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Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC]
Pinterest, a two-year-old social bookmarking site that lets users collect and share things they like on the web, is driving increasingly significant amounts of traffic to retailers' websites. The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or "pinboards," for popular categories such as home decor, food and wedding inspiration. Members can use Pinterest's "Pin It" bookmarklet tool and iPhone app to save things they see online and offline, and explore and repin the images their friends collect via their personal newsfeeds. The website is especially popular among women, who account for 58% of Pinterest's traffic, according to Experian Hitwise. SEE ALSO: 21 Must-Follow Pinterest Users The site's popularity is quickly growing. Although Pinterest is becoming a significant source of traffic for retailers, search still dominates, and the site has yet to prove itself as a potential sales channel. [via Monetate]

Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn On Pinterest? Follow Mashable to check out our favorite infographics, tech news, internet memes and digital culture! Pinterest is social media's rising star — and now has the traffic stats to prove it. The darling network of brides-to-be, fashionistas and budding bakers now beats YouTube, Reddit, Google+, LinkedIn and MySpace for percentage of total referral traffic in January, according to a Shareaholic study. Pinterest accounted for 3.6% of referral traffic, while Twitter just barely edged ahead of the newcomer, accounting for 3.61% of referral traffic. SEE ALSO: Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC] Facebook reigns king of referrals, accounting for more than one-quarter (26.4%) of traffic, 4.3% of which comes from Facebook Mobile. YouTube also saw more referral traffic in January than December, rising from 0.98% to 1.05%. Given Pinterest's monster growth, who do you think can benefit most from the social network, brands, news sources or someone else?

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How Does Pinterest's Referral Traffic Compare To Other Social Medias? #chart How Does Pinterest's Referral Traffic Compare To Other Social Medias? #chart See the original article from Brian Solis here Via The Social CMO I look 4Ward to your feedback. Keep Digging for Worms! Guest post by Brianne Boysen Author: Bill - Dr. DR4WARD enjoys helping connect students and pros to learn about all forms of communication and creativity.

5 services pour améliorer Pinterest C’est le buzz du moment ! Pinterest est sur toutes les lèvres. Certains ne jurent que par ce service et y voient des débouchés pour tout et n’importe quoi (e-commerce, recrutement, image de marque…). Pin a quote Pinterest c’est bien, mais malheureusement (ou heureusement, c’est selon), vous ne pouvez pas ajouter de texte, seulement des liens vers des pages contenant une image… Pour contourner cette restriction, le site Pin a quote vous permet de pinner une courte citation (455 caractères maximum) accompagnée du nom de l’auteur. Pingram Vous êtes un fervent utilisateur d’Instagram mais vous n’êtes pas satisfait de la présentation de vos photos sur ce service ? Pinpuff Utiliser un service et ne pas pouvoir se qualifier d’influent une fois qu’on cartonne dessus ? url2pinit Quand vous pinnez un lien, vous ne pouvez choisir qu’une image parmi celles présentes sur la page… Dommage. La méthode de présentation du contenu de Pinterest est sans doute son principal attrait.

Pinterest demographic data Ignite Social Media has an interesting post showing some demographic data on Pinterest (which, unsurprisingly, skews heavily towards women aged 25-54). Most telling for me though is their analysis of lifestyle segments – Boomers and Boomerangs (Boomers and the kids who live with them), Babies and Bliss (Gen-Xers having kids but mostly still working full time and interested in anything they can do online rather than offline)… The key here is – are any of these groups describing your members? Just something to think about. An example from the post: Boomers & Boomerangs in detailWho are they? As you can imaging, those in the travel industry (domestic) or craft and home improvement stores should see this as a potential opportunity should Boomers & Boomerangs fit within their target audience. Like this: Like Loading...

