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Topmarks Search A fantastic free resource to support maths and science at Key Stages 3 and 4. There are wonderful interactive activities and study notes. Pupils can download the resources for offline use. Interactive whiteboard resources too. Superb! Calculation Balance An excellent site for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division practice. Christmas Maths A useful resource for Christmas time which includes a range of great number activities which are aimed at Year 1 pupils (5 - 6 years). Ladybird Spots Three different counting, matching and ordering maths games based on the numbers 1 to 10 for early years children. Multiplication Try this good game for practising your times tables. Loop Cards Fantastic for improving your mental maths. Teddy Numbers The Teddy Numbers game can help you to learn numbers to 15. Underwater Counting Can you find the treasure? Primary Worksheets A selection of good quality maths worksheets. S-Cool! Related:  Numeracy

PLAT Online Mathematics KS2 - 'Maths on Target' by Stephen Pearce New Curriculum 2014 We are currently writing new material for the curriculum changes to come into effect September 2014. These new books will follow our very successful Maths on Target series written by Stephen Pearce and will be called 'Target Your Maths.' Sample pages will be available soon. We hope to have these books available for purchase by September 2014. Maths on Target by Stephen Pearce (published 2008) The Maths On Target books build on the enormous popularity of Target Maths, which was first published in 2002. The intention of the book is to provide teachers with material to teach all the objectives as set out in the yearly programme in the renewed Primary Framework for Mathematics. The work is organised in 'Blocks' and 'Units' as in the Primary Framework. Sample pages Maths on Target Homework Sheets For Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 you can buy a set of 60 photocopiable sheets for homework (A4 size). The sheets are for pupils of all abilities and are easy to set and mark for teachers.

Catch of the Day - The Maths Zone - June 30, 2010 The Maths Zone website brings together and organizes a variety of free resources located on the Internet which can be used for teaching mathematics. The Maths Zone groups together resources from numerous sites in sections sorted by age level and topic to form a repository of interactive games and other activities for teaching math skills to learners aged 5-16. Content intended for young learners (KS1/2, ages 5-11) is grouped by the following topics: counting and number sense, number facts, calculating, shapes, measuring, handling data, and using and applying math. For older students (KS3/4, ages 11-16), content is categorized as tools, number sense, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, algebra, geometry, and data handling. The Maths Zone also includes a section that summarizes the key mathematics objectives for years 1-6. Presently, most of the content of The Maths Zone is aimed at younger kids, but appropriate material for older students is being added.

NRICH Home Page Teachers Primary Pupils Secondary Students Events and PD "It gave me some good ideas to use in the classroom and ... a link that I can get all of the activities from." Book NRICH Bespoke PDBook Forthcoming EventsBook our Hands-on Roadshow Your Solutions Math and Telling Time This page is one small part of Good Sites for Kids! Follow us on Facebook! Look for to see what's been added lately! Math Worksheets Land "We now have over 4,000 PDF files that total over 12,000 printable pages. 100% free as always! Free Worksheets for Kids from K-5 Learning. Primary Mathematics A subsection of Math 4Kids Games Various good math and language arts games. AAA Math New and improved with even more topics! Add Like Mad Quick addition game. Flashcards and more! Arcademic Skill Builders has math and word games ready to play online. Base 10 Blocks from Grain Valley School District, Missouri. Base 10 Box from Learning Box software. Cats in Line from Jan Brett lets kids pick out the position of the orange cat in a line of cats. Chip Abacus Java-based from NLVM. Cookie from Gudlidotcom "Provides Free online learning games, Educational lessons plans, Kids learning games, Free games for kids, Worksheets Etc. Flash Cards free download game for Windows only. to top of page

PowerPoint Games Racing Games No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand. Click a button on the screen and the car or horse moves one step closer to the finish line and victory. (Whole Class Participation Game) Download Car Race (Beach Rally) Download Horse Race | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Video Tutorial | What is Louie Thinking (Pyramid Game Show) Similar to Pyramid Game. Download Guess Louie | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Sample Game | Video Tutorial | March Mayhem - Basketball Great for the Basketball March Madness time of year. | View Video of Game | Purchase Game Now | Big Board Facts (Jeopardy Game Show) Similar to Jeopardy. Download Big Board Facts Download Big Board Facts with Answers Slide | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Sample Game | Video Tutorial | Easter Bunny Road Race No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand. Available from Premium Games Web Site. The Big Wheel

ASSISTments Help us learn what feedback works best. Assign one, some, or all of the following newly built problem sets that are aligned to the Common Core. Click on the links below to see the content of the problem sets. Problem sets are aligned to the Common Core for grades 2 - 6 Great for remediation in grades 7 - 9 Other new content High School Cancer Awareness ASSISTments is in the second year of a five year $3.5 million grant funded by the US Department of Education to study the impact of immediate feedback for book homework as well as classroom implementation and teacher practice using ASSISTments. If you or someone you know is interested, visit the study's website for more information and how to apply. Creativity and imagination in the math classroom—reframing projects and project based learning | Curiouser and Curiouser This week was our monthly curriculum writing committee meeting. We were sharing our successes and challenges regarding the Common Core and I mentioned, “I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I hunger for creativity. I want my students to create.” I am truly afraid the kids will lose interest in math if I don’t give them opportunities to use their imagination. Jennie Winters, our Lake County ROE math/science coordinator, replied that according to PARCC performance tasks using creativity are one of the highest levels of performance indicators. So why have I limited my students’ creativity? If imagination is the single most important competitive advantage we can have today, (Thomas Friedman, Grinnell College 2009 commencement address) I should be fostering it in math. With that in mind, is it worthwhile to examine ways to demonstrate math mastery by combining it with a very different field the student has mastered such as art, music, language arts, social studies, etc? Like this:
