut timpul singură în casă, la întoarcere, stăpânul are parte de o primire neaşteptată. Momentul revederii demonstrează că şi felinele sunt capabile să ofere clipe de bucurie, afecţiune şi tandreţe.

There Is No Mobile Internet! Advertisement It’s time to stop thinking about the Internet and online communication in the context of a device, be it desktop, tablet or mobile. Advances by Google and Apple have heightened consumer expectations, which now require stricter focus from us to create seamless online communications — communications that work everywhere and that get their point across. We need to embrace a device-agnostic approach to communicating with connected consumers and forget the idea of a “mobile Internet”. There is only One Web to experience. Liliana Stanciu Motto: “Ai un singur dar pe lumea asta – care e cu adevarat al tau si pe care poti sa-l dai, iar acela esti tu insuti” – Neville Goddard N-am visat sa fiu trainer.. Nu dupa 20 de ani de contabilitate… Daca stau bine si ma gandesc, de cate ori am ajuns sa vorbesc in fata unui grup de oameni, mi-am jurat ca asta n-o sa se mai intample! Traim in iluzia ca facem ce vrem, numai ca Sufletul nostru stie mai bine ce a ales sa experimenteze in aceasta intrupare. Daca avem cu adevarat vreo datorie, aceasta este fata de Sufletul nostru, sa-i facem loc sa se exprime, sa predam controlul, sa invatam Bucuria!

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