Feature Story: Writing to Heal: Research shows writing about emotional experiences can have tangible health benefits For nearly 20 years, Dr. James W. Pennebaker has been giving people an assignment: write down your deepest feelings about an emotional upheaval in your life for 15 or 20 minutes a day for four consecutive days. Many of those who followed his simple instructions have found their immune systems strengthened. Pennebaker, a professor in the Department of Psychology at The University of Texas at Austin and author of several books, including “Opening Up” and “Writing to Heal,” is a pioneer in the study of using expressive writing as a route to healing. “When people are given the opportunity to write about emotional upheavals, they often experience improved health,” Pennebaker says. In his early research Pennebaker was interested in how people who have powerful secrets are more prone to a variety of health problems. It turned out that often they would, and that it wasn’t even necessary for people to tell their secrets to someone else. The Charlotte, N.C. Vivé Griffith Office of Public Affairs
100 Excellent Art Therapy Exercises for Your Mind, Body, and Soul January 9th, 2011 Pablo Picasso once said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." It's no surprise, then, that many people around the world use art as a means to deal with stress, trauma and unhappiness – or to just find greater peace and meaning in their lives. If you're curious about what art therapy has to offer, you can try out some of these great solo exercises at home to help nurse your mind, body and soul back to health. If you like the experience, you can also seek out professional art therapy treatment in your area. Emotions Deal with emotions like anger and sadness through these helpful exercises. Draw or paint your emotions. Relaxation Art therapy can be a great way to relax. Paint to music. Happiness Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good. Draw your vision of a perfect day. Portraits Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through portraits. Collaging Self
Journal Writing Prompts La Photographie comme langage A - Conditions matérielles B - Déroulement du travail a. b. c. d. C - Consignes methodologiques à transmettre au groupe. a. b. c. d. A - Conditions matérielles Dans un travail Photolangage avec un groupe, l'organisation du temps et de l'espace est très importante. - une salle suffisamment grande pour disposer de deux espaces, l'un où l'animateur-formateur expose les photographies sur des tables autour desquelles les participants pourront circuler librement (temps II) ; l'autre où ils se réunissent assis avec l'animateur-formateur pour le travail de groupe (temps I, III et IV). - un jeu d'une cinquantaine de photographies sélectionnées en fonction d'un thème et d'un public B - Déroulement du travail Un travail Photolangage en groupe comporte au minimum trois temps. 1. une présentation du travail au groupe (environ une dizaine de minutes). 2. un choix individuel de photographies (de 5 à 10 minutes environ). 3. un travail de groupe (de une à trois heures). Nous pouvons commencer.
how to be creative: re-create what's broken | Inner Canvas | InnerCanvas The creative process is chock-full of hope. Because it is an ever revolving door, even in the direst of moments when we feel backed into that dank and dead end alley, it invites us to re-create our brokenness. In the broadest sense of things, the creative process allows us to believe in that old adage that is said to come from Nietzsche: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Because, really, what choice do we have but to make something out of our tragedy? In essence, there are no new projects. Don’t get me wrong–I’m not talking about repetition where there is the factory line of rubber stamping going on over and over again–endlessly. What is your inner canvas inviting you to re-create? Here’s a story about Mandy. When we met, she thought she was a dead end. In our work, I kept asking the question, what is it that your inner canvas is inviting you to create? At first, she only recycled the old stories. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
art journaling as a creative process Writing Exercises and Prompts for Journaling, Prose, Poetry and Memoirs These Writing Exercises are a collection of prompts originally published in The Journal Newsletter. The prompts include journaling prompts, prose prompts, poetry prompts, free writing prompts, and memoir prompts. Jump to the exercises you would like to see: Prompts Copyright © by Susan Michael and David Michael. Journaling Prompts Journaling Prompt - Imagine yourself in a place you like to be (not necessarily someplace you like to *go*). Journaling Prompt - Pretend that you see yourself walking into a room. Journaling Prompt - Create a list of images that symbolize the following: toughness, cruelty toughness, strength Journaling Prompt - Close your eyes for a minute and imagine you are skydiving. Journaling Prompt - Sit yourself in a favorite spot, or imagine an ideal place and describe it as an expanding bubble or sphere. Journaling Prompt - Hold your hands out in front of you, palms down. Journaling Prompt - By what do you measure your value as a person? Free Writing Prompts
