Today's Most Popular Study Guides
How to use songs in the English language classroom
What makes for a successful song-based lesson? Adam Simpson, second-time winner of the British Council’s Teaching English blog award for his post on conditionals (written with Paul Mains), explains. One of the big problems we all face, whether teaching English to children or adults, is maintaining learners’ interest throughout our lessons. Planning for the use of songs in class The process of selecting a song is one of the most difficult aspects of using music in a lesson. Carefully examine what it is you want your class to learn in the lesson Is this going to be a lesson focusing on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, or a particular topic? Think about the language level of your class The language level of your class will determine not only which songs you can use, but also what other activities – such as games or written exercises – you will use to develop the lesson. How old are your learners? Are there any specific cultural issues regarding the make-up of your class? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Teacher Resources, and Rubrics from
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Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets
"Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!" -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12 Like these materials? On this page you will find our complete list of high quality reading comprehension worksheets created specially by our team for students in grade levels K-12. READTHEORYWorkbooks Visit our online store here! Our reading comprehension worksheets teach students to think critically, draw inferences, understand scope and global concepts, find or recall details, and infer the meaning of useful vocabulary words. © COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The below publications contain copyrighted work to be used by teachers in school or at home. Grade 1 - Find more here! Phew! You really really like reading comprehension. Critical Thinking Reading Comprehension Worksheets Short Story Reading Comprehension Worksheets Answers for this series are included at the end of each worksheet."
Lessons & Classroom Games for Teachers -
Animal Crime Scene Investigator - A science and ESL lesson by: Regal Swan® Foundation, Inc. / Expected Learning Outcomes Students will understand predation and how nature controls the over-population of species. Students will have an understanding of how crime scene investigation requires the.. TUMMY RUB, HEAD PAT - Game by: re Try to pat your head with one hand while rubbing your stomach in circular motions with the other hand. ESL Game - Concentration by: kr Title: Concentration Type: Concentration Game Target: Any vocab or conversation pattern Materials: None Procedure: Assign each student an answer to the conversation question or a vocabulary word... Classroom Games - Draw the Teacher, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe & More by: Lucas Kent Stand Up, Sit Down, Turn Around This is a great review game for shapes, angles and more. 1) Draw the various shapes on the board. 2) Point to each shape and say its name. 3) Students repeat the.. Second Grade Technology Lesson Plans by: Collaborator
318 Free Writing Worksheets
As ESL teachers, we’ve all had those students who do great on their grammar exams, speak up confidently in class, and are always first to raise their hands for activities - and yet, when it comes time for a writing assignment, they can barely squeeze out a few short sentences. This can be frustrating for the student and teacher alike - but it’s the symptom of a problem that’s well-known in every teaching community: Speaking and writing are two very different skills. As with any new skill, practice is key - but students who have trouble writing aren’t usually keen to take on even more writing practice. After all, they might think, if their grammar and vocabulary are correct, and they don’t need to write in English for their jobs, what’s the point of drilling this skill? The answer is, of course, that the ability to write in English is key in the world and the workplace - from writing cover letters and CVs to drafting emails and client presentations.
Job Application
English Vocabulary Word Lists with Games, Puzzles and Quizzes English Vocabulary Word List addressageapplyarea codebirthdaycertificationchildrencitizenshipcitycollegecountrycriminal recorddatedate of birthdependentsdiplomadivorced educationeducational backgroundelementary schoolemployeeemployerexperiencefamily namefelony recordfemalefiredfirst namegendergraduate schoolhandicaphearingheighthigh school husband's namejunior collegejunior high schoollast namemalemarital statusmarriedmiddle namenamenext of kinnotifyoccupationphone numberphysical examinationpositionpresent addressprevious experience quitreason for leavingrelativessalaryseparatedsingleskillssocial security numberstatestreettelephone numbervisionweightwife's namezip code
Printable Teacher Forms and Templates
Printable Teacher Forms and Templates Teachers are always pressed for time. During the school year we are lucky to get just an hour to ourselves each day. This section is dedicated to helping you get more out of your day. A+ Teacher Routines- In this section you will find our forms and template makers that help you organize yourself and your students.Contacting Home- These items are all for communication directly or indirectly with parents.Creating Cooperative Groups- These tickets make it easy to form random cooperative learning groups.Grid (Graph) Paper- Save money on grid paper. Teacher Template Makers Classroom Materials Makers- The generators will allow you to make classroom materials by filling out a simple form.
Engelska 5 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet
Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i Engelska kurs A och 5 i gymnasieskolan. Proven i Engelska 5 kommer att ha samma övergripande karaktär och utformning som tidigare i Engelska A och samma indelning i delprov. De exempeluppgifter som finns för EnA är följaktligen också relevanta för En5. Provuppgifterna kommer framför allt från utprövningsmaterial som inte använts i prov, men också från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att Skolverkets kommentarmaterial till ämnesplanen: Om ämnet Engelska Generella bedömningsanvisningar Focus: Listening Flerval: Ten Journeys of a Lifetime Ljudfil (ca 14 min/13,2 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Blandat svarsformat: The River Police Ljudfil (19 min/17,4 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Matchning: Where are they Ljudfil (ca 9 min/6,5 MB) Bedömningsanvisningar Matchning: What's My Line? Ljudfil (ca 12 min/12 MB) Bedömninganvisningar Focus: Speaking Dilemmas Stay Put or Get Away A Good Life
Testing Talk - Home
What's new? 2014-10-30: Hurrah! Both Pia and Erica have been promoted to Associate Professors in English! 2014-10-23: Visiting scholar Silvia Kunitz has been with us for ten days. Many new papers in the pipeline! 2014-09-23: New publication out! 2014-08-25: Testing Talk is back in business! 2014-07-03: We are safely back in Sweden after a wonderful ICCA 2014, conference, where we presented a study of the systematics of codeswitching in EFL speaking tests. 2014-06-17: All speaking data from the national test 2014 have been collected and we conducted our final teacher interviews (round 1). 2014-05-25: Our proposed paper session "Diversity in language testing: Perspectives on L1 and L2 speaking, reading, and writing tests" has been accepted to NOFA 5, 27-29 May, 2015, Helsinki. 2014-05-23: First workshop series completed at all four participating schools. [More] Project description
Clue Mystery Match
Listen up, detectives! To solve this memory match mystery, flip over the cards and follow the clues... for every match you make, you'll be one step closer to cracking the case. Stay sharp and leave no card unturned! This online game is based on the venerable Clue board game series, and features all the familiar Clue characters, settings, and objects. Clue Mystery Match consists of three rounds, during which you must discover the details of Mr. Each round begins with a single card being put into the evidence envelope -- this card represents the murder location, murder weapon, or murderer.