Passo a Passo • Retalho de algodão cru;• Plumante (enchimento de fibra de algodão siliconizado);• Linha nº 10;• Canetas permanentes de ponta fina (Micron, UniPin ou outra) nas cores preta e vermelha;• Tinta de tecido (branca, preta e azul, verde ou marrom);• Pincéis;• Blush rosa;• Papel vegetal;• Lápis 6B;• Cola quente;• Lã para os cabelos (da cor que desejar);• Lacinho de cetim.♥ Como fazer:• Risque o molde da cabeça no algodão cru dobrado e, com a máquina de costura, costure em cima do risco deixando uma pequena abertura. Vire para o lado direito;• Através da abertura e com a ajuda de um palito, preencha com plumante até que fique bem firme. Em seguida, feche à mão utilizando a linha nº 10;• Passe o risco do rosto para o papel vegetal com o lápis 6B;• Centralize o rosto que foi riscado no papel vegetal na cabeça com o risco do lápis virado para o tecido;• Raspe com a unha em cima do risco do rosto em contato com a cabeça.
Accessories | FabDiy You will need a nice petal which can be any color, but many choose green. You will need a clip, needle, thread and some nice gems to brighten up your hair accessory. This will only take you about 10 to 20 minutes to complete and then you are done, so make sure that you leave some time for yourself for this project. Paper button flowers are great and you will love them. You can use these for hairpins or just to decorate your clothing. You may need about 20 minutes to make these and then you can use them for whatever you like. Cup sleeves are fun and you can really make something nice out of them. A cloth flower is good and you may like what you created when you are done. Headbands are great and they are used in so many ways. Ribbon flowers are fun to make and you will love them. a hair band is easy to make and you can make all kinds of designs. Dream catchers are always used and many of them are easy to make. Bird nest necklace might be something that you would like.
Felt Easter Eggs {A Tutorial} My daughter has a bunch of the plastic food from a big box store, and some of it has held up nicely. Her eggs, however, have been "eaten" and stepped on by her sweet little brother. So, as part of Project: Project's fun little series, Play Eats, I decided to make a tutorial for felt eggs. AND since it is so close to Easter, I thought, why not make BOTH kinds of eggs?? What you'll need:scrap felt needle and thread batting egg templateFelt Easter Egg First, cut out 3 pieces of felt felt using the egg template. Sew two of the pieces right sides together, sewing from marks a to b. Open up the un-sewn side and place the third piece right side in and pin one of the openings completely and sew from points a to b. (holding the other two sides out of the way in order to sew the opening closed) Clip all of the seams so as to make smooth rounded edges when the egg is flipped right side out. Flip the egg right side out and slip stitch the opening closed.
Craft Tutorials | Brittany's Best | Craft tutorials, Etsy tips and spotlights Quick and easy tutorials for fun crafts to do at home or with the kids. Easter Place Card Holders These adorable Easter pots can serve many purposes – use them as place card holders on your Easter table or buffet markers to describe your holiday dishes. They also make great... Read More » DIY Wedding Table Numbers Wedding costs can quickly spiral out of hand – a few DIY projects can be fun and help keep your budget in check. Making your own wedding dress might be too much to tackle, but these... Braided Flower Pot Springtime brings flowers and warm weather to tempt you into the outdoors.
Le joint russe Au risque de vous décevoir non non non, il ne s’agit pas d’une nouvelle super préparation de cannabis macéré dans la vodka et roulé dans des blinis (pas de stupéfiants pour bibi, il faut que je garde les idées claires pour l’attaque du Norvégien.) Mais d’une fort intéréssante technique pour joindre le nouveau fil sans noeuds ni bavures. Explications : d’un côté l’ancien fil, de l’autre le nouveau, croisés et enfilés sur deux aiguilles à laine armée de l’aiguille, repassez l’extrémité du fil dans lui-même, en “pointillés”, pour former une boucle… …que vous refermez en tirant doucement voilà, le fil est refermé sur lui-même plus qu’à faire la même chose de l’autre côté résultat: une jointure discrète et solide ne reste qu’à couper les bouts qui dépassent et tricoter comme si de rien n’était quasiment imperceptible - pas de noeuds, plus de fils à rentrer je répète : plus de fils à rentrer Vsivo kharochevo !
Free felt tutorial-Step by step DIY Felt Mini Hamburger course How to make felt hamburger 1. Looking for a size suitable piece from the scraps. 2. Cut felt. 3. 5. 7. How to make felt French fries 1. 3.Put some cotton in it. 4. 5. How to make felt fruit drink 1. 2. 4. 6.Sew the straw on the top. 1. 3. 5. Click the following picture,visit fairyfox’s etsy shop. NOTES! Like this: Like Loading... Les mitaines de Bou Comme je vous l'avais annoncé dans le post de "présentation" des mitaines et de son col assorti, celles-ci sont une adaptation du modèle Susie's Reading Mitts. J'ai en effet utilisé une laine plus grosse (n°5), et simplifié la bordure. Elles sont plus épaisses et surtout plus rapide à tricoter, ce qui n'est pas négligeable pour moi !! J'ai "calculé" cette adaptation par rapport à la taille moyenne du modèle d'origine (qui doit environ être l'équivalent d'une taille 7 du commerce). Laine employée : Aviso de chez Phildar, un peu plus d'une pelote est nécessaire (55 g). Echantillon pour 10 cm de jersey : 17 x 22 mailles Aiguilles employées: aiguilles circulaire n°5 avec la technique du Magic Loop, vous pouvez aussi utiliser des aiguilles doubles pointes ou deux aiguilles circulaires, le tout est de tricoter en rond !! Taille : Petite, Moyenne, Grande C'est parti : Monter 26, 30, 34 mailles. Bon tricot et n'hésitez pas à partager vos remarques et/ou photos de cette adaptation. C'est parti :
Tuto : insérer des perles dans son tricot A la demande de plusieurs personnes qui semblaient trouver obscure mes explications sur l’insertion de perles (comme j’ai pu le faire sur mon Textured Shawl ou sur mon Gail), voici les explications en image ! Il vous faudra de la laine, et des perles de rocaille d’un diamètre suffisamment large pour faire passer 2 brins de laine. Tricoter jusqu’à la maille où l’on veut insérer une perle Insérer un fil dans la maille de l’aiguille de gauche (la prochaine qui sera tricotée). Tutorial: Over(ly)-Easy Pincushion « Speckless Blog This here is a quick and easy project that uses up felt scraps. These pincushions make great little last-minute gifts — nothing says “you’re a good egg” like an egg-shaped pincushion. Here we go . . . Materials: scraps of white and yellow feltembroidery thread: yellow, white, and face colorstuffingneedlescissorspins First, cut a circle out of your yellow felt. Cut an eggy-shaped piece from your white felt, making sure to get it bigger than your yolk face. Start to connect the yolk to the white part with a few whip stitches. If you want, stick some pins in. Keep whip stitching, removing the pins as you go, and try to stretch/squish the edges of the yolk with your thumb as you sew. Wait! Now, pin your half finished egg to another piece of white felt. Grab your white thread and sew around the perimeter of the white part with a running stitch. Again, when you’re almost at the end, stuff your egg. Squish your egg and shove the needle through it. Hold the thread. Trim out your egg. Like this: