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What It’s Like to Live in a Universe of Ten Dimensions

What It’s Like to Live in a Universe of Ten Dimensions
by Maria Popova What songwriting has to do with string theory. What would happen if you crossed the physics of time with the science of something and nothing? You might get closer to understanding the multiverse. In Imagining the Tenth Dimension: A New Way of Thinking About Time and Space, Rob Bryanton — a self-described “non-scientist with an inquisitive mind,” whose dayjob as a sound designer involves composing music for TV series and films — proposes a theory of the universe based on ten dimensions, a bold and progressive lens on string theory based on the idea that countless tiny “superstrings” are vibrating in a tenth dimension. For a taste, here is a mind-bending explanation of ten dimensions might mean: The project began as a set of 26 songs, exploring the intersection of science and philosophy. Before launching into the additional dimensions, Bryanton also breaks down the familiar three: HT It’s Okay To Be Smart Donating = Loving Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Related:  new docs (août15)new docs (août15)

Where Are You Really? © 2011 by Gary Vey exclusively for Viewzone Exactly where are you? Right now, as you read this, your attention is focused on the words and phrases as you scan the page with your eyes. You might even hear a familiar voice in your mind, reading the text. At the same time, words and phrases create ideas and visual images associated with memories. All of this information is being provided to you in the comfort of your most private and intimate space. If the eyes are really the "window to the soul" then the soul -- and perhaps the conscious "I AM" -- must be located just behind the eyes. The notion that consciousness resides somewhere in the brain is a somewhat modern idea. Descartes insisted that the pineal gland was the "seat of the soul" because it was a rare single structure, centrally located in the brain. Left Brain or Right Brain: Where is consciousness? Our brain, like the rest of our anatomy, is made up of two halves, a left brain and a right brain. Consciousness is NOT Personality

Kicker Studio: The Disciplines of User Experience UPDATE: I updated this diagram in 2009 for the second edition of Designing for Interaction that addresses some of the shortcomings I note below. The diagram now looks like this (click for larger image): Like almost nothing I’ve done, a model that I put in my first book Designing for Interaction showing the overlapping disciplines of user experience/experience design has been referenced repeatedly in various places. The problem is I was never very happy with the diagram. Click for a larger image or download the pdf. It’s still not perfect: it’s missing Sound Design and Ergonomics/Human Factors, and the way the circles had to overlap downplays Visual Design. This diagram also begs the question: what is user experience design by itself, those areas that aren’t filled up with other bubbles?

The Pay Ethic We hear a lot about the work ethic, the notion that hard work is inherently virtuous. We don’t hear nearly so much about its dual, the Pay Ethic. The Pay Ethic is the idea that paying generously is a virtue. The two ethics really are dual of each other. When the two ethics fall out of balance, civilization is compromised. Libertarians and free-market advocates might call this heretical: Capitalism, they will claim, is built on greed, founded on squeezing every ounce of profit from people like cattle. The truth is this: if a business is in such straits that it can only survive by cutting corners from the payroll, then that business is not a productive asset. The Pay Ethic doesn’t just apply to employers or people who patronize art. Or if you prefer, have it the other way. Why the U.S. should implement Basic IncomeLegitimacyDictators: How to Immunize Yourselves against Revolution

Rife Cancer Cure The Rife Microscope Cancer Cure Story Strange Beliefs: Cancer Cure Created 12/28/2001 - Updated 11/20/2007 a super microscope | seeing live viruses | glowing viruses | viruses cause cancer shattering germs with radio waves | cancer cure? | suppression or quackery | frequencies and how to get them | references The Reasonable Persons Guide to Strange Ideas next examines one of the most astounding claims on the net. Overview of Claims Some claim that Dr. The Rife Microscopes No one doubts that Royal Raymond Rife was a real individual who did indeed create several unique microscopes. One microscope expert reading this article wrote that Baush and Lomb offered Rife "a ton of money" in the late 1930's but B and L ran because the microscope was a fraud. Goal of This Article This author hopes to entice you to think, to learn and to explore science.

