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Business Software Reviews, SaaS & Cloud Applications Directory

Business Software Reviews, SaaS & Cloud Applications Directory

Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard Les techniques secrêtes pour contrôler les forums et l’opinion publique Attention, c'est du lourd ! Le 12 juillet dernier, le site Cryptome, sorte d'ancêtre à Wikileaks, qui publie des documents que les gouvernements et les sociétés n'aimeraient pas voir sur le net, a mis en ligne le témoignage et les explications techniques d'un ex-agent de Cointelpro. Cointelpro est une organisation US liée au FBI dont la mission était de faire de la désinformation et de foutre le bordel parmi les groupes d'activistes. Officiellement, Cointelpro a disparu en 71, mais l'organisation a juste changé de noms. Le 18 juillet, ce témoignage sur Cryptome a été mis en avant sur Slashdot par un contributeur de longue date. Ce document met au jour toutes les techniques employées par les gouvernements, les désinformateurs, les politiques, etc. sur le net mais aussi dans la vraie vie pour décrédibiliser leurs adversaires et enterrer les sujets sensibles. Mais peu importe... Techniques pour manipuler les forums sur Internet Technique #1 – " FORUM SLIDING " 1. 1) L’évitement. Provocateurs

Enterprise Resource Planning Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Enterprise resource planning (letteralmente "pianificazione delle risorse d'impresa", spesso abbreviato in ERP)[1] è un sistema di gestione, chiamato in informatica sistema informativo, che integra tutti i processi di business rilevanti di un'azienda (vendite, acquisti, gestione magazzino, contabilità etc.) Con l'aumento della popolarità dell'ERP e la riduzione dei costi per l'ICT (Information and Communication Technology), si sono sviluppate applicazioni che aiutano i business manager ad implementare questa metodologia nelle attività di business come: controllo di inventari, tracciamento degli ordini, servizi per i clienti, finanza e risorse umane. Storia[modifica | modifica sorgente] A tutt'oggi i moderni sistemi di ERP coprono tutte le aree che possano essere automatizzate e/o monitorate all'interno di un'azienda, permettendo così agli utilizzatori di operare in un contesto uniforme ed integrato, indipendentemente dall'area applicativa. ^ L.

Home Logiciel de gestion de projet rapide, facile et efficace New Features | eyeOS – Cloud Computing – Web Desktop – Cloud Desktop That said, this is not a new application or add-on: once you are in eyeOS, you have already joined the conversation. The wall made it to the top menu and now it has a spot next to the projects menu. You will find two options: Feed and My Wall. The feed gathers all the activity from the groups you belong to in one place. In essence, we want to bring social networking to enterprises. Still not convinced? A study in 2011 estimated that email usage costs an average of between £5,000 and £10,000 per employee. Click to pop up.

amazon Theory of constraints The theory of constraints (TOC) is a management paradigm that views any manageable system as being limited in achieving more of its goals by a very small number of constraints. There is always at least one constraint, and TOC uses a focusing process to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it. TOC adopts the common idiom "a chain is no stronger than its weakest link." This means that processes, organizations, etc., are vulnerable because the weakest person or part can always damage or break them or at least adversely affect the outcome. History[edit] An earlier propagator of the concept was Wolfgang Mewes[2] in Germany with publications on power-oriented management theory (Machtorientierte Führungstheorie, 1963) and following with his Energo-Kybernetic System (EKS, 1971), later renamed Engpasskonzentrierte Strategie as a more advanced theory of bottlenecks. Key assumption[edit] The five focusing steps[edit] Constraints[edit] Breaking a constraint[edit]

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