ABTorrents – A Great Audio Book Torrent Site Torrent sites that track audio books are not new to this blog – we’ve already covered some leading names in this niche such as My Anonamouse, Bibliotik and CatTorrent. Anyways here’s a promising new specialized private tracker that caters for audiobooks and audiobooks only; ABTorrents. ABTorrents tracks a wide range of content including fiction, children’s books, adult novels, science fiction and books relating to many other topics - mostly non educational content. After entering the BitTorrent arena several months ago back in 2009, ABTorrents has recorded some impressive growth. The site has built both a strong enough community and a rich torrent index and shows signs of becoming another BitTorrent success story. As of 3/5/2010, ABTorrents currently tracks 1200+ torrents and 4400+ active members. Speaking of the content found on ABTorrents, there is no need to retell the fact that it’s full of audio books. Right now signups for ABTorrents are open.
FRAPS game capture video recorder fps viewer Finding Free eBooks & Audiobooks | THE source for BitTorrent & P2P Tips, Tricks and Info. | FileShareFreak Here’s a list of some common methods for finding eBooks and audiobooks on various P2P networks and protocols. An eBook, or Electronic book (sometimes spelled “E-Book”), is simply a book, magazine, manual etc. that has been released to digital format. They take many forms, such as *.PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files, *.CHM (similar to a Windows ‘help’ file), *.LIT files (Microsoft Reader) or just plain text files (ASCII). Usually when a book or magazine is converted to these formats (except ASCII), it is professionally done in deliberate support of the program that is opening it, making the reading experience far more enjoyable that reading it in a text editor like Notepad. An audiobook is a book that has been professionally narrated and saved to digital format. Retail audiobooks are normally found in the form of CD media to be enjoyed in any compact disk player. Searching for free eBooks & Audiobooks Alt.binaries.e-book Alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.audiobooks eBooks and audiobooks on BitTorrent:
List of common misconceptions From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries; the main subject articles can be consulted for more detail. A common misconception is a viewpoint or factoid that is often accepted as true but which is actually false. They generally arise from conventional wisdom (such as old wives' tales), stereotypes, superstitions, fallacies, a misunderstanding of science, or the popularization of pseudoscience. Arts and culture[edit] Business[edit] Federal legal tender laws in the United States do not require that private businesses, persons, or organizations accept cash for payment, though it must be treated as valid payment for debts when tendered to a creditor.[1] Food and cooking[edit] Food and drink history[edit] Microwave ovens[edit] Film and television[edit] Language[edit] English language[edit] Law, crime, and military[edit] Literature[edit]
WBFS Manager Random Acts Of Gaming: Excellent 'Blade Runner' Art Show at Bottleneck Gallery in Brooklyn by Alex Billington June 1, 2014 "It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does?" There's a new art show that just opened in Brooklyn themed to Ridley Scott's seminal sci-fi classic Blade Runner, first in theaters in the summer of 1982, 32 years ago. The gallery hosting the show is the Bottleneck Gallery, located right near the Williamsburg Bridge on the Brooklyn side, just off the Marcy Ave subway stop. In the same vein as Gallery1988 from LA, they host kick ass pop art shows in NY, this one featuring Blade Runner art and music inspired by the movie and it's a stellar show, worth visiting if you're in the area. Some photos of the gallery opening below, that I took myself. Here are a few more of my favorite pieces from the show, in full direct from their website - click each to buy: The full gallery is located at 60 Broadway in Brooklyn, NY just next to the Williamsburg Bridge, or visit the Bottleneck website for more info and more of the art from this Moments Lost show.