Why Pinterest is 2012's hottest website Pinterest, the web-based "pinboard", which launched almost two years ago, barely got a mention until 6 months ago. Unique visitors to Pinterest grew 400% from September to December 2011Pinterest drives more visitors to third-party websites than Google+, YouTube and LinkedInIt's a visual social network that organizes by topic and lets you reshare with one click Editor's note: Pete Cashmore is founder and CEO of Mashable, a popular blog about tech news and digital culture. He writes regular columns about social media and tech for (CNN) -- Pinterest is the breakout social network of 2012, but even technology addicts could be excused for missing its rise to success. The web-based "pinboard," which launched almost two years ago, barely got a mention on Silicon Valley news sites until six months ago, when early adopters suddenly realized that a site with millions of monthly users had sprung up almost unnoticed by the tech press. Pete Cashmore is the founder and CEO of

Is Pinterest Pocketing Revenue by Tracking User-Generated Pins? Popular social bookmarking site Pinterest has become the hottest startup on the web, luring millions of people to the site to collect and share things they like on the Internet. But a new report from social media blog LLSocial reveals that the site may be "quietly" generating revenue by adjusting and tracking the links attached to pins that are posted by users. LLSocial noted that Pinterest may be collecting money through an affiliate program when pins are connected to ecommerce sites. For example, a picture of a sweater pinned to someone's online board might have a link that connects them to a site where the sweater can be purchased, and this is when Pinterest reportedly steps in. "If you post a pin to Pinterest, and it links to an ecommerce site that happens to have an affiliate program, Pinterest modifies the link to add their own affiliate tracking code," LLSocial said. "If someone clicks through the picture from Pinterest and makes a purchase, Pinterest gets paid.

Pinterest: 10 reasons why it will be bigger than Twitter It’s pretty hard to miss Pinterest at the moment. Every time I look at my Tweetdeck there’s a Pinterest mention or a Pinterest link (notice how many people are un-shortening Pinterest links they want to share on Twitter, just to show you they’ve a Pinterest account?); every day another tech media article; every week a new Pinterest infographic (see foot of this post). Just today, the top the three stories on my ‘LinkedIn Today’ were all Pinterest articles. So, should we really be interested in Pinterest? I’d go as far to say that Pinterest will be bigger – in terms of total users, not necessarily by influence – than Twitter (which now has in excess of 100 million users ).Why? 1. 2. 9. What does Pinterest need to do to improve? 1. Umpf is on Pinterest: A couple of recent Pinterest infographics:

Can Pinterest Help Your Job Search? Sean Weinberg is the COO and co-founder of RezScore, a free web application that reads, analyzes and grades resumes instantly. You can connect with Sean and the RezScore team on Facebook and Twitter. Just when you thought you had mastered the job search on all social media platforms, along came Pinterest. You’ve optimized your Facebook and LinkedIn pages and you’ve got the Twesume. What’s the Big Deal? For those of you not in-the-know, Pinterest is a social networking site where people can create and share content within the context of visually-oriented pinboards. Instead of butting heads with the “big three” social media sites, Pinterest complements social media usage by tying into Facebook and Twitter. Much like Facebook or Twitter, job seekers are using their Pinterest account to share portfolio work, personal content and yes, their resumes. How Can I Put My Resume On Pinterest? Create Board: A Pinterest profile is divided into pinboards. What do you think? Social Media Job Listings

Pinterest: How Do U.S. and UK Users Compare? [INFOGRAPHIC] If you've spent any time on Pinterest, the hottest new social network since sliced bread, you might have noticed its popularity among certain demographics — namely, women who are into fashion, weddings, home decor and puppies. But some data compiled by sheds light on the interesting differences between U.S. and UK Pinterest users. Using anonymized, aggregated opt-in data from various Google products (including Toolbar and Analytics), DoubleClick Ad Planner has drawn some conclusions about pinners on both sides of the pond. SEE ALSO: 21 Must-Follow Pinterest Users Most compelling are the gender, wealth and interest differences between the two countries' users. Check out the visual breakdown below. Infographic courtesy of

Pinterest: Everything You Wanted to Know About 2012's Hottest Startup Pinterest has emerged as the runaway social media hit of early 2012. You probably knew that already. But did you know the company just has 12 people?, a visual marketing firm, took a deep dive into the data to catalog Pinterest's stunning rise and produced the infographic below. It also has the potential to become a forum for satire, as this fake Mitt Romney account illustrates. Since the company appears to be the hottest thing going — at least at this writing — consider this a snapshot of the next social media giant or the answer to tomorrow's trivia question.
