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12 Things Successful People Do Differently

12 Things Successful People Do Differently
Email I’ve always been fascinated by people who are consistently successful at what they do; especially those who experience repeated success in many areas of their life throughout their lifetime. In entertainment, I think of Clint Eastwood and Oprah Winfrey. In business, I think of Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett. We all have our own examples of super successful people like these who we admire. Over the years I’ve studied the lives of numerous successful people. 1. Successful people are objective. S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Specific – A general goal would be, “Get in shape.” When you identify S.M.A.R.T. goals that are truly important to you, you become motivated to figure out ways to attain them. 2. Sadly, very few people ever live to become the success story they dream about. They never take action! The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing. 3. In his book, The 4-Hour Workweek Just take a quick look around. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8.

Reading On A Screen Before Bed Might Be Killing You You've heard that using screens before bedtime can mess with your sleep, but new research suggests the problem is even more serious. Reading from an iPad before bed not only makes it harder to fall asleep, but also impacts how sleepy and alert you are the next day, according to new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, said the findings could impact anyone who uses an eReader, laptop, smartphone, or certain TVs before bed. The new research supports conclusions from older studies, which have also found that screen time before sleep can be detrimental. "We know from previous work that light from screens in the evening alters sleepiness and alertness, and suppresses melatonin levels," Dr. Needless to say, sleep has its own innate benefits, so cutting it short is a bad idea anyway.

7 Realities of Life That Will Motivate You and Lead You To Path of Happiness and Success Motivation, Success and Happiness come together hand in hand. Sometimes it takes a healthy dose of tough love to snap people out of their sluggish existence. If you want to lead a successful life, you need to confront these seven harsh truths today. 1. You are going to die. 2. You are obsessed with trivial things. 3. You are a sheep. 4. You are a slave to your past. 5. You are a weakling. 6. You are a people-pleaser. 7. You are spine-less. We’re looking for contributors! Get similar stories in your feed Trending Articles

Top 10 Motivational Articles you Must Read to be Successful 1. 24 “Dwayne Johnson” Motivational Picture Quotes “Be the person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning the devil says, “Awe sh!t, they’re up!”” Read Full Article Here 2. 9 Useful Tips To Help You Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions Be realistic with yourself when setting your resolutions.Keep it simple.Make specific and challenging goals, rather than broad or easy ones.Start taking action toward your goals instead of spending too much time in your head. Read Full Article Here 3. Unfortunately, most people never set goals, or challenge themselves. Read Full Article Here 4. Sometimes, success is less about what you do and more about what you don’t do. Are you struggling to get motivated? Read Full Article Here 5. 50 All Inspiring Quotes To Keep You Motivated When Startup Life Gets You Down Life at a startup isn’t all free pizza and ping pong. Read Full Article Here 6. Read Full Article Here 7. 90 Days to New Habits ON THE FIFTH DAY of the rest of my life, I was on a bit of a roll.

20 Quick Reads that Will Change the Way You Live, Love and Work Email “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” ―Oscar Wilde Based on a recommendation from an old friend, who also happens to be a psychologist and a successful entrepreneur, I read John Maxwell’s book Failing Forward this past week. “Four monkeys were placed in a room that had a tall pole in the center. Now, if it were possible to ask those monkeys why they wouldn’t climb the pole, or allow any other monkey to climb the pole, I bet they would say something like, “I don’t know. Does that sound at all familiar to you? No doubt, one of the greatest challenges in life is being your best in a world that’s trying to keep you in line with everyone else. So with this in mind, it’s time to read or re-read our twenty most popular posts (based on the number of reader views, shares and comments) from this past year. Reminder: Have you checked out our book? Closing Thoughts So thank you for sharing our work with others. Your turn…

The Messages Are All Around You. The Answers Are Always There! | Keyon Bayani The other day, I went for a nice long walk by myself and enjoyed watching the cars go by, the beautiful green leaves and big trunks of the trees and feeling the gentle cool wind on my skin as I was breaking out in a sweat. I was also listening to my playlist of carefully selected favorite songs. Then I realized, as I watched people rushing past me dressed in their suits and work clothes, that I have become a slave to money. A slave to my lifestyle choices. The more money I made, the more I spent, bought, invested and of course, with all of that, my responsibilities and stress grew too. Then the song, "Born To Be Alive" by Patrick Hernandez came on (yep that's one of my favorites on my playlist) and for the first time ever, I actually listened to the words apart from just belting out the chorus... He sings... "People ask me why I never find a place to stop and settle down, down, down, But I never wanted all the things that people need to justify their lives, lives, lives..." Oh wow!

