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How we made $1 million for SEOmoz—with one landing page and a fe
When we first published this case study, Moz was called SEOmoz. Even though the company has since rebranded, the techniques described below are still as relevant as ever. In this talk, Moz’s CEO, Rand Fishkin, raves about the work we did, explaining how the money that we generated enabled Moz to develop from a membership site into a web app. Overview Moz is one of the world’s largest providers of tools and resources for online marketing. Nevertheless, in the first split test that Conversion Rate Experts conducted for Moz, we generated a 52% improvement in sales. Within the first four months of work, we increased annual revenues by $1 million. Phase I—analyzing the business and designing a more effective landing page We’ve all heard the business principle of “listen to your customers.” After all, it takes time, effort, and money to bring visitors to a website. Here are some of the methods we used to analyze Moz’s visitors: A wireframe of the page. The results of the split test. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Google Base
Browsing items in Google Base Google Base is a database provided by Google into which any user can add almost any type of content, such as text, images, and structured information in formats such as XML, PDF, Excel, RTF, or WordPerfect. As of September 2010, the product has since been downgraded to Google Merchant Center.[1] If Google finds it relevant, submitted content may appear on its shopping search engine, Google Maps or even the web search. "You may have seen stories today reporting on a new product that we're testing, and speculating about our plans. A major component of Google Base is acting like an online classified ads service, such as Craigslist. Files can be uploaded to the Google Base servers by browsing your computer or the web, by various FTP methods, or by API coding. On October 8, 2009, it was announced that Google Base's separate search page would be discontinued.[1] See also[edit] References[edit]
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