Summer PD: How to Build a Calendar for Project-Based Learning This post originally appeared on Edutopia, a site created by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process by using digital media to document, disseminate, and advocate for innovative, replicable strategies that prepare students. View Original > Teachers want to know what the day-to-day looks like. I know I do. The 'F' Word - 10 Tips To Get More Out Of Facebook In Education Even the mention of the word ‘Facebook‘ is enough to send a shiver down the spine of many educators. Privacy risks and ‘friending’ students scares many teachers off using Facebook for education. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The Facebook community, whether we like it or not, is enormous and it can be used in schools to do great things.
Game-Based Learning: What it is, Why it Works, and Where it's Going Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. –William Butler Yeats Introduction Deconstruct the fun in any good game, and it becomes clear that what makes it enjoyable is the built-in learning process. To progress in a game is to learn; when we are actively engaged with a game, our minds are experiencing the pleasure of grappling with (and coming to understand) a new system. This is true whether the game is considered “entertainment” (e.g., World of Warcraft) or “serious” (e.g., an FAA-approved flight simulator).
Build-A-Body Overview Learn about the body's systems with this drag and drop game. Choose organs from the organ tray, and place them in their correct position within the body to create organ systems. Build-A-Body is a drag and drop game where players are tasked with assembling an organ system from a set of organs. Projects As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest.
The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2011 — So Far I usually just do a year-end list on Web 2.0 Applications For Education and many other topics, but it gets a little crazy having to review all of my zillion posts at once. So, to make it easier for me — and perhaps, to make it a little more useful to readers — I’m going to start publishing mid-year lists, too. These won’t be ranked, unlike my year-end “The Best…” lists, and just because a site appears on a mid-year list doesn’t guarantee it will be included in an end-of-the-year one. Three Ways Game-Based Learning can be a Helpful Tool “A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” Jane McGonigal, Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World Game-based learning is fast becoming a trend in education.
Crossword In Crossword, students solve a traditional crossword puzzle that uses contextual sentences as the clues for each word. Learn More Create your own word lists and more with Premium Membership Bloom's Learning Objective PBL Mania … Online Planning Form, Free Webinar, Edmodo Community, Twitter Chat Night, New Conference, And More Welcome to another post which is the start to a series I know you will enjoy. On Wednesday, January 25 I will be presenting a webinar on Integrating PBL and Technology for Ed Tech Leaders On-line. It will be a must see webinar for anyone interested in PBL. I will also be presenting this topic in Chicago at the NICE Conference on January 28 and will soon be facilitating an ISTE online PBL course incorporating the NET-S standards. I have met many of you in PBL trainings I have conducted for the BUCK Institute (BIE). In order to celebrate, I have a fantastic series of articles that will be coming your way in the next two weeks here at 21centuryedtech.
Katie Salen on the Power of Game-Based Learning (Big Thinkers Series) Student: It's really cool school. I've never gone to a school quite like it. Student: Well, we get to design games and play each other's games, so instead of just doing work, work, work all day. Student: Well, we have the basic classes of a school, but we gave them different names, like math is called Code World. Science is the Way Things Work. Student: We learn everything that all the other schools learn.
Logic Games Online - Netwalk In the game of Netwalk, you are a network administrator, and someone has scrambled your network. Your job is to rotate all the pieces so that every computer is connected to the server by pipes and there are no lose ends in your network. Of course, the less work you need to do to complete your network the better, so Netwalk is scored by the number of clicks it takes you to rotate everything into place. Left click to rotate a tile counter-clockwise, and right click to rotate a tile clockwise. When you are certain of a tile's orientation, press the spacebar with the mouse cursor over that tile. The background will turn blue and you won't be able to accidentally rotate it without toggling the background again.
Project Planner Project Based Learning Project Planner Sign In Forgot Password? Sign Up By logging in, you agree to BIE's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Company About BIE What is PBL?