"There is a Cure for Arthritis" There is A Cure for Arthritis By Dr. Bruce Fife “I have had chronic pain for 10 years,” says Barbara Moody of Redmond, Washington. Conventional treatments for arthritis rely on drugs and surgery to calm inflammation and deaden pain. Although arthritis can occur at almost any age, the risk of developing this degenerative disease increases as we get older. Over the years many theories have been proposed as to the cause of arthritis including food allergies, genetics, trauma, and infection. If arthritis is caused by microorganisms then you might think the solution would be simple—antibiotics! Without blood circulation, white blood cells and antibiotics are less effective in fighting off invasion. If antibiotics are of little value in combating the arthritic infections what can be done? The first step is to build up your immune system so it can more effectively fight off chronic infection. The second step is to actively fight off the infection within the body and the joints.
52 Uses for Coconut Oil - The Simple, The Strange, and The Downright Odd! - Delicious Obsessions <<Update 03/20/12 — Make sure you take some time to read through the comments on this post. When I first wrote this post back in January 2012, I thought 52 uses for coconut oil was amazing. Little did I know that my readers would leave double, and probably even triple that many new uses in the comments! Really? DISCLAIMER: Please note, these uses are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. 52 Uses for Coconut Oil Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost. Check out the printable list of 122 Uses for Coconut Oil Check out these fun graphics with different ways to use Coconut oil What is your favorite way to use coconut oil? If you’re interested in making your own skin care products, I highly recommend this eBook: “Coconut Oil For Your Skin – Nourishing Your Body From The Outside In“. For lots of health-related information on coconut oil, I have found this book from the founders of Tropical Traditions to be very informative. Virgin Coconut Oil Book from Tropical Traditions
Coconut Oil: A Marvelous Yeast Infection Remedy | Natural Cures For Thrush Yeast infections impact 40 million Americans every. Single year, which is over. 12% of. the. U.S. population. Many people think a. Another facet of. These infections can. Often, a. Coconut oil has amazing. A gradual increase in. A huge. plus. Something I always like to convey: make. sure. your. Coconut oil does. Moreover, coconut oil is great for hair in. The Coconut Diet - Candida For the past 20 years I have been affected by a chronic illness which creates a susceptibility to opportunistic imbalances like candida. It's been 5 years that I have really been struggling with this (though the imbalance was established long before that). I read that taking Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil (TTVCO) could help with a candida imbalance and it really has. Of course, I did experience the dread die-off when I began the TTVCO (Feb '04), which is not pleasant, but I know of nothing that works to balance this situation without creating a die-off. I began using the coconut oil at 1 tsp the first day and increased by 1 tsp each day until I was taking 1 tbls with each meal (3x/day). Candida albicans is yeast (or fungus) that normally inhabits our digestive system. Yeast-connected health problems occur in people of all ages and both sexes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. To determine if you might suffer from candida, Dr. Research The Coconut Diet Anti-Yeast Program
Trouble Sleeping? Make Sure You Turn Glowing Gadgets Off After Sunset There's growing concern among experts that the proliferation of glowing gadgets like computers may fool your brain into thinking that it's still daytime after the sun has gone down. Exposure during the night can disturb sleep patterns and exacerbate insomnia. Such concerns are not new -- Thomas Edison may have created these problems when he invented the light bulb. But the problem has grown worse thanks to the popularity of Apple's new slate computer, the iPad. Many consumers use an iPad to read at night, and unlike paper books or e-book readers like the Amazon Kindle, which does not emit its own light, the iPad's screen shines light directly into your eyes from a relatively close distance. According to CNN: "That makes the iPad and laptops more likely to disrupt sleep patterns than, say, a television sitting across the bedroom or a lamp that illuminates a paper book, both of which shoot far less light straight into the eye, researchers said." "J.D. Daytime Light Exposure Matters as Well