Newly Discovered Rope Worm Infection Wow. This is amazing. And horrifying. Notice that he mentions the role of heavy metals toward the end. Obviously, a heavy metal cleanse such as EDTA and DMSA would be helpful in the process of cleansing and eliminating. These are the main ingredients of the most effective anti-parasite formulas. I've also bolded a few interesting things about these herbs that we might want to keep in mind. Parasite CleanseGreen hulls of black walnut: is known to have powerful effects on killing many varieties of parasites.The dried and ground green hull of the Black Walnut contains tannin, which is organic iodine, as well as juglandin.
Glutathione Thiol groups are reducing agents, existing at a concentration of approximately 5 mM in animal cells. Glutathione reduces disulfide bonds formed within cytoplasmic proteins to cysteines by serving as an electron donor. In the process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L-(–)-glutathione. Once oxidized, glutathione can be reduced back by glutathione reductase, using NADPH as an electron donor.[3] The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione within cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity.[4] Biosynthesis[edit] Glutathione is not an essential nutrient, since it can be synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and glycine. Cells make glutathione in two adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent steps: First, gamma-glutamylcysteine is synthesized from L-glutamate and cysteine via the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (glutamate cysteine ligase, GCL). Function[edit] Cancer[edit]
Hospital Acquired Infections Costly, Preventable A program to reduce hospital-acquired infections can save an average of $1.1 million a year, according to results of a new study. In 2002, one in every 20 hospitalized patients developed a healthcare-associated infection (HAI), making HAIs one of the leading causes of death and illness in the U.S., and costing up to $33 billion dollars, according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The 1.7 million reported HAIs resulted in an estimated 99,000 deaths in that year, wrote Hugh Waters, MS, PhD, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and colleagues in the September/October issue of the American Journal of Medical Quality. There's been "substantial uncertainty" among hospitals on how reducing infections would impact their financial performance, according to the study authors. "Without a strong business case, hospitals may be reluctant to embark on meaningful efforts to improve safety," they wrote. The Keystone program has two main components: Emily P. false
Bacteria, Biofilms, Antibiotic Resistance and Infections Bacteria are interesting and abundant microorganisms that sometimes exist as separate cells. Many bacteria grow in colonies called biofilms, however. In a biofilm, bacteria are attached to each other and to a solid surface, They are also surrounded by a protective material which they secrete. Biofilms form in our bodies. Where Are Biofilms Found? Biofilms form in many places. A biofilm often has a slimy consistency and can be large enough for us to see without magnification. How Does a Biofilm Form? The first step in biofilm production is the formation of a conditioning film on a surface. Free-floating bacteria (also called planktonic bacteria) land on the conditioning film and stick to it. The bacterial cells become surrounded by a protective material that they release, which is sticky and helps attach them to each other and to the solid surface. The extracellular matrix of a biofilm protects the bacteria from attack by the host’s immune system. Biofilms and Infections
Carnicom Institute - CDB - Growth Progressions This paper will outline specific, identifiable and repeatable growth stages of the cross-domain bacteria (CDB) and its associated forms. It will be seen that a wide variety of growth forms will ultimately emerge from what appears to be a simple, non-descript spherical living entity; as such the term 'pleomorphic' is fully justified in this presentation. This is the case even when the study is restricted to the most primitive form of existence (i.e., the CDB) and this sets the stage to for us anticipate a high level of survivability and adaptibility for the organism. The outline of presentation is based primarily upon chronology. This image above represents the basis of all subsequent work here. The above image is a clear and unhindered presentation of the CDB as they have been isolated. The photograph above is an important one and it has been difficult to capture. What are the known methods of reproduction? Two types of cells exist : prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
Nosocomial infection A hospital-acquired infection, also known as a HAI or in medical literature as a nosocomial infection, is an infection whose development is favored by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff. Such infections include fungal and bacterial infections and are aggravated by the reduced resistance of individual patients.[1][dead link] In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year.[2] In Europe, where hospital surveys have been conducted, the category of Gram-negative infections are estimated to account for two-thirds of the 25,000 deaths each year. Nosocomial infections can cause severe pneumonia and infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream and other parts of the body. Types[edit] Cause[edit] Transmission[edit]
