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Tutorial: CSS desde o inicio | Introducao: Uma pagina HTML basica Autor: Joe Gillespie URL do original: Título original: CSS from the Ground Up Traduzido com autorização expressa do autor Nota do tradutor Esta é a tradução para o português de um valioso tutorial composto de 15 (quinze) documentos em uma sequência lógica de apresentação e aprendizado, visando a orientar iniciantes, nas técnicas de construção e estilização de páginas Web. Iniciei as traduções no dia 06 de abril de 2005 e publico inicialmente os três primeiros documentos. À medida em que for traduzindo os documentos irei publicando até completar os quinze. Introdução Você não tem por que se intimidar com a perspectiva de usar as Folhas de Estilo em Cascata. Quer você seja usuário de um editor WYSIWYG e conhecedor do código por ele gerado ou mesmo não tenha sequer criado uma página Web, este tutorial vai orientá-lo na direção certa. O tutorial pressupõe um pequeno ou nenhum conhecimento de produção de uma página Web. O que vai ser preciso?

Columnal | A responsive CSS grid system helping desktop and mobile browsers play nicely together. 960 Grid System Responsive Web Design The English architect Christopher Wren once quipped that his chosen field “aims for Eternity,” and there’s something appealing about that formula: Unlike the web, which often feels like aiming for next week, architecture is a discipline very much defined by its permanence. Article Continues Below A building’s foundation defines its footprint, which defines its frame, which shapes the facade. Each phase of the architectural process is more immutable, more unchanging than the last. Creative decisions quite literally shape a physical space, defining the way in which people move through its confines for decades or even centuries. Working on the web, however, is a wholly different matter. But the landscape is shifting, perhaps more quickly than we might like. In recent years, I’ve been meeting with more companies that request “an iPhone website” as part of their project. A flexible foundation#section1 Let’s consider an example design. Becoming responsive#section2 responsive architecture .

Guia CSS para iniciantes - Parte I | RC Tutoriais Em outros artigos sobre CSS já conhecemos alguns de seus recursos, mas não fiquei satisfeito em publicar artigos sobre CSS sem ter publicado um guia para iniciantes, por isso vamos dar inicio a uma série de artigos sobre CSS onde você irá aprender a trabalhar com esse poderoso recurso, a série será publicada sempre na sexta-feira. Para acompanhar esta série é necessário que você já possua alguns conhecimentos de HTML. Para acompanhar esta série, recomendo que você crie uma pasta em seu computador com os arquivos utilizados, para que você acompanhe os artigos e repita o processo, pois assim caso tenha dúvidas poderemos ajudar melhor. O que é CSS CSS é o acrônimo para “Cascading Style Sheet” que em português significa folha de estilos em cascata. Depois de criar seu arquivo CSS, você deve atribui-lo a um documento HTML para que você possa utiliza-lo, este é um processo simples, rápido e muito importante, dentro da tag <head> você deve adicionar o seguinte código. Sintaxe Praticando… <!

Golden Grid System GGS was my next step after Less Framework. Instead of a fixed-width grid, it used a fully fluid-width one, without even a maximum width. The resources it was published with are still available on GitHub. The idea was to take a 18-column grid, use the outermost columns as margins, and use the remaining 16 to lay elements out. While the grid's columns were fluid — proportional to the screen's width — the gutters (spaces between the columns) were proportional to the font-size being used. GGS also contained a set of typographic presets, strictly to a baseline grid. Correctly setting all of these measurements is difficult, of course. When published, GGS gained a lot of attention, as the web design community was searching ways to work with fluid-width grids, which have always been troublesome, running counter to many graphic design principles. Many people trying to use GGS were also confused by the lack of predefined code for working with the grid.

Less Framework 4 Every layout in Less Framework is based on a single grid, composed of 68 px columns with 24 px gutters. The only measures that change from layout to layout are the amount of columns and the width of the outer margins. The three sets of typography pre­sets are aligned to a 24 px baseline grid; one is based on 16 px body text, one on 17 px, and one on 18 px. Both sets contain several harmonious type sizes calculated using the Golden Ratio. Technically The idea is to first code the Default Layout (992 px), and then use CSS3 media queries to code seve­ral child layouts: 768, 480, and 320 px. If you think of Mobile First as progressive enhancement, Less Framework will feel more like graceful degradation; old desktop and mobile browsers will only use the default 992 px layout. Philosophically The goal of Less Framework is to make building websites with mul­tiple layouts efficient, and to make the layouts feel consistent. Less Framework is simple.

Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development Blog Web Standards Responsive Web Design just got Easier with the Responsive Grid System 24 Excellent Examples of Responsive Web Design With the ever increasing popularity and wide spread use of mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad, it’s difficult to ignore the fact that websites are being viewed across various screen sizes. And it looks like the days of designing a site for one minimum resolution are almost gone. That’s why “responsive web design” is such a hot topic lately. If you’ve yet to incorporate this concept into your web designs and you’re looking for examples, or if your simply in search of some responsive inspiration, you’ve arrived at the right place. Reveal: A Responsive WordPress Theme hanging up the moon Sunday Best Designs Fork Yaron Schoen Full Frontal 10K Apart More Hazards More Heroes warface Social Marketers Summit Atlason White Lotus Aromatics Cappuccino Digital Reverse Büro Progetty Jet Cooper Bloom yoke food sense francesca nini Forefathers Stonehenge Veterinary Hospital Patrick Grady Frontend 2011 Source: The Best DesignsunmatchedstyleAwwwards Interesting articles and tools: About the Author Related Posts 596 shares
