Jewelry webinar | T-Splines blog About six months ago, Australian jeweler Chris Botha started playing with T-Splines for Rhino and posting his results in the T-Splines forum. His gallery thread has turned into the most prolific on our forum, with 161 posts and over 12000 views, and is filled with dozens of jewelry pieces that are distinctively organic. On Friday, October 28, 2011 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT, Chris will present at a free T-Splines webinar, “How T-Splines changed my approach to making jewelry in CAD.” There are still spots available — register now for this free webinar. You won’t want to miss this chance to get candid insights from a T-Splines pro about how he uses T-Splines in his design process. Jewelry by Chris Botha Jewelry by Chris Botha former CEO of T-Splines, Inc., currently T-Splines and Alias product manager at Autodesk, Inc.
**SOFTlab | LAB** We are currently wrapping up a piece we have been working on in collaboration with NOOKA and Tietz-Baccon. We had a pretty simple idea to make a field of intersecting cubes of various size to serve as display surfaces for NOOKA products. NOOKA’s theme for this season had to do with organic growth, but in a more crystalline way. We thought the idea of rigid shapes growing in an organic way would work well for the display. The wood creates a nice contrast to the NOOKA products and the layering helps the piece look like an eroded rock formation. To get a varied condition we set up some simple rules in GH such as size of field, how many cubes to construct in the field, the cube dimensions, and last, a bounding box to help shape the growth. We are attaching the GH code for you to play with. download: sourcefiles
Unrolling Surfaces in Grasshopper | Bios Design Collective This Grasshopper definition is proof of concept for a VB component that unrolls developable surfaces to the XY plane. To make the component, I’ve adapted a rhinoscript by Andrew Kudless (of Matsys) to run in VB, enlisting the help of CCA student Ripon DeLeon to write the code.This example uses the VB component to create unrolled surfaces from 4 curves that I have distorted using the cage edit command in rhino. To use the definition on your own projects, simply choose any 4 curves to loft between in sequential order. The blocks of components are grouped somewhat clearly (I hope) so you can add more curves by copy-pasting more blocks and making the few required re-connections to make it work. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. For the above definition, I’ve added tabs along the edges of the unrolled surfaces for ease of attachment. Like this: Like Loading...
Autocad 2011 Full Iso Hola les queria comentar que para todos los estudiantes (en mi caso de la facultad) que en este sitio: se encuentran disponibles para descargar gratis y legal 30 programas pertenecientes al paquete Autodesk. Entre ellos los mas conocidos Maya, 3ds Max y AutoCAD. Solo deben registrarse, y al descargar les proporciona la clave del producto. EDIT: Agrego la: Lista de programas disponibles: La descripcion de cada uno esta en la pagina pero despues la agrego con tiempo El sitio por si no lo leyeron arriba Espero que les sirva. Rhino News, etc. Rhino Tech Tips Archive » Waffle Structures: Rhino Grasshopper Yes ! the classic waffle structures , I think this kind of definitions are very useful specially to those starting in their way of parametric design and of course Grasshopper, they have a wide range of applications that can go from architectural projects to conceptual furniture like this quick example I made. The definition is made so you can set up the number of sections in the X and Y axis separately , also you can set up the height of each sections as well as the thickness of the material you are going to work with. Finally the definitions orients al the parts to the X-Y axis with an ID tag so you can easily organize them and get them ready for the CNC mill or the laser cutter. This definition will help understand most of the basic components that Grasshopper currently has implemented,It was made with Grasshopper Version 6.0019 we have to remember it still is a WIP so they maybe some problems using it in other versions.
Curso Interactivo de Macromedia Freehand ¿Por qué el 93% de la población mundial es pobre o de clase media? Y solo hay un 7% de personas libres financieramente o Ricos en el mundo. Pues bien la respuesta es muy simple: Todo se trata de seguir unas formulas y en el mundo del dinero de las finanzas personales y de la realización personal, existen solo dos formulas: La Formula de los Pobres. Y recuerde que ese 93% de la población Mundial lo que hace es aplicar la formula de los pobres, que los hace ser mas pobres toda su vida. Y ese 7% de la Población mundial lo que hace es aplicar la formula de los ricos que los hace ser mas libres financieramente y mas ricos toda su vida. Hacer Mucho Dinero NO depende de: No depende de una determinada raza. Hacer Mucho dinero solo depende de aplicar la formula de los ricos. Pues bien, se le tiene una muy buena noticia en este curso de educación financiera que se llama: formula de ricos, usted aprenderá la Formula de los Ricos. ¿Qué es una Formula? En este caso el problema es ser Pobre.
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