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Santa's Mission

Santa's Mission
Santa's Mission C. Rollo (Ac. Versailles) Every school Every street Every city Dear Children around the world,I need your help to save Christmas.The Grinch stole four of my reindeer and Christmas is in 30mns! Chers enfants des quatre coins de la terre,J'ai besoin de votre aide.Le Grinch a volé quatre de mes rennes et les premières célébrations commencent dans 30 minutes.Il a caché les rennes dans plusieurs endroits du monde, trouve-les et sauve-les.Bonne chance,Santa Claus What is Santa Claus's favourite treat? Mission 1: London Click on the Grinch Order the events. Mog is contemplating her favourite food, an egg Mog is purring in the arms of Debbie The Thomas family and the neighbours arecelebrating Christmas together. The neighbors are cleaning up the house Mog is pulling out the christmas lights The Thomas family is sleeping A turkey is burning Mog is trying to escape Mog is having a nightmare Thank you! Mission 2: New York Where was this photo taken? Click on the third Christmas stocking. Mission 4: Sydney

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