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Luscious Lip Scrub! « huda beauty

Luscious Lip Scrub! « huda beauty
Vitamin HB | Luscious Lip Scrub! Mon, 23 Jan 2012 DAILY DOSE | NATURAL RECIPEBy Huda Heidi Kattan I have an obsession with chapstick! I pretty much always have some form of either chapstick or lip ointment in my bag! That doesn’t mean my lips are always soft, I am constantly treating my lips every chance I get! Ingredients 1/2 Teaspoon Olive Oil 1 Teaspoon Honey 3 Teaspoon Sugar Splash of Lemon Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then massage onto lips.

LIPSTICK LONGEVITY photos + post by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun How could I not share with our TBD family my favorite trick for keeping clients’ lip colors on all night, long past the red carpet? Some steps may seem a little odd, but they’ve worked for me for years, so I confidently know that they’ll work for you too. Here’s all you have to do: D.I.Y. Curls // How To Rag Roll Your Hair - A Beautiful Mess - StumbleUpon I love the look of naturally curly hair! My sweet friend, Katie, told me about rag rolling. It's a quick and simple way to get natural looking curls without using a curling iron! Makeup Organization This morning I reorganized my makeup (which was previously scattered all over my bedroom dresser) in one of my dresser drawers. I used berry baskets, tea cups and small bowls to break up the space inside the drawer and then added all my makeup! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I think that this method will help me save space and clutter while keeping my daily makeup all in one place! Here's what my dresser top looked like before... yikes!

Chocolate Bath Recipes Our chocolate bath recipes will leave you feeling chocolate milky smooth. Calorie free, too! Just make sure not to eat them, and make sure no one eats you! You will smell like a bon bon. Chocolate Bath Salt Recipe An Easy DIY Lipstick Palette - Product Girl August 28th, 200822 Comments Have too many lipsticks and want a better option to carry them around? Jenbabae from the Makeup Alley forums has an easy do-it-yourself lipstick palette you can do at home.

Makeup Savvy: Dazzle Dust Nail Tutorial - StumbleUpon I've been wanting to try out paint splattered nails for ages now, however it seems like alot of hard work and also kind of messy! So me being supposedly 'savvy' and all I came up with a probably just as messy idea...but slightly more fun and prettier. Also it looks alot more delicate than having a paint splattered effect and alot less nail arty and more wearable. Now like I say... it is kind of messy so you will need at least one face wipe/baby wipe and something to do it on like the back of a magazine.

DIY Friendship Bracelet For several months now, we’ve been receiving emails requesting a friendship bracelet DIY. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! Today, we’ll give you a step by step tutorial on the classic chevron pattern. 5 Relaxing, Rejuvenating Bath Recipes - Perfect Alternatives to Bubbles So, by now you’ve probably come to terms with bubble baths not necessarily being the healthiest , most nourishing alternative for your skin. C’est la vie, crunchy people. C’est la vie. Life goes on, and in much more luxurious, relaxing ways. Here are your 5 ideas to turn your bathtime into a grown-up spa fit for a queen. Or a Kardashian.

The Tightwad Try-Alls: Homemade Lip Gloss You know the scene…you walk into the bathroom to find your 3 year old smothered in your lipstick. You grab your camera to capture the glorious mess, then set about cleaning it all up. But what do you do with the mushed up chunk of lipstick left in the tube? Manicure Mondays - Essie LuxeEffects & Fab Fatale Essie LuxeEffects is a gorgeous collection of five shimmer, glitter and flakies top coats. I can’t remember the last time a brand came out with an entire collection of top coats, so this was really fun to review. I swatched one coat of each LuxeEffects over a neutral nude polish to showcase the difference between each topper. Sand Tropez (not included in the collection) is a beautiful khaki tan creme polish from Essie’s Spring 2011 A French Affair collection.

I used less oil and honey than described. There was a thick layer of honey just sitting on top of the sugar when I let it sit in the jar so mixing in more sugar will prevent that from happening. by mightyhedgehog Oct 14