Biofilms and Infection | ENT Kent © 2007 – 2015 JW Fairley Content last updated 18 August 2014 Disclaimer All information and advice on this website is of a general nature and may not apply to you. Complexity of biofilm. © 2003 Center for Biofilm Engineering Montana State University-Bozeman What is a biofilm? A biofilm is a community of micro-organisms, attached to a wet or moist surface. Individual micro-organisms can only be seen under a microscope. Two marvels of biological structural engineering in niche environments. Micro-organisms attach themselves to all kinds of surfaces. The plaque that builds up between the gum and the tooth is a biofilm. Biofilms also build up in humans. Biofilms start as just a few bugs forming a thin layer. Five stages of biofilm development. Graphic by Peg Dirckx and David Davies © 2003 Center for Biofilm Engineering Montana State University. A bug’s life Bugs, germs, bacteria, micro-organisms – we think of them as dirty and dangerous, to be avoided, controlled, exterminated. Disclaimer
Carnicom Institute - Morgellons : The Breaking of Bonds and the Reduction of Iron Three methods that appear to interfere with the molecular bonding of the iron-dipeptide complex that is now understood to be characteristic of the "Morgellons" growth structure have been established and identified. The iron-protein complex is believed to be of, or similar to, the "Rieske Protein" (iron-sulfur) form. These three methods also appear to be variably successful in reducing the oxidation state of the encapsulated iron from the Fe(III) state to the Fe(II) state. The discovered methods involve the use of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and glutathione. The results of applying glutathione appear to be especially promising at this time, as it appears that a major disruption in the bond structure has taken place after approximately 72 hours. This result has been a primary target of research through this past year, and it may represent an important potential inhibitor to the structure growth. Listen to a Research Discussion on This Topic Additional Discussion:
MRSA Biofilms - MRSA Medical MRSA Infection CAMRSA Staphylococcus aureus - Biofilms... Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis in Biofilm Formations... Prior to 1984, enterococci were members of the genus Streptococcus: thus Enterococcus faecalis was known as Streptococcus faecalis. A characteristic of many pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis is the production of a slime resulting in biofilm formation. MRSA resistant bacterium are often found in biofilm formations - Biofilms are 'protective coatings' which attract various strains of the staph bacterium to form a matrix-type of formation that protect the inner core and prevent antibiotic influence. The formation of bacterial biofilms on implant material is widely accepted as the leading cause of the local progressive tissue destruction resulting in osteolysis and implant loosening. It is generally assumed that the infection persists because bacterium organised as biofilms escape the host defence mechanisms.
Coping with chronic, rare, and invisible diseases and disorders - DYING, SURVIVING, AND AGING WITH GRACE • Helpful websites and other resources • Managing pain • Rare and undiagnosed diseases • Memoirs of coping with chronic, rare, or invisible diseases or special health problems • Coping with invisible chronic illnesses Helpful websites and other resources Because I write about illness and medical research and the professionals who try to help those with medical problems, I find myself wanting to recommend links that don't really fit into the other categories on this site, or even into the concept of the site. What are invisible illnesses? Rare and undiagnosed diseases • National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). [Back to Top] Accord Alliance Promotes comprehensive and integrated approaches to care that enhance the health and well-being of people and families affected by disorders of sex development (DSD, which includes some conditions referred to as "intersex") After Surgery to Slim Down, the Bills Can Pile Up (Lesley Alderman, NYTimes, 12-31-10). Arthritis Autoimmune diseases [Go Top]
Antifungal Herbs Some of these antifungal herbs are powerful. Talk to your health care practitioner before beginning any herbal treatment, especially if you are pregnant, have medical conditions or take any medications which may be adversely affected by the herbs’ medicinal qualities. Also important to note: Some plants have a wide range of effects, which differ depending on what part of the plant is used. Though I’m no herbalist, I’ve done a lot of reading and searching for antifungal herbs. Talk to a qualified herb specialist for proper dosing instructions. Please listen to your own inner wisdom, and while using herbs to boost your progress let a healthy diet be your number one remedy for overcoming the yeast and keeping it in its place. Get more info here about Candidate, a homeopathic remedy for Candidiasis, Candida and Yeast Infections made by a company I trust. Antifungal Herbs Black walnut is used for canker sores as well as syphilis and herpes sores. Black Walnut products. Barberry products. Pine Oil.
Garage Bio | Biology is for everybody. Get in the garage and tinker! Morgellons tick lyme infections from unknown fungal parasites Almost 95% of all Morgellons symptoms are caused by a newly transmitted, or perhaps already present borreliosis (Lyme disease) and sometimes with the typical viral, protozoal and bacterial coinfections. Which are caused from Anaplasma, Babesia (intracellular in red blood cells, anaemia, red pin prick dots on skin, dark urine), Bartonella (intracellular in granulozytes), Chlamydia, Rickettsia (meningo/encephalitis) Mycoplasma (respiratory, nerves, organs), and with the later rise of opportunistic infections (Candida, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, etc.). Lyme disease which is caused by the spirochetal bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi s.s. In any case, spirochetes are very extraordinary and higher developed bacteria. For example, many bacteria live inside the human gut, to digest our food. Check this video about highly organized plaque with spirochetes Infection with the Borrelia genus of spirochete depends on whether and how these and other pathogens can enter directly into a wound. 1.