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Three-act structure

Three-act structure
Three- act structure Plot Line Graph by Wendell Wellman The three-act structure is a model used in writing, including screenwriting, and in evaluating modern storytelling that divides a fictional narrative into three parts, often called the Setup, the Confrontation and the Resolution. Structure[edit] The second act, also referred to as "rising action", typically depicts the protagonist's attempt to resolve the problem initiated by the first turning point, only to find him- or herself in ever worsening situations. Interpretations[edit] In Writing Drama, French writer and director Yves Lavandier shows a slightly different approach.[2] He maintains that every human action, whether fictitious or real, contains three logical parts: before the action, during the action, and after the action. SJ Murray, a documentary film maker, feature film writer, and professor at Baylor University, explores why the three act structure matters in her book, Three Act What? See also[edit] References[edit]

The tone of voice triangle Is humor part of your brand’s personality? Do you wonder if it should be? When humor fits with your brand’s online identity, it can be a powerful social media tool. In this article I’ll show you examples of three ways you can use humor to grab attention. Define Your Online Tone Humor is an excellent addition to your social media toolbox. If you want to use humor as a social media marketing tactic, you’ll find good examples later in this article, but first let’s talk about the importance of defining your online voice (or tone). Which two elements fit best with your brand’s voice? I first heard about the tone of voice triangle from Bruce Daisley. To define your social media personality, choose the two elements that best reflect your brand’s tone. As an example of how tone affects humor, let’s look at Bunsen Burger, a gourmet burger restaurant in Dublin. If we apply the tone of voice triangle to their business, Fun and Give Info are their strong points. #1: Have Fun With Your Fans Over to You

Culture Culture (Latin: cultura, lit. "cultivation"[1]) is a modern concept based on a term first used in classical antiquity by the Roman orator Cicero: "cultura animi" (cultivation of the soul). This non-agricultural use of the term "culture" re-appeared in modern Europe in the 17th century referring to the betterment or refinement of individuals, especially through education. During the 18th and 19th century it came to refer more frequently to the common reference points of whole peoples, and discussion of the term was often connected to national aspirations or ideals. In the 20th century, "culture" emerged as a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of human phenomena that cannot be directly attributed to genetic inheritance. the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols, and to act imaginatively and creatively; andthe distinct ways that people, who live differently, classified and represented their experiences, and acted creatively.[2]

Principe KISS Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le principe KISS proscrit les seules complexités non indispensables. Paradoxalement, tenter d'utiliser des moyens simples pour résoudre un problème complexe peut conduire à une complexité encore plus grande. Il s'agit d'un écueil classique auquel peut conduire une application trop naïve du principe KISS. La complexité, souvent utile pour assurer de bonnes performances, est en effet elle-même une source de coûts de conception et de maintenance, ainsi qu'une source potentielle d'erreurs. L'idée est de ne pas optimiser quoi que ce soit avant de maîtriser totalement une version simple de ce que l'on crée. Variantes en anglais et traductions[modifier | modifier le code] Cette expression serait due à l'ingénieur prodige des ateliers aéronautiques Lockheed[1], Clarence Johnson, responsable des Skunk Works. Appelé KISS principle en anglais, l'acronyme KISS est décliné en : En informatique[modifier | modifier le code] On[Qui ?] ↑ (en) Ben R.

Non-Sense hero's journey "A Practical Guide to Joseph Cambell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Christopher Vogler © 1985 “There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.” In the long run, one of the most influential books of the 20th century may turn out to be Joseph Campbell’s THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES. The book and the ideas in it are having a major impact on writing and story-telling, but above all on movie-making. The ideas Campbell presents in this and other books are an excellent set of analytical tools. With them you can almost always determine what’s wrong with a story that’s floundering; and you can find a better solution almost any story problem by examining the pattern laid out in the book. There’s nothing new in the book. Campbell’s contribution was to gather the ideas together, recognize them, articulate them, and name them. This accounts for the universal power of such stories. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.)

About 42 Students Montreal and LA 2 Teachers 10 Stories 1 Rocket into space Working together each day to get a robot back to her home. Students will research, explore and discover as the robot makes her way across North America. Robot Hearts Stories is an experiential learning project that uses collaboration and creative problem solving to put education directly in the hands of students. The experience begins when a robot crash lands in Montreal and must make her way to LA in order to find her space craft and return home. At the same time, Robot Hearts Stories extends beyond the classroom, as the project welcomes involvement from a global audience. Robot Heart Stories is the first in a trilogy of experiential learning projects from award winning storytelling pioneer Lance Weiler and creative producer Janine Saunders. It is our feeling that together we can empower endless creativity and, with the help of a robot, we can reboot education. Come join the fun! Contact Us How do I follow the progress?

Writing Exercises and Prompts Myth Man's Ancient Love Stories Ok gang, clicking on the names below will take you to the info you're looking for Pyramus & Thisbe Echo & Narcissus Orpheus & Eurydice Psyche & Eros Pygmalion & Galatea Baucis & Philemon Myth Man's Stars! Web, myth narration & graphics created & maintained by Nick Pontikis Copyright © 1995 - 2010 Thanasi's Olympus Greek Restaurant The Myth Man persona © 1988 Nick Pontikis Copyright © 1999 [homework help] [myth of the month] [e-mail] [privacy policy]

Creating Characters with Music | Edutopia Posted 01/13/2015 7:07PM | Last Commented 01/19/2015 11:08AM “You want to write a great story? Create a character. Make everyone fall in love in him. Then get him in trouble.” -- Bruce Coville While a great story will keep an adult “with the writer,” a great character is what children crave. When I was a wee-little music fan, you could find me huddled around a record player singing about rock-n-rollin’ all night and partying every day. I want my Mtv! Videos flooded the television! Find Music Hopefully you have a nice music library on your phone or iPod. Teach and Model The idea is for the students to quickly draw/name/note while the tune spins. Draw: A quick pencil sketch of the singer (s) Name: If a name pops in their heads, write it down! Click Play I would play around a minute of each song, but that’s negotiable. Reveal At the end of the lesson, reveal what the artists really look like. Now what? That’s up to you.