Workshop / Chrome Experiments Unfortunately, either your web browser or your graphics card doesn't support WebGL. We recommend you try it again with Google Chrome. Proteus In Greek mythology, Proteus (/ˈproʊtiəs, -tjuːs/;[1] Greek: Πρωτεύς) is an early sea-god or god of rivers and oceanic bodies of water, one of several deities whom Homer calls the "Old Man of the Sea".[2] Some who ascribe to him a specific domain call him the god of "elusive sea change", which suggests the constantly changing nature of the sea or the liquid quality of water in general. He can foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar to several cultures, will change his shape to avoid having to; he will answer only to someone who is capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective protean, with the general meaning of "versatile", "mutable", "capable of assuming many forms". "Protean" has positive connotations of flexibility, versatility and adaptability. Etymology[edit] In Greek mythology[edit] Another Proteus occurs in Greek myth as one of the fifty sons of King Aegyptus. Proteus of Egypt[edit] In alchemy and psychology[edit] In literature[edit] See also[edit]

What Would It Take to Kill Hollywood? And Should We Try? By Alyssa Rosenberg on January 25, 2012 at 9:52 am "What Would It Take To Kill Hollywood? And Should We Try?" Paul Graham, the founder of start-up seeder Y Combinator has decided that the fight over SOPA and PIPA proves that Hollywood is a dying industry, and has issued calls for competitors to kill it: That’s one reason we want to fund startups that will compete with movies and TV, but not the main reason. That’s a big task, and one that comes with formidable obstacles. Second, and relatedly, knowing how to distribute content isn’t the same thing as knowing how to produce it, or to spot what’s good about a project, or to know how to make it work. Third, I don’t know that there’s good evidence that there will be a direct tradeoff between movie spending and other forms of entertaining.

The Library of Halexandriah The Venus Project In A Nutshell (Almost) #The_Venus_Project: It’s complex and not easy to explain in 140 words: #The_Venus_Project: depends on a non-interpretable-language to be used by the entire world’s population. #The_Venus_Project: Also all national boundaries will cease to exist producing a world-wide community. #The_Venus_Project: has no government, laws, armies, shops or money. #The_Venus_Project: People get supplied all the basics they need from supply points for free #The_Venus_Project: uninterrupted communications system with data from all over the world being available 2 all people. #The_Venus_Project: People will understand exactly how much resources are available for them #The_Venus_Project: People will understand exact details about that service or product using a new non-interpretative-language #The_Venus_Project :

Aux racines de l’extrémisme juif en Israël, une affaire de famille Le 31 juillet, un incendie criminel dans le village de Douma, en Cisjordanie, causait la mort d’un enfant de 18 mois et de son père, déclenchant une vague d’indignation à travers le monde. Les autorités israéliennes y ont réagi en s’attaquant à la mouvance extrémiste juive Noar Ha Gvaot, « Les Jeunes des collines ». Quatre membres présumés de ce groupe ont été placés en détention administrative, une mesure d’exception permettant un emprisonnement de six mois sans que le détenu soit informé des accusations qui pèsent contre lui. Parmi eux figure Meïr Ettinger, 23 ans. Une affaire de famille Ce phénomène extrémiste sioniste n’est pas nouveau en Israël. Meïr Ettinger en est un symbole. Son grand-père, le rabbin Meïr Kahane, est considéré comme le parrain de l’extrémisme juif contemporain. Lire aussi : En Israël, la « guerre sainte » des colons radicaux Racines américaines Kahane, né en 1932 à New York, a passé la première moitié de sa vie militante à Brooklyn. Morgane Bona

iPhone 5 details leaked by Foxconn employee? Another day, another iPhone 5 rumor. This time it’s supposedly from a Foxconn employee, claims 9to5mac. The website reported that the iPhone 5 is currently “geared for production”, with sample devices floating around. The sample devices reportedly feature a 4+ inch display (made by LG on at least one of them), will not have a teardrop-shaped body, have been longer/wider than the existing iPhone, and won’t have the same iPhone 4/4S form factor. It was also mentioned that none of the samples are final versions either. There is no guarantee that the final iPhone 5 will feature any of the aforementioned details and again, there’s no way to tell if the reports are true either. .

structure Pearltrees Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pearltrees Pearltrees est un service qui permet à ses utilisateurs d'organiser, d'explorer et de partager des pages web, des notes, des photos ou des fichiers. Suivant la logique de curation de contenu (faire ressortir le meilleur contenu du web), Pearltrees fait à la fois office d'agrégateur de contenu mais aussi de moteur de recherche communautaire. Son concept repose sur l'idée que la multiplication des contenus (blogues, images, vidéos, etc.) rend nécessaire une organisation humaine du web[1]. Le réseau d'utilisateurs de Pearltrees s'étend aujourd'hui à de nombreux pays : l'application a été saluée en France et dans la Silicon Valley, et est maintenant utilisée dans plus de 150 pays[2]. Origine et concept[modifier | modifier le code] La société à l'origine de Pearltrees a depuis fait évoluer son produit vers un ersatz de Digg, avec une présentation en carrés côte à côte et une hiérarchisation en dossiers "à-là" Explorateur Windows.