15 Things Exceptional People Think Each Day | People that are viewed as exceptional or successful are not necessarily smarter than the average person or luckier. What they do is live their lives like the philosopher Aristotle suggested in his quote "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit." Here are things that exceptional people think, say and do every day that has led to their success. Review Goals Goals are not something that you should review every few years, or even every few months. Logic and Reasons Exceptional people often use the words "here is what I am thinking." Admit When Wrong No one is perfect and everyone makes a bad decision every now and then. Praise Others In many businesses, people are quick to point out mistakes but are less likely to point out when someone has done a good job. Be Appreciative One thing that exceptional people do that many other people do not is accept compliments well. "I Need Training" Love of Life There Are No Limits Personal Time is Critical People are Important Never Quit

6 Life-Changing Advice That Will Help You Remain Consistently Happy Throughout Your Life I’ve found that there are a few key habits which, for me, act as great rituals for enabling me to be consistently happy. They also act as anchor activities to bring my happiness level back up quickly whenever I have a period where I’m not feeling 100%. So here are 6 of the things I do: 1. Wake up early One of the things I love about running my own startup is that I have complete freedom to experiment with my daily routine. Through experimentation, I’ve found that waking up early every day makes me feel most invigorated and happy. “I get up at 6:00 a.m. every day, even on weekends and vacation, because I love it.” Waking up early every day requires discipline, especially about what time I sleep. The power with your mornings is that you will have about 25,000 of them in your life, so there’s a lot of room to experiment. 2. “We found that people who are more physically active have more pleasant-activated feelings than people who are less active” – Amanda Hyde 3. 4. 5. 6.

Being Mindful About Mindfulness | Robyn Brentano Can we be more mindful about mindfulness? Practicing mindfulness can sharpen attention, improve health and increase productivity. However, as mindfulness spreads into more and more areas of modern life, some advocates of the practice are concerned that it is being separated from ethics. At the recent Mind & Life International Symposium for Contemplative Studies, the Dalai Lama was asked: "Are there any guiding principles that should be considered when applying mindfulness to settings such as business and the military?" In other words, is mindfulness practice inherently good? It's a question worth asking. While mindfulness is attracting attention precisely because it does help people manage stress and improve their focus and overall well being, especially in the workplace, it can also be fertile ground for developing empathy and compassion. Whatever your practice might be, I hope that it involves training in compassion.

17 Must Read Books on Becoming Instantly More Productive and How To Manage Life Better Manage your time Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life In Getting Results the Agile Way, author J.D. Meier introduces Agile Results®-a simple system for meaningful results! It’s a systematic way to achieve both short- and long-term results in all aspects of your life-from work to fun. It offers just enough planning to get you going, but makes it easy to change your course as needed. When you’re ready for more, flip through the chapters to learn how to use stories to design your day, week, month, and year; how to find your motivation; how to improve your productivity; and many more. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity In today’s world, yesterday’s methods just don’t work. From core principles to proven tricks, Getting Things Done can transform the way you work, showing you how to pick up the pace without wearing yourself down The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated) Eat That Frog!

The 5 Questions Successful People Routinely Ask Themselves While everyone has a different definition of professional success, the one thing all successful people share in common is a drive to be better than the day before. Whether you’re looking for a new job, looking to make your company a success, or just reaching for the next rung on the career ladder, forward momentum is key. In the hustle and bustle, we can often skip asking ourselves the big questions. These questions are necessary to ensure we’re keeping our goals in sight and moving in the right direction. Once upon a time, another entrepreneur, leader, and inventor asked himself the tough questions. In the book, Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, author Mason Currey took a look at the daily rituals of some of the most successful and artistic people throughout history. Bookending his day with these simple questions helped Franklin focus on his goals and point his efforts in the right direction. Here are five questions successful people ask themselves in order to reach their goals: 1. 2. 3.

The 80/20 Rule Is True for What's Holding You Back, Too By now most of you are probably familiar with the Pareto Principle, more commonly referred to as the 80/20 Rule. Richard Koch’s approach to this principle, captured in a series of books, promises to teach you how to build businesses, simplify life, work smarter not harder, manage better and get richer. Perry Marshall’s brilliant dissection of the 80/20 Principle, 80/20 Sales and Marketing, demonstrates how results magnify by fractals when this rule is applied to the marketing and sales process. In a nutshell, the Pareto Principle says that 80 percent of your results will be caused by 20 percent of your efforts. One of the principles I live by is that any true equation has to be true from either side of the equal sign. In any business 20 percent of your employees cause 80 percent of your employee-related headaches. Related: The 80/20 Rule and Listening to Your Inner Procrastinator I first noticed this phenomena consulting with owners of small service-based businesses.

Confront These 7 Harsh Realities of Life to Live a Life of Unlimited Happiness and Success Motivation, Success and Happiness come together hand in hand. Sometimes it takes a healthy dose of tough love to snap people out of their sluggish existence. If you want to lead a successful life, you need to confront these seven harsh truths today. 1. The grave is where you will end your life, so it’s not like you have anything to lose. You are going to die. 2. You are obsessed with trivial things. 3. You are a sheep. 4. You are a slave to your past. 5. You are a weakling. 6. You are a people-pleaser. 7. You are spine-less. Trending Articles inShare2
