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28 Powerful Photoshop Lighting Effects | Tutorials There is something about beautiful lights that can mesmerize an audience. Take a fireworks show for example. It’s been around for thousands of years, yet still has the power to put looks of amazement on faces of all ages. Below is a collection of the best Photoshop tutorials for creating powerful lighting effects. Amazing Photoshop Light Effect In 10 Steps A smokey light effect complete with glowing particles. Fire Lines Tutorial This tutorial teaches you how to create stylish fire lines in only 10 steps. Luminescent Lines Iron Man View Interface Effect In Photoshop This is very close to the amazing effects seen in the movie. Luminescent Lines Advanced Glow Effects A Cool Lighting Effect In Photoshop End of the World Photo Manipulation Creating Smoke A popular effect explained very well. Design a Coldplay/Apple Inspired Portrait in Photoshop This one shows you how to design portraits based on the Coldplay – Apple ad. Magic Lighting Effect In Photoshop Flying Girl In Photoshop Expressive lighting effects

iotacons Logo Templates Google, Youtube, Coca-cola, Nike, Twitter... What do all of these great companies have in common? If you guessed it’s that they all have powerfully recognizable brands, then you guessed right. A logo is a graphic mark or symbol used to identify your brand. It’s more than just a name and much more powerful than you’d expect. A good company logo can be an extremely valuable asset for your brand for many reasons: Logos make it easier to identify your specific brand in a sea of corporate giants and startup companies; They instantly represent your company’s genre, purpose and mission through cleverly-designed visual properties; They build customer confidence by showcasing themselves as professional, creative symbols; And if designed properly, logos even have the power to draw in new customers through their exquisite charm and relatability. So the point isn’t really whether you do or don’t need a logo—you 100% do. A logo can make or break your business, and no: we are not exaggerating here.

The Design Inspiration - Daily Logo Designs, Illustration Art, Website Showcase, Photos and Patterns Quilling – The Art of Turning Paper Strips into Intricate Artworks Quilling is the art of creating decorative designs from thin strips of curled paper. This age-old art of paper quilling has been around since Renaissance which dates back to about 3 to 4 centuries during the time when the nuns used small edges trimmed from the Bible pages to create simple but beautiful form of artistry. Using simple tools, long strips of paper are tightly wound and released to form complicated and complex shapes. This form of art was also known as "Paper Filligree". Because of how the scrapped of paper were wrapped around goose quilles to create "coiled shapes", it was later known as "Quilling".

Musée virtuel - Reproduction de tableaux - Copies de peintures à l'huile peinte à la main 5 tips on how to prepare a design presentation You lost. The work was on brief, you spent hours getting it ready and the client generally loved it. So what happened? All things being equal, I’d say someone else had a better presentation. 1. Why is this border yellow? If you ever stared at a client with a blank face after hearing questions like these, you made 1 tiny mistake in your workflow — you forgot there was a client involved with your project. Every design decision you make has to be driven by rationale — and reasons to support it. When you approach design projects this way, you solve 2 important problems: first, your designs become functional, not just eye pleasing and second, you have an answer ready when your client pops the question. Be ruthless while designing — keep asking yourself questions and finding good answers for everything you do. 2. When client hires someone to build a house, he knows that it’s not an easy task to do. Sadly, not everyone knows how hard it is to come up with a good design solution. 3. 4. 5.

Flooby Nooby The 100 Greatest Free Fonts for 2014 Here we are, once again, with our now-famous selection of the top 100 free fonts for 2014. This year we have only selected fonts published or updated in late 2013 and 2014, giving you one of the most up-to-date lists around. The majority are completely free with licenses for commercial use; the odd few available for personal use only have extended license options at a very reasonable price. The free font list comprises both entire font families and single weight downloads; either way, there is something for everyone and we think you'll love the ones we have picked out for you. Font Selection We have selected all kinds of typefaces which can be seamlessly integrated into any design: Sans Serif, Slab Serif, Rounded, Decorative, Display, Art Deco, Geometric, Futuristic, and many more besides. We have categorized the typefaces to help you browse more efficiently. Sans-Serif Typefaces Display and Decorative typefaces Serif Typefaces Script, Calligraphic and Hand-drawn

20 Creative Abstract Graphic Illustrations and Photo manipulations by Rik Oostenbroek Citymall-LOVE Christmas - Inspiring 3D Short Animation Nescafe Cappucinot Metachaos 15 sfaturi despre cum poti deveni un programator bun venite de la specialisti romani - WORLDIT Am fost intrebat de numeroase ori cum poate un incepator sa se apuce de programare, cum poate evolua, ce resurse (carti, ghiduri samd) trebuie sa aiba in vedere un incepator in programare pentru a deveni mai bun. De aceea, am provocat patru romani ce s-au evidentiat de-a lungul timpului prin rezultate exceptionale in diverse arii ale domeniului IT (in special dezvoltare sofware si algoritmica) atat in Romania cat si in strainatate sa imi raspunda la cateva intrebari si sa ofere sfaturi punctuale. Adrian Budau, Bogdan Gaza, Ionut Budisteanu si Mihai Maruseac ne vor impartasi din experienta lor in acest domeniu vast si ne vor da sfaturi utile pentru primii pasi in cariera de programator/inginer software – cum te poti apuca de programare, ce ar trebui sa inveti, care sunt cele mai bune tehnici de programare, cum te poti evidentia fata de ceilalti programatori samd. Adrian Budau: Nu te descuraja de rezultatele sau de viteza cu care pricepi tehnicile de programare Budisteanu Ionut Alexandru

Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful.-Lao Tzu
