A l'usage des enseignants, spécialement en maternelle ...
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ecole de juliette
Voici une petite liste des thèmes les plus fréquemment utilisés en cycle 1. Ils sont rangés par ordre alphabétique. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous voulez en rajouter! A Abeille - Afrique - Alimentation - Animaux - Asie - Automne - B Bateaux - C Carnaval - Chat - Cirque - Corps - Couleurs - Crêpes - D Dinosaures - Doudous - E Eau - Escargot - Eté - Etoiles - F Famille - Ferme Fête des mères - Fêtes des pères - G Galette (fête des rois) - H Habillage - Halloween (les sorcières) - Hiver - I Indiens - Insectes - Instruments de musique - J Jardin - L Loup - Licorne - M Moyen Age - N Neige - Noël - Nuit - P Pain - Papillon - Pâques - Pirates - Pluie - Poissons - Pomme - Prémon - Printemps - R Rentrée des classes - S St Valentin - 5 sens - T Têtard - Tortue - Transports - Z Zoo - Les crêpes
Space Centers and Activities
This week we have been learning about space and things in the sky. Below are some pictures of our centers and some activities we did in class this week. Rocket number order we counted the stripes on Dr. We rolled the die and +/- cube to cover the stars. Our pocket chart story this week We practiced sounding out 4 letter words. At this center they had to change the middle sound to the correct sound and stamp the letter. The mystery can and sound graphing. We practiced writing complete sentences this week too. Stamping long vowel sounds My kids are getting so good at coins and their value...this was a great reinforcer center. Roll the money cube and write the value. Space addition...they had to find the matching Earths...count each set and add them up. Here, they rolled dice and found the sum Counting sets of stars by 10 We balloon painted a white piece of paper and then made moons out of them...this was so much fun. Mrs. It was fun. Here are a few examples of our moons and facts.
Kate Hadfield Designs
2 Teaching Mommies