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The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad.

The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad.

Freedom to Teach Name: Toni Weiss School: Tulane University State: New Orleans, Louisiana Job Title: Senior Professor of Practice, Department of Economics; Associate Director, Tulane’s Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching How do you use Doceri? Let me start by saying that I have never used PowerPoint when I teach. Having content up on the screen makes it significantly easier for all students to see the material, including those who might have a sight impairment. As a check for understanding, I can hand my iPad to students and ask them contribute to solving a problem. of graphs so I have the students draw different parts of the graphs and then “pass the iPad.” students the graphs form and everyone else can see mistakes as they happen. I can further support my students by being able to save the notes an upload them to Canvas so students who have more difficulty taking notes don’t miss any information. What have been the reactions of your students, other staff, and admin, to your use of Doceri?

Take a tour of Clarify When it is time to share your document, we give you a few options. Share it on the web Share via Dropbox and get a public URL back that you can instantly send to anyone. Here's an example of a document shared on Dropbox Use our free service to share your document online. If you have a WordPress site, you can publish a Clarify document as a post, page, or any other options your WordPress theme includes. You can also copy the HTML or markdown of a Clarify document so you can publish it an any content management system that supports source code.

Espresso Education - Espresso and Clipbank 5 Recommended iPad Screensharing Apps The iPad is supposed to make teaching and learning easier, right? But if you’ve ever tried to talk your mom through a new task on her computer or iPad without being able to show her what you’re doing, you can understand that some frustration might ensue as you try to get an entire class to follow along with you. Or maybe you want to show a quick video or diagram, but holding up your iPad to the class really isn’t reaching everyone. There are a lot of folks out there who feel your pain, and to ease it just a bit, they’ve created Apps to share your screen. There are a lot of them out there, so we’ve sifted through and picked out some of the better ones to give you a good place to start. If you’ve used any of these (or others) and like them, please let us know! With the viewer, you can join an online meeting no matter where you go. View someone’s screen, share ideas and collaborate in real time, for free! Air Sketch Conference Pad Team Viewer Screen Chomp Just – Record It.

5 Ways to Use Aurasma in the Classroom – Teq Post in Apps, BYOD, Classroom Tools, Technology by MarcBrea on Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 Aurasma is an augmented reality application that allows you to overlay any video or image on top of anything that your tablet, cell phone, or any other mobile device can scan with its camera. Using Aurasma is very much like using a QR code reader. 1. As your students are learning new vocabulary, you may try a number of different techniques for teaching these new words from comparing synonyms, analogies, etc. 2. Do you have that key poster or picture that you have on the wall, but when you give your students a test, they always check it for the answers to certain questions? 3. Have you ever seen the “Daily Prophet” from the Harry Potter movies or photos in an article of written text that play a video as you read it? 4. From younger to older grades, every classroom has established rules. 5. I hope this has given you some ideas for using Aurasma in the classroom. Start a Free Trial of Teq Online PD

Creating Screencasts on an iPad It's been a while since I have added to my blog, and I thought it was about time for an entry. (I have not taught in over a week due to Hurricane Sandy. Perhaps blogging might help prevent my brain from turning to mush.) I have an ipad and writing on an ipad is easy. It is an app called "Explain Everything". So, I have some ideas for some future topics for my blog. Flipping the Classroom - Yes, No, or SometimesWhat is Math to Me vs What is Math to Parents/StudentsStandardized Tests & What Colleges WantYouTube for Schools - Accessing YouTube even if your school filters it outGathering student work using dropitto.meAssessing Standards for Statistics with Census at School Last, I have continued to post TI-NSpire Quick Tips to my YouTube channel at mathteacher24. Hopefully, I will post to my blog a bit more frequently.

Le mappe mentali Prendete un foglio e una matita, pensate a un concetto, un’idea, un argomento e cominciate a disegnare tutto quello che sapete e che vi viene in mente a proposito, riempiendo lo spazio come volete, sopra, sotto, a destra, a sinistra, seguendo il flusso delle vostre emozioni e traducendole sulla pagina in modo personale e creativo. Non importa come, perché sarete voi a decidere cos’è più importante, cosa mettere prima o dopo, cosa fare più piccolo o più grande, cosa collegare e cosa evidenziare: sbizzarritevi con i colori, sgombrate la mente dalle fastidiose barriere a cui ci hanno abituato sin da bambini, abbandonate il rigore metodologico che ci hanno insegnato a scuola e date sfogo alla vostra fantasia. In totale libertà. Un esercizio inutile e infantile? Roberta, cosa sono esattamente le mappe mentali? Quali sono i vantaggi nell'utilizzarle? E come si costruiscono? Le possiamo usare sempre, in qualunque contesto? Assolutamente. E i tuoi laboratori piacciono così tanto che il prof.

Comment enregistrer l'écran d'un iPhone ou d'un iPad ? (Mis à jour en décembre 2015) Depuis 2012 les manières de faire une capture vidéo d’un écran iPhone ou iPad ont pas mal changées. L’option la plus connue à l’époque pour enregistrer une vidéo de votre device iOS était d’utiliser le simulateur iPhone ou iPad de votre Mac. Voici les principales options. QuickTime Player Cette possibilité a été introduite avec iOS 8 et OS X Yosemite, et c’est l’option que nous vous recommandons. Un appareil iOS (iPhone, iPad) avec iOS 8 ou plusUn Mac tournant sur OS X Yosemite ou plusLe « Lightning cable », le cable de chargement livré avec votre iPhone ou iPad Pas besoin de jailbreaker votre iPhone, d’une app tierce ni d’appareil supplémentaire. Voici les différentes étapes: Connectez votre iPhone ou iPad à votre Mac à l’aide du lightning cableOuvrez QuickTime playerCliquez sur Fichier puis ‘Nouvel enregistrement vidéo’ Une fenêtre d’enregistrement va apparaitre. Elgato Voici l’équipement qui était nécessaire : Reflector Voici plus d’information. 11 décembre,2015

Google Classroom/GAFE About this webmix : Resources for integrating Google Apps for Education into your lessons and classroom management. Ideas for Math/Google Interesting Ways to Use Goog.. Google docs/Math ideas GAFE tutorials Using GAFE in Math Class Real World Math Using Flubaroo to Grade Math Equations in Goog Google Drive for Math GAFE-Digital Scoop Google Classroom The Paperless Classroom g(math) & Google Form Teaching Math with Google Presentations-Google Slides Interesting Ways to Use Goog.. Create a Form FROM Sheet Google Drive/Docs - Submit HW EdTechTeam: Math Apps + Goog.. Creating Classroom Discussio.. Symbaloo-ers that viewed the webmix above, also viewed:

How To Capture And Record An iPhone Or iPad Screen Video? You’re ready to create an iPhone app promo video for your upcoming app? Or maybe you’d like to display a video inside an iPhone on your app website? Sometimes the only way to show how your app works is to actually record what’s going on and capture the iPhone screen as a video. Althought it might get a little technical, I feel like this info is all spread up everywhere as new solutions were created and I believe it’s a good idea to do a wrap-up. Option 1: Using the iPhone or iPad simulator on your Mac The most known (maybe because it was the first one) way to do a screencast of an app is probably to use the iPhone/iPad simulator on your Mac, while recording your screen with a tool like ScreenFlow, Camtasia Studio, iShowU, or Jing. Option 2: Record directly from your iPhone or iPad This one will require you to jailbreak your iPhone. The quality depends on the mobile device resolution and I assume on how fast the device is (for better framerate). Display recorder on iPhone 4S Some examples:
