Telares en cajas
Estos telares en cajas de cartón me han robado el corazón. Están en el Museum of Contemporary Craft en Portland pero estoy segura de que pronto tendrán una versión parecida en el colegio de mis hijos.
Editors Note: Guest Post by Betsy & Warren Talbot Let’s face it: We all have too much stuff. Whether it is the things you no longer need, the items you never got around to using, or the “treasures” thrust on you by well-meaning people, you are probably shrinking your living space with all that clutter. It’s more than simply buying nothing new. There are 3 steps you can take to finally let go of those items no longer working in your life. But before you start planning your next big holiday, let’s focus on 3 powerful strategies to let go of your possessions. Instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, Keep Up with Your Dream: This is the classic mistake many people make. It’s like high school all over again as you struggle to keep up with what other people’s families have and how they spend their free time. To learn to be clutter free, adjust your focus to the ultimate dream you have for your life and not what the couple down the street just bought. Remove Mental Clutter Before Physical Clutter:
Making Paper Bricks in India
At MAKE we have covered a type of paper brick before, but it was used simply as a fire starter. Professors Rahul Ralegaonkar and Sachin Mandavgane of the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology in India (VNIT) have come up with a process to make paper bricks designed for creation instead of destruction. It started when they visited a paper recycling plant in 2009. They learned that 15% of the material that went through the plant was piled up into an unsightly sludge and sent to a landfill. For those not familiar, this is a prime example of one of the perils in recycling as opposed to upcycling. Recycling results in materials being turned into products of a lower quality than their predecessors, while upcycling preserves the quality of the product through many generations. Raleganokar and Mandavgane decided to take some of that sludge back to their lab and play around with it along with students over the summer. Related
Build a Food Storage Shelf
Preparation Instructions: Fill all holes with wood filler and let dry. Apply additional coats of wood filler as needed.
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Artisanats / DIY | Alternatives libres
"Le Faites-le vous-même est un précepte inspiré du Do it yourself, à savoir réaliser, construire, réparer… bref faire soi-même plutôt que faire-faire. Ce précepte est d’ailleurs un peu celui d’Ekopédia : projet d’encyclopédie pratique traitant des techniques alternatives de vie. " Définition Ekopédia ou Wikipédia Artisanat pour tous : "Techniques et projets d’artisanat, bricolages pour petits et grands, activités et décorations." Esprit cabane – Le magazine des idées créatives et écologiques : "le site Esprit cabane se consacre à l’écologie pratique, orienté vers les loisirs créatifs, la décoration, le bricolage, l’entretien de la maison et le jardinage bio. Le contenu du site, régulièrement enrichi, est entièrement exclusif et original. Foire aux savoir-faire : "donner le goût et les techniques de faire par soi-même pour le plaisir d’apprendre, d’exercer sa créativité, d’adoucir son impact sur l’environnement et d’ajuster sa consommation á ses besoins" Meubles en carton Guerilla gardening
17 Best DIY gadget projects of 2013
We do love a good gadget project. From tinkering with Raspberry Pi microcomputers to automating our own homes, to coming up with cool renewable energy projects... we can't stay away. Here are our favorites from this year. David Hunt/Video screen captureRaspberry Pi hack unlocks door when it hears a dog's bark Maker David Hunt created a clever hack for a door for dog owners who are tired of getting up to let Fido outside. The King of Random/viaMake a Battery with Spare Change"This teaches you how to build a battery with the spare change in your pocket. © masynmachienMake a small wind turbine that kids can help build"This project is meant to be easy enough for older kids and adults to do without too much experience. © Winged FistMake a Steampunk Solar Night Light in 10 Steps"Cheaply make a Steampunk solar night light for your home." © Roy02How to make a water battery"With a few materials and a little bit of time, he shows us how to put together a working battery made from water.
34 DIY headboard ideas
The headboard is now looked at as a mainly decorative element in our bedrooms. As it usually happens, it all started from a practical reason/purpose.The headboard, a piece of furniture that is attached to the head of the bed, was initially an element that isolated sleepers from drafts and cold. Back then the buildings were less insulated and thus such a feature was needed. The headboards were made of wood because it’s a material that’s less conductive than stone or brick for example. With time, this function has been lost and replaced by a purely aesthetical function. These 34 diy headboard ideas exposed here are not competing with each other, by the contrary these are the best projects we could find to show you, and all of them are equally interesting. Headboard from salvaged materials. The first project is realized from scrap materials salvaged from a burn pile. Metal headboard. This one is really simple, but ingenious. Old door headboard. Original headboard using store signs.
japanese stab binding | becca making faces | Page 2
I’ll be honest, I’ve been working on this tutorial for days. It might be the most convoluted one. I’ve checked and double-checked for errors. If you find one, leave a comment and I’ll fix it as soon as I can. But ‘woven’ is not that difficult to sew once you understand the technique. If you’ve tried the marionette tutorial, then you could sew this bind with that method. A few things to remember: when you are making the first diagonal Xs, do not make the knot too tight. hole pattern sewing pattern EXIT = needle pointed DOWN and ENTER = needle pointed UP=====
How to Make Paper Lanterns - Cute Round Oriental Style
Looking for instructions on how to make paper lanterns? My husband designed an easy template for making paper lanterns in a cute round shape. They look a bit oriental, don’t you think? These “lanterns” are purely decorative and aren’t designed to have a lamp inside them, but they do make great festive decorations. In fact, they started out as a design for Christmas baubles. By the way, if you want to learn how to make a lantern that you can put a lamp inside of, then check out my instructions for making paper star lanterns . They make great homemade gifts to post in the mail because they can pack flat. Instructions: How to Make Paper Lanterns Before we get started, here’s a little cartoon to give you the big-picture of how everything fits together. Equipment pretty paper or card-stock printer scissors glue or double sided tape needle and thread You’ll also want to download my round paper lantern template . Step 3: Prepare a piece of thread or wool about 15 inches long.
Le Top 10 des Astuces Beauté au Jus de Citron que Toutes les Filles Doivent Connaitre.
Le citron vous rend belles, Mesdames. Les ongles, la peau, les cheveux, les points noirs ou les cernes, rien ne lui échappe. Par ses bienfaits assainissant, purifiant et adoucissant, il sert de base efficace à tous types de soins. Nous avons sélectionnés les meilleures astuces beauté au citron pour se faire belle naturellement. Simple, pas cher et efficace, qui dit mieux ? Laquelle de ses astuces allez-vous tester en premier ? 1. Le jus de citron purifie le foie. Un jus de citron tous les matins, avec un peu d'eau tiède. 2. Le citron est un dissolvant naturel qui n'attaque pas les ongles. Avec un peu d'huile de coude, vous allez pouvoir retirer votre vernis et blanchir vos ongles grâce aux propriétés blanchissantes du citron. 3. Les points noirs sur le nez et sur le menton, beurk ! Un peu de jus de citron et c'est réglé. 4. Envie de donner un effet éclaircissant à votre chevelure blonde ? Le citron est là pour ça. 5. La peau parfaite des magazines, vous en rêvez ? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.