Related: Comunicazione
Cycle De L'Information Outils Froids S'identifier - Ecrire un article Veille, intelligence économique, organisation personnelle, web 2.0. Des liens et du contenu! Since 2003 Cycle De L'Information Definir les besoins en informations Rechercher l'information Capturer l'information Analyser l'information Diffuser l'information Rechercher @import url( Recherche personnalisée Rubriques Rubriques principalesToutes les rubriques Bibliothèque OF <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" by FeedBurner</p> Modèle several3 par Net-Tec Internet Solutions Adapté pour ViaBloga par Alexandre Fontenaille.
The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources Ten Most Difficult Words to Translate Sometimes even the finest translators come up against words that defy translation. Many languages include words that don’t have a simple counterpart in another language. When translators come across such a word, they usually describe it so that it makes sense in the target language. But some words pose more difficulty than others due to interesting cultural differences. Here are ten words that are particularly difficult to translate: Mamihlapinatapei From Yagan, the indigenous language of the Tierra del Fuego region of South America. Jayus From Indonesian, meaning a joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh. Prozvonit In both Czech and Slovak language, this word means to call a mobile phone only to have it ring once so that the other person would call back, allowing the caller not to spend money on minutes. Kyoikumama In Japanese, this word refers to a mother who relentlessly pushes her children toward academic achievement.
Sprachwissenschaft Üblicherweise werden in der Sprachwissenschaft drei große Teilgebiete unterschieden, wobei in der Klassifikation unterschiedliche Auffassungen bestehen. Über die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft und die Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft als zwei dieser Bereiche besteht allgemeine Übereinkunft. Meist aber sind es universitäre Kriterien, die darüber entscheiden, ob als drittes Teilgebiet entweder eine Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft oder eine Historische Sprachwissenschaft angenommen wird. Es existieren zahlreiche größere und kleinere Teilgebiete, die insgesamt sowohl inhaltlich als auch methodisch uneinheitlich sind und mit einer Vielzahl anderer Wissenschaften in Kontakt stehen. Wissenschaftstypus[Bearbeiten] Da unterschiedliche Lesarten des Begriffs Sprache existieren und sehr unterschiedliche Aspekte von Sprache untersucht werden, ist die Zuordnung der Sprachwissenschaft nur zu einem Wissenschaftstypus nicht möglich. Terminologie[Bearbeiten] Benennung von Teildisziplinen[Bearbeiten]
A Zen Master Responds to Hate Mail By Maria Popova Although the internet may have originated the notion of trolling as an act of aggression, the undergirding human impulse is an ancient one. Its pervasive manifestations drove Kierkegaard to ponder the psychological underpinnings of trolling and Benjamin Franklin to devise a brilliant strategy for handling haters. Among the many sympathetic and illuminating letters collected in Dropping Ashes on the Buddha: The Teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn (public library) — the same 1976 gem in which Soen-sa explained death to a child — is his fantastic response to what modern language might describe as desperate hate mail from an ambivalent troll. In March of 1975, Soen-sa received a series of letters from a student, expressing a great deal of confusion about the “don’t-know mind” aspect of Zen practice, demanding various clarifications, and ending thusly: Please answer me soon, but you probably won’t, huh? You say that you are confused.
The Best Free Dictionary and Thesaurus Programs and Websites Are you a writer? Or a word geek? If you write anything or play word games, dictionaries, thesauruses, and other reference tools can come in handy. We’ve found some useful offline and online tools for looking up words, finding synonym, or building words in Scrabble. Dictionary and thesaurus programs and websites allow us to go beyond the dated, printed dictionary. Offline Desktop Software The following software programs are offline programs you download and install on your computer. Ultimate Dictionary Ultimate Dictionary is a free dictionary program for Windows that is easy to install and use. When you type a word into the search box Ultimate Dictionary, it looks for it in all the dictionaries it contains at once and provides a meaning from each dictionary in which the word was found in the right pane. WordWeb WordWeb is a free dictionary program for Windows that provides a dictionary and a thesaurus. TheSage English Dictionary and Thesaurus LingoPad Artha Dictionary Aard Dictionary Lingoes
Any phonetic script can be learned in just a few hours | Fluent If you liked my association technique mentioned below, you would also enjoy my tips on using imagination to memorize vocabulary, which are discussed in great detail with many other hacks in the Language Hacking Guide. See the most popular posts on the right below for other interesting topics. For those curious, this post discusses Thai, but the ideas can equally be applied to other phonetic scripts such as Japanese (but not as well for Chinese). Just one week into the challenge of reading/speaking Thai in 8 weeks (actually only about 5 hours total, since I’ve been quite busy since I arrived, but I’ve made time to learn on the skytrain/in restaurants/taxis etc.) and I’ve reached the first major milestone already. I can read Thai. The major thing still missing is tones, which admittedly are an extremely important part of this language that cannot be ignored and I will get to shortly (Edit: Done! It was actually way easier than I expected. From squiggly symbols to new letters า ท Challenges ร
Mixed Signals: Why People Misunderstand Each Other In her new book No One Understands You and What To Do About It, Heidi Grant Halvorson tells readers a story about her friend, Tim. When Tim started a new job as a manager, one of his top priorities was communicating to his team that he valued each member’s input. So at team meetings, as each member spoke up about whatever project they were working on, Tim made sure he put on his “active-listening face” to signal that he cared about what each person was saying. But after meeting with him a few times, Tim’s team got a very different message from the one he intended to send. “After a few weeks of meetings,” Halvorson explains, “one team member finally summoned up the courage to ask him the question that had been on everyone’s mind.” One person may think, for example, that by offering help to a colleague, she is coming across as generous. These kinds of misunderstandings lead to conflict and resentment not just at work, but at home too. One study hints at an answer.
Stanford Parser Stanford Parser Please enter a sentence to be parsed: My dog also likes eating sausage. Language: Sample Sentence Your query My dog also likes eating sausage. Tagging My/PRP$ dog/NN also/RB likes/VBZ eating/VBG sausage/NN Parse (ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ My) (NN dog)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBZ likes) (S (VP (VBG eating) (NP (NN sausage))))) (. .))) Universal dependencies nmod:poss(dog-2, My-1) nsubj(likes-4, dog-2) advmod(likes-4, also-3) root(ROOT-0, likes-4) xcomp(likes-4, eating-5) dobj(eating-5, sausage-6) Universal dependencies, enhanced Statistics Tokens: 7 Time: 0.021 s