BSOSpirit -- Blade Runner (Vangelis) La Película | La Música | Secuencia a Secuencia | Curiosidades La Película (versión con voz en off distribuida en España por Warner Video) Tras años de ostracismo en las videotecas domésticas de algunos freaks, pasó de ser castigada por crítica y público a instalarse en el altar preferente del culto cinematográfico. Para quienes no la vimos hasta años después, el rechazo inicial es sorprendente. Muchos postulan que era demasiado adelantada para la época, pero es un argumento poco convincente pues bebe de las fuentes más antiguas del séptimo arte: la voz en off la conecta con el cine negro y no es difícil encontrar similitudes con Chinatown. Desde hace tiempo ya nadie duda en calificar esta película como ‘obra maestra’ en el sentido más literal de la expresión, pues es una de las más influyentes de los años ochenta por estos cinco elementos: El guión, basado en la novela de Philip K. La Música Los Discos La Música, Secuencia a Secuencia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Blog Tecnológico La semana pasada Blackslot estuvo presente en el encuentro de “Enpresa Digitala Invest”. En la inscripción del evento, invitaban a los participantes a realizar una breve presentación indicando qué hacían sus empresas, con qué objetivo participaban en el encuentro y qué tipo de colaboraciones estaban interesados en establecer. A la hora de preparar el discurso, me asaltaron muchas dudas y finalmente opté por presentar lo que hace Blackslot de la siguiente forma: En Blackslot ofrecemos servicios de hosting bajo plataforma cloud computing y, también ofrecemos, servicios de desarrollo web. Tras esta breve presentación, muchos me miraréis como las vacas al tren. -¿Eh? -Pues muy sencillo. En Blackslot queremos ACOMPAÑAR al usuario y ofrecer asistencia en todas esas fases de creación y puesta en marcha de la web, y, además, poder optimizar el funcionamiento de la web cuando ya está en producción. Voy a tratar de poner un ejemplo con cosas más cotidianas para que se entienda mejor.
Chernobyl disaster 25th anniversary On April 26, 1986, reactor number four at the Chernobyl nuclear power facility in what is now Ukraine exploded. The largest civil nuclear disaster in history led to mass evacuations, and long-term health, agricultural, and economic distress. The nearby city of Pripyat has been abandoned, and a 19-mile radius "exclusion zone" established where radiation contamination makes continued habitation dangerous. Collected here are archival pictures of the catastrophe, as well as more recent images of the area. Portadas de videojuegos hechas películas Originally Posted by nynt9 Friend of mine made this but he doesn't have a GAF account so I'm posting this for him: Originally Posted by TheMoon The Cabin in the WoodsTopical :DOMG OMG OMG OMG!!I was just sitting here thinking of a game to fit to that but the obvious thing didn't come to me! AWESOMESAUCE! :D Originally Posted by JazzmanZ Originally Posted by DoubleYou Originally Posted by CorySchmitz Ah man you beat me. Originally Posted by BakkaGames Originally Posted by Son Of D Tron Originally Posted by SalsaShark . Originally Posted by MMarston . Originally Posted by Nyteshade517 Originally Posted by VideoMan Originally Posted by SalsaShark Originally Posted by 8byte Originally Posted by chainfire95 Originally Posted by Sn4ke_911 Originally Posted by TheMoon Prometheuslast one for tonight ...this thread kept me up for 2 extra hours now lol Originally Posted by IdreamofHIME
What Is the Microsoft .NET Framework, and Why Is It Installed on My PC? If you’ve been using Windows for very long at all, you’ve probably heard of Microsoft’s .NET, probably because an application asked you to install it, or you noticed it in your list of installed programs. Unless you’re a developer, you don’t need a lot of knowledge to make use of it. You just need it to work. But, since we geeks like knowing things, join us as we explore just what .NET is and why so many applications need it. The .NET Framework, Explained The name “.NET Framework” itself is a bit of a misnomer. And that’s just one tiny example. So, why is the name a misnomer? Because in addition to serving as a framework of shared code, .NET also provides a runtime environment for applications. There are several advantages to having applications run inside a runtime environment. Microsoft has created other implementations of .NET to help resolve this. As you can imagine, a framework like .NET can be a real boon on the development side of things. How Does .NET Get on My System?
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