Origami The folding of an Origami crane Origami (折り紙?, from ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper" (kami changes to gami due to rendaku) is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17th century AD at the latest and was popularized outside of Japan in the mid-1900s. It has since then evolved into a modern art form. The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques, and as such the use of cuts or glue are not considered to be origami. The principles of origami are also being used in stents, packaging and other engineering structures.[1] History There is much speculation about the origin of Origami. In China, traditional funerals include burning folded paper, most often representations of gold nuggets (yuanbao). The earliest evidence of paperfolding in Europe is a picture of a small paper boat in Tractatus de sphaera mundi from 1490. Techniques and materials Origami Basic Folds Techniques
Origami desde Lerma: Un par de dragones Supongo que para este momento todos están informados de mi falta de inspiración reciente, dadas mis INTERMINABLES entradas sobre lo mal que he estado trabajando últimamente. Así que si quieres ir directo a la entrada, sáltate este párrafo completo, que no hago más que pobretearme sobre como me ha costado tantísimo trabajo recuperar un diminuto porcentaje de mi antigua capacidad de plegado y diseño, todo por culpa de todo el trabajo escolar en el que he estado enfrascado últimamente, y por cuya culpa he perdido hasta el gusto por doblar. Ehjem, ya acabé. Volviendo al tema de nuestra incumbencia, mientras no tenía nada que diseñar se me ocurrió la posibilidad de adaptar la base de mi dragón a todos los tipos de dragón que apruebo. Por si alguien no recuerda mi maravilloso dragón occidental, he aquí el vínculo a la entrada que escribí para él. En fin, preséntoles las últimas dos adiciones a mi catálogo de modelos reproducibles indefinidamente. Wyvern Ahora les seré sinceros. Oriental
diagrammi Nel progettare questo modello ho pensato ai bambini, quindi a qualcosa di semplice da piegare e nello stesso tempo versatile. Inizialmente, ho realizzato queste due composizioni, e per questo l’ho chiamato Bialbero di Natale. Poi mi sono reso conto che i moduli possono essere assemblati alternando dimensioni diverse e anche colori diversi, avrei dovuto chiamarlo Multialbero di Natale. Sono molto contento di questo modello, che unisce semplicità, armonia, e versatilità, è come un gioco che può essere smontato e rimontato in modo personale. Ciascuna composizione è ottenuta da 6 ottagoni di carta per fotocopie, ricavati da sei quadrati coi lati di 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 e 21 cm, dall'alto verso il basso. Eccellente presentazione e sequenza fotografica di Maria Sinayskaya: goorigami.com Diagrammi per piegare i moduli del Bialbero di Natale Da dicembre 2012 è disponibile un bel video di di Mariela Recinos: Bialbero di Natale, composizione con otto moduli
At age 62, albatross hatches a chick By Paul Rogers progers@mercurynews.com Posted: 02/07/2013 09:19:19 AM PST0 Comments|Updated: about a year ago November 2012: Wisdom (left) and her mate at the containing the couple's egg. SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT (publ. 2/8/2013, page A2) An earlier version of a about a 62-year-old albatross that hatched a chick incorrectly reported that Midway Atoll is northeast of Hawaii. The world's oldest-known wild bird -- a 62-year-old albatross on Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean -- is also a new mother. The bird, a Laysan albatross whom biologists have named Wisdom, hatched a chick this week, her sixth in the past six years. "If she were human, she would be eligible for Medicare in a couple of years, yet she is still regularly raising young and annually circumnavigating the Pacific Ocean," said Bruce Peterjohn, chief of the North American bird banding program at the U.S. The chick, which scientists describe as healthy, hatched Sunday. Albatrosses lay only one egg a year.
