Home | StopBullying.gov How to teach … anti-bullying | Teacher Network Children with special educational needs (SEN) are twice as likely as other young people to suffer persistent bullying, according to research by the Institute of Education. The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA), the organisation that coordinates national Anti-Bullying Week which runs until Friday 21 November, is focusing on stopping all bullying, including disabled children and those with SEN. This week we’ve put together a collection of lesson ideas and resources to help teachers tackle bullying head on. Created specifically for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, the ABA has created some fantastic materials. For key stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, there are activities which explore the concept of bullying, inclusion and accepting difference. Research by the ABA suggests that 18-26% of young people have experienced bullying in the last term. When you get results in it is worth asking pupils to contribute ideas for making sure everyone in class feels included and no one is left out.
Friends . Bullies someone else. No matter what situation or form it comes in, bullying can make you feel depressed, hurt, and alone. It can keep you from enjoying the activities and places that are part of your life. Bullying happens everywhere, whether it's your town or Paris, France. But why should something that can make a person so miserable have to be part of growing up? Let's start by looking at the different kinds of bullying: Physical bullying means: Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it Stealing, hiding or ruining someone's things Making someone do things he or she don't want to do Verbal bullying means: Name-calling Teasing Insulting Relationship bullying means: Refusing to talk to someone Spreading lies or rumors about someone Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do What do all these things have in common? The reason why one kid would want to bully another kid is this: when you make someone feel bad, you