Joyeuses fêtes : 37 exercices d'art-thérapie pour se détendre pendant les fêtes de fin d'année BIEN-ETRE - Les vacances de Noël arrivent enfin et, avec elles, la ribambelle de réunions familiales et de repas, qui génèrent pas mal de stress chez bon nombre d’entre nous. Vous redoutez les conversations sans fin avec votre grand-tante Judith? Les résolutions du Nouvel An vous angoissent? Laissez-vous tenter par nos modestes suggestions et servez-vous de votre créativité pour vous relaxer intérieurement. L’art-thérapie prône l’idée que l’expression artistique peut nous faire du bien, nous aider avec davantage confiance en nous ou simplement nous détendre. A l’inverse de la plupart des thérapies, qui reposent sur le langage comme mode principal de communication, l’art fait appel à d’autres ressources, bien plus difficiles à définir. Nous n’avons pas la prétention de nous considérer comme thérapeutes, mais nous avons sélectionné ci-dessous quelques conseils de base inspirés des techniques habituelles de l’art-thérapie. Alors, tenez-vous prêts! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
10 Journal Keeping Ideas that Will Enhance Your Life What should I write about? Will it sound dumb? Will I run out of ideas before I even get started? Keeping a journal can be a rewarding experience, but lots of people don’t know where to begin. My personal favorites are reflection and goal journals, but everyone has a different favorite. And that’s okay! 1. There was a green robot. Dream journals are a lot of fun. 2. A “record-keeping” journal is nothing but the facts. 3. Gratitude journals are extremely rewarding. 4. Online journaling, or blogging, has gained popularity in recent years. 5. If words aren’t your thing, consider a collage or art journal. 6. Are you the brilliant thinker? 7. Scholars regularly publish in academic journals, but what about keeping your own personal academic journal? 8. A gift journal is unlike every other journal because *gasp* it’s not meant for you. 9. Therapy and personal reflection journals can be difficult. But it can be extremely helpful in allowing you to move on from those things. 10.
Supplies for Journaling There's oodles of creative fun to be had painting an art journal, which is art-making, diary-keeping, and journaling all in one. The starting point is having a stash of supplies organized and easily available so you never have to interrupt your creative flow because of a lack of something. Then some appealing paper or journal to work in, and a nice pen. 1. Gather Your Usual Painting Supplies Image: © 2008 Marion Boddy-Evans. All your existing art supplies -- paints and brushes, crayons, pencils, paper, canvas, etc. -- can be used for art journaling or creating altered pages. 2. Photo © Marion Boddy-Evans. If you're concerned about the longevity of what you're creating, use archival glue and tape, which will last and not "eat" the paper over time. If you're using with acrylic paint, this also works as a glue, as does many acrylic mediums (especially those that dry clear rather than white). 3. Marker pens make it easy to add lettering. 4. 5. 6. Image ©Marion Boddy-Evans. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Le photolangage | Les cahiers du DD - outil complet 3e année AXE : Comprendre le développement durable Le photolangage est une technique d’animation destinée à libérer la parole et à faciliter un travail sur les représentations initiales personnelles et collectives. Basé sur l’interprétation visuelle et l’expression orale, il est accessible à un large public et évite ainsi l’exclusion des personnes en difficulté de lecture et d’écriture. De plus, assurant à chacun la liberté de pensée et d’expression, il favorise les échanges entre les personnes et une réflexion collective approfondie autour d’un sujet donné. Dans le cadre de l’outil « Les Cahiers du Développement Durable », nous proposons cette méthode pour aborder, définir et plus tard approfondir avec les élèves la notion de développement durable. Nous souhaitons aider les élèves à : L’activité se déroule en 3 étapes, chacune au moins d’une unité de cours (50 minutes). Étape 1 : Le photolangage Étape 2 : Réalisation d’un poster Étape 3 : Débat « Comment devenir un éco-citoyen ?