How To Finish A Presentation (Speeches) Having trouble getting the reaction you want from an audience after finishing your presentation? This video from VideoJug will give you the tools you'll need to leave your audience wanting more. Hi, I'm Simon Bucknall and in 2008 I won the European Championship of Public Speaking. To enable our clients to persuade, influence and inspire others. It's true in part, but what's really important about the conclusion to any speech or presentation is the call to action. That change could be large or small, but it has to be a change of some kind. And again, that's wrong. And that means that the last impression your audience has of you is the energy that was in the room for that final question. Two words that you should never end a presentation with are the words Thank You.
I am South African - Journal What Do Interns Want? 10 Characteristics That Attract Exceptional Interns - Intern Program Tips What Do Interns Want? 10 Characteristics That Attract Exceptional Interns Some employers believe that the current economy means companies have their choice of available interns. They think that, due to a shortage of employment opportunities, interns must be indiscriminately searching for any organizational opening. As a result, some companies have gotten lax in terms of learning what students really want in an internship; they’ve gotten lethargic about program development and promoting themselves to peak the interest of interns. While it is true that some companies have cut spending on internship programs, if you want to attract the top talent and achievers, you need to create a program that appeals to students. So what do interns look for when choosing a program? 10 Features Interns Look for in an Internship Program 1. Yes, many of these criteria are outside a company’s control. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. So how will interns know whether your internship program is top notch?
Highlights from Ignorance survey in the UK Highlights from the first UK survey re ignorance of global trends. A preliminary summary by Hans Rosling, Gapminder Foundation, 3 Nov, 2013 Gapminder’s mission is to fight devastating ignorance about the world with a fact-based worldview that everyone can understand. We started the Ignorance Project to measure what people know and don´t know about major global trends. Read more about the project here: For the web-based Ignorance surveys we develop questions with clear cut response alternatives together with Novus International AB The aim of these surveys is to understand how deep and how widespread the public ignorance of major global development trends is in different countries. 1. Source: 2. Source: 3. Source: 4. 5. 6. 7.
Guts annonce Philantropiques, un nouvel album dans la lignée de sa série Beach Diggin' Comme pour ses 4 albums précédents, Philantropiques sortira sur le label Heavenly Sweetness, le 29 mars prochain. Guts s’est d’abord imposé comme beatmaker pillier de la scène hip-hop française en taillant la bande-son d’Alliance Ethnik, de Big Red ou des Svinkels, avant de se lancer en solo sous le nom de Guts avec son premier album « Le Bienheureux » sorti en 2007. Porté par une volonté constante de se renouveler, il s’entoure aujourd’hui d’un nouveau live band. Irrémédiablement attiré par les vibrations du monde, c’est principalement sur celles de l’Afrique et des Caraïbes qu’il s’attarde dans son dernier effort. Un virage qu’il nous présente avec « Mucagiami » un premier extrait d’inspiration angolaise, une semba à l’orchestration percussive et cuivrée dans laquelle s’exprime le chanteur oublié Manuel Rosário das Neves alias Vum Vum. Philantropiques est un album résolument afro-tropical où se rencontrent le jazz et le carimbó. Tracklist: 01. « Voyaging Bird » Feat.
Can You Really Improve Your Emotional Intelligence? - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Who wouldn’t want a higher level of emotional intelligence? Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadership talent, health, relationship satisfaction, humor, and happiness. It is also the best antidote to work stress and it matters in every job — because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with higher EQ are more rewarding to deal with. Most coaching interventions try to enhance some aspect of EQ, usually under the name of social, interpersonal, or soft skills training. But what is the evidence? Nearly 3,000 scientific articles have been published on EQ since the concept was first introduced in 1990, and there are five key points to consider: Everyone can change, but few people are seriously willing to try. The bottom line is that some people are just naturally more grumpy, shy, self-centered or insecure, while other people are blessed with natural positivity, composure, and people-skills. 2.
Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts Image copyright Getty Images More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as countries struggled to cope with the influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people. The vast majority arrived by sea but some migrants have made their way over land, principally via Turkey and Albania. Winter has not stemmed the flow of people - with 135,711 people reaching Europe by sea since the start of 2016, according to the UNHCR. 1. The conflict in Syria continues to be by far the biggest driver of migration. 2. Although not all of those arriving in Europe choose to claim asylum, many do. But far more people have arrived in the country - German officials said more than a million had been counted in Germany's "EASY" system for counting and distributing people before they make asylum claims. Hungary moved into second place for asylum applications, as more migrants made the journey overland through Greece and the Western Balkans.
Histoires d'arbres - Les racines de l’enfance Tous deux vénérés, le vieux tilleul "à danser" de Himmelsberg, en Allemagne, et le chêne appelé "Whiteleaved oak", en Angleterre, semblent cacher un secret dans leurs feuillages. L’un au centre d’un village, l'autre perdu dans la campagne, ils donnent à ceux qui les admirent le pouvoir de retrouver une âme d’enfant. À Himmelsberg, on vient depuis des siècles danser dans les branches du vieux tilleul, une tradition folâtre que nul ne souhaite abandonner. Le tronc creux et tortueux du chêne anglais aurait, dit-on, des pouvoirs singuliers. Aussi lui rend-on hommage avec des prières, des chants, des poésies, des ablutions, entre ésotérisme païen et folie douce. Tous deux vénérés, le vieux tilleul "à danser" de Himmelsberg, en Allemagne, et le chêne appelé "Whiteleaved oak", en Angleterre, semblent cacher un secret dans leurs feuillages.
Richard Branson on Self-Awareness for Leadership Growth Editor's Note: Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. Q: What are the key personal characteristics that go hand-in-hand with business success? -- Titto Mbuvi All sorts of people find success as entrepreneurs, in every profession and area of life. What many have in common is that they're ready to try and fail while they are figuring out which of their ideas will work, and so perseverance and courage are an entrepreneur's best assets, as I've mentioned in previous columns. Like most other companies, we at the Virgin Group have experienced a number of failures along with our successes -- it is so easy to get things wrong. This is what happened when we launched Virgin Cola in 1994. But as time went on, we realized that we'd failed to adhere to our own rules. Self-awareness can also help you to persevere as you carry out your plan.
The Secret of Nigerian Book Sales At almost every Nigerian literary event I have attended, the topic of the country’s lack of reading culture has come up. The falling standard of education, increasing culture of materialism, poverty, and online distractions are given as reasons for this alleged loss of interest. Abysmal sales at bookshops across the country are presented as evidence. For the past eleven years, Jemiyo Ariyo has worked as a salesperson at The Booksellers Limited, in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State. “Nigerians don’t take reading seriously,” she said, adding that she has observed a dramatic decrease in the sale of fiction. “It takes anything from three to five years to sell off a print run of about two thousand to three thousand books,” Bankole Olayebi, the C.E.O. of the publisher Bookcraft, which counts the Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka among its authors, told me. A number of public and private programs have been founded to address this growing concern.