Vegan MoFo Headquarters International The healthy vegetarian recipe blog Healthful Pursuit Fresh365 The Vegan Mouse The 10 Cheapest, Healthiest Foods Money Can Buy Whether you’re broke and waiting for the next paycheck, or simply trying to cut back on your grocery bill, it’s vital to choose foods that give you the healthiest bang for your hard-earned buck. These ten foods do just that. They’re nutritional powerhouses for pennies on the dollar. Many could be considered superfoods, and have long been staples of frugal households. I included almost all of them (sorry, lentils) for CHG's $25 Challenge, and you’ll see that Hillbilly Housewife uses quite a few in her famous $45 Emergency Menu, as well. To compile the final list, there were three main criteria. Versatile. Of course, your opinion on some of these foods (particularly the first) might differ, and I’d love to hear what you would have included instead. All prices are the lowest available from Peapod (Stop & Shop) on 4/6/10.All nutrition data comes from, uh, Nutrition Data and is approximate. BANANAS Are there better-rounded fruits? CARROTS Bugs Bunny was on to something. PEAS Yes, peas.
Vegetarian Party Recipes Parties are opportunities to splurge and have a good time. When we have a group of buddies visiting, serve these recipes with chips, raw vegetables, and a fine selection of local microbrew beers. Many of these dishes aren't vegan by a long shot; but then, this is party material. I often make a small vegan portion of the seven-layer dip for guests who won't tolerate dairy. Beverages Easy Iced Tea for One or ManyEgg Nog (alcoholic) Dips HummusSeven-Layer DipVegan Refried BeansGuacamole Miscellaneous CrackersHome-Made Pizza (including dough)An Easy Cheese Hors-d'oeuvre See also: desserts. Socially Conscious, Totally Fabulous Vegetarian Times - Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living