Origami papier: Des idees d'origami papier, pliages faciles d'origami- Origami enfant - Tete a modeler Origami : idées et modèles d'origami Origami expliqué : un dossier et des activités sur l'art de plier le papier : l'origami. Modèles et idées de pliages d'origami. Si l'origani peut se réaliser avec de très belles feuilles, il peut aussi être réalisé avec n'importe quel papier y compris le papier de récupération. 2.71 sur 5 note basée sur 1136 évaluations. Pliages origami et activités de bricolages origami Dans cette rubrique sur l'origami, vous trouverez un ensemble de fiches et d'activités sur l'art de plier le papier : l'origami. Les activités d'origami sont les plus économiques possibles. Des infos, des conseils, des activités... Boites en origami Des idées de boites en origami. Etoiles origami Une rubrique spéciale pour tous les origamis étoile ! Vous trouverez dans cette rubrique les explications illustrées ... Fleurs en origami Des idées de pliages origami pour réaliser des fleurs origami. Jouets en origami Origami de décoration Des pliages origami pour la décoration de la maison.
Origami Tulip Instructions Diagrams and Video Instructions The origami tulip is a favourite model of mine: it is relatively simple and looks so sweet when bunched together with other tulips, or different types of flowers. Use lovely colourful paper for this one, it will brighten your day! For a printable pdf version of the tulip instructions, click here.You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to open the .pdf file. Video Instructions Diagram Instructions 3. Click here for more like the Origami Tulip Instructions
Birdchick Gói quà dễ thương chỉ trong 5' Túi quà nhỏ xinh này trông nữ tính quá! Đựng những món quà nhỏ vào bên trong là hết ý luôn nha! Cổ điển mà đẹp "thôi rồi"! Mình có thể thay kẹo bằng bánh quy đựng cũng rất yêu nhé! Một gợi ý gói quà rất hay ho cho mùa chia tay cuối cấp đó nghen. French language learning games All French language learning exercises are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are suitable for both school kids and adult language learners. French language acquisition games that French learners can study with, that teachers can incorporate into lesson plans, or that can be used used in homeschooling environments. An introduction to listening, reading, comprehension and communication in the French language. Each French study topic includes word lists with audio for learning the correct French pronunciation, and practice games for testing your learning progress. Online games employ the fun, fast and easy study method of simple wordlists for studying phrases of words, visual-based learning, and vocabulary drills for practice and testing. Learn the words from the sentence, phrases, verbs or word lists, and then play the revision/practice games.
Gift bags made from envelopes The event for which I needed that non-Satanic craft was this past weekend. In addition to little demon-free booklets, we also made these mini gift bags. "Baglets," as one participant christened them. (Or maybe you'd spell it "Baglette"? Looks more elegant than spelling it like "piglet." Find an envelope of any size. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All done. Update: Try this envelope gift bag project with decorative masking tape.
French Parts of Speech Learning French is hard, and it's even harder if you don't understand the basics of grammar in your own language. If your mind boggles when people start talking about nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech, this lesson is for you. The eight parts of speech are listed below, with each one bolded in a sample sentence. Click each term to learn more about it, including examples, tips on figuring out which part of speech a particular word belongs to, and links to more detailed lessons. Adjective Je parle lentement parce que les nouveaux étudiants sont à la table I am speaking slowly because the new students are at the table Adverb Je parle lentement parce que les nouveaux étudiants sont à la table I am speaking slowly because the new students are at the table Article Je parle lentement parce que les nouveaux étudiants sont à la table I am speaking slowly because the new students are at the table
DIY :: Origami Christmas Tree And finally I managed to post this origami tree tutorial...for those who follow me on instagram, you know I've made these last week. So if you wanna know how to make this.... The Barn Owl Trust Starstruck at Christmas « Kate's Creative Space Regular followers will know of my obsession with all things paper, and with projects which take very little time or specialist skill. As Christmas draws ever closer, I’ve been experimenting with different types of festive stars and bring you some simple projects to try today. My usual reassuring criteria apply; these had to be things I could a) get right the first time – or very occasionally the second; b) could do in front of the TV, merlot in hand, and c) look far more elegant and skilled than the actual labour would suggest. Below you’ll find my instructions on how to make each of these stars; the classic 5-point Amish barn stars, 6-point folding stars and concertina or snowflake stars, which look beautiful hung in windows. Five-point stars are in some ways the most striking and simple stars; reminiscent of Amish barn stars and New England folk decorations, they are the kind of stars that children draw in their first pictures. They make gorgeous gift-toppers too…. Finally, fold!