Gaining Attention By Emily Jackman Age Range: 5 to 11 When working in a reception class during my final teaching practice I tried really hard to develop strategies for regaining the children's attention whilst on the carpet. The strategy that I found most useful was: Are you listening - this game is a little bit like simon says but I'd start by saying, "if you are listening put your hands on your lap" after about five instructions all the children would be joining in and focusing their attention towards myself. this methos does take a few moments to work but is effective when it does. Another useful tip that I used whilst teaching PE was to use a musical instrument e.g. a jingle bell to get the children to stop. Here's another idea from Candy Sugiyama ... When I need to get the attention of my students, I never raise my voice. Another idea from Sonja Cheal... A really good way to get the attention of the class without losing your voice is to stand at the front of the class with one hand in the air.
Classroom Management Strategies, Tips, and Resources Classroom Management Strategies, Classroom Management Printouts Classroom Management Strategies Discipline - Stages of Classroom Discipline Discipline - Four Steps for Better Classroom Management Discipline - Techniques that Backfire Discipline - Proactive Discipline Discipline - Techniques for Improving Classroom Discipline Techniques That Backfire," "Four Stages of Discipline," and "Four Steps for Classroom Discipline." Dr. Discipline Without Stress Provides strategies for classroom management, professional development opportunities, and free resources. Tools for Teaching A wealth of information on behavior, time management, etc.. You Can Handle Them All Techniques to handle 117 types of behaviors and home and school. Works4me Practical Classroom Tips from Teachers Like You Here are some techniques educators are using to achieve balance. Effective Classroom Management and Instruction: An Exploration of Models. The Disruptive Student and the Teacher. Classroom Management Lessons
Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class - SimpleK12 The following is a guest post from Michelle Doman, a 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher at Brandon Middle School in Wisconsin. Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class Many people get a little squeamish, wiggly, and offer a scrunched expression when I respond to the question, “What grades do you teach?” I teach middle school, and with heart and honesty, I find great joys (and challenges) in teaching the group referred to as “tweens” and adolescents. So, I invite you into the quirky world of middle school. Do not fear…you will become comfortable in a beanbag, find a new young-at-heart-love-for reading air, and (at times chuckle) as I give you a sneak-peek into the crevices (oh, look out for that dirty sock) of the teenage minds. Here are the Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class... 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. If anyone has more ideas to capture the wondering, daydreaming, (hormonal) minds of middle school students, I would love to read about them. P.S.
Classroom Management Strategies for High School Teachers Learning high school class management skills can significantly improve your experiences as a teacher. The skills you develop can also help your students to learn effectively. High school teachers must know how to provide their students with direction because those students don’t always focus on their education. Tips for improving your classroom management skills start with fine-tuning your personal management skills and establishing your expectations. To do this, you need to set clear rules and goals for the class and learn how to work with each student individually. Tips to improve class management skills Establishing classroom rules One of the first steps to take to improve classroom management skills is to take a look at the rules. Practice while you teach There’s no better time to put your classroom management skills to use than while you’re teaching. Student attention spans are limited. Tags: Engaging Activities / High School (Grades: 9-12) / Professional Development
Classroom Management Tips: For Secondary Teachers, By Secondary Teachers - Teachers Pay Teachers You’re a secondary teacher: Passionate about educating your studentsIntent on bringing your subject area content to lifeDetermined to create a classroom community in which your students learn together, grow together, and respect themselves, their peers, and you You also face some unique challenges. TpT Teacher-Author All Things Algebra says, “It can be difficult to come up with ways to make things fun and relevant to a teenager. We asked secondary teachers on TpT to offer tips and resources for successful classroom management. Cultivate Tomorrow’s Leaders “I’ve taught high schoolers for 15 years, and I always take advantage of their willingness to help with my Class Leader system. “To help with classroom management, I’ve used a classroom economic system. “When it comes to classroom management in high school, it can be really difficult to get students talking on task. Plan Ahead and A Lot “My tips for effective classroom management in the secondary classroom are as follows: 1) Over-plan.
SEC Teachers Network: Classroom Management and Education of Boys A training program titled during the month of April. THe training was organized by the SEC and provided by trainers from the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. The program focused on a set of highly effective practical strategies for female teachers to use in managing a boys only environmnet of learning and teaching. Participants were assisted to develop and select appropriate teaching strategies and review their teaching practice with a particular focus on the teachers' role in creating and managing a classroom learning envrinoment that facilitates imporved student outcomes. There has been an emphasis throughout the program on how students learn and the implications of this knowledge for pedagogy in the classroom. Participants were expected to reflect on and evaluate their own practice in order to refine and improve their teaching with the program. Specific areas explored in this program included: The Victorian education context Language in the classroom
Effective Classroom Management and Managing Student Conduct Some degree of decoration will help add to the attractiveness of the room. *Teachers should identify expectations for student behavior and communicate those expectations to students periodically. * Rules and procedures are the most common explicit expectations. A small number of general rules that emphasize appropriate behavior may be helpful. Rules should be posted in the classroom. Compliance with the rules should be monitored constantly. * Do not develop classroom rules you are unwilling to enforce. * School-Wide Regulations...particularly safety procedures...should be explained carefully. * Because desirable student behavior may vary depending on the activity, explicit expectations for the following procedures are helpful in creating a smoothly functioning classroom: Remember, good discipline is much more likely to occur if the classroom setting and activities are structured or arranged to enhance cooperative behavior. * Effective teacher-led instruction is free of:
myTeachersLounge — Tips and Inspiration for Teachers Hello 2014! The Teachers Lounge has been dormant for about 8 months, but we’re happy to be back! As happens at times, there have been transitions and some of our blog team members have moved on to do other great work on the web. We wish them well! As 2014 begins to roll out, look to see posts here at least twice a month. Today, just want to share a few links that our readers may find useful for February: Hope you take the time to check out some of these great, resources. Lisa Dabbs is an Educational Consultant. Photo credit: icanread As we head into the weekend, we at The Teacher’s Lounge, want to wish you all a safe and celebratory, Memorial Day! Hoping you will all take this time to count your blessings, and enjoy this time with family and friends. Photo credit: soldiersmediacenter Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. #Earthday Lesson Plan Contest Guidelines: Start planning that awesome lesson plan, NOW and enter to win a great prize! For complete contest rules, click here [LINK].
7 Tips for Better Classroom Management In my mind, the first and most basic obligation of a teacher is to see the beauty that exists within every student. Every child is infinitely precious. Period. When we start from this vantage point, classroom management -- and its flip side, student engagement -- comes more easily. This video, shot in the first few days of my classroom in 2010, and the seven tips below will show how I try to put these ideas into practice. 1. Love them -- and stand firmly against behavior that doesn't meet your expectations or reflect their inner greatness. Our students know how we feel about them. 2. If a student chose not to meet one of my classroom expectations, they needed to know that I loved them but not their misbehavior. For instance, a minute and a half into the first day, I gave one student a verbal warning for whispering to another student as he was searching for his seat. 3. Call attention to the things your students are doing that meet your expectations. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Teacher Tips: Classroom Management Strategies Classroom management is the way in which an educator delivers the classroom curriculum, lessons and the environment they provide for their students. There are many strategies that are used to provide students of all ages with an effective learning experience. Classroom management strategies create consistency in the classroom, keep students on task, and set consequences to correct students’ wrong behaviors. General Classroom Discipline and Management Elementary Discipline Strategies Classroom Discipline Cycle: List of strategies and interventions that are commonly used by educators in the classroom.Stages of Discipline: Learn about the four primary stages of discipline that are appropriate for students functioning at different levels.Prevention Strategies that Work: Guide to promoting positive student behavior and reducing problem behaviors. Discipline Strategies for Older Students Tips to Keep Elementary Students Interested Tips to Keep High School Students Interested Classroom Games
Discipline by Design Here are eleven techniques that you can use in your classroom that will help you achieve effective group management and control. They have been adapted from an article called: "A Primer on Classroom Discipline: Principles Old and New" by Thomas R. McDaniel, Phi Delta Kappan, September 1986. 1. Be sure you have the attention of everyone in your classroom before you start your lesson. Inexperienced teachers sometimes think that by beginning their lesson, the class will settle down. The focusing technique means that you will demand their attention before you begin. A soft spoken teacher often has a calmer, quieter classroom than one with a stronger voice. 2. An effective way to marry this technique with the first one is to include time at the end of the period for students to do activities of their choosing. The teacher is more willing to wait for class attention when he knows there is extra time to meet his goals and objectives. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Make ample use of praise.
Classroom Management Strategies: Top 10 Rules, Organization Plans To the right are the top 10 rules one should follow in order to achieve great classroom management. These classroom management strategies can work for any teacher, but are intended for middle school and high school teachers. Most credential programs leave the classroom management style up to the teacher, focusing instead on the most important aspect of teaching, curriculum. Classroom management is how the teacher delivers the curriculum, as well as the environment in which students will learn. There are a lot of strategies that a middle school or high school teacher can use in order to create an optimal learning environment. The most important classroom management strategy is keeping every student on task. * Disclaimer: Before implementing any ideas from this website, please first consult your principal to make sure they are in compliance with state laws, district and school procedures.
Classroom Management and Discipline info & strategies for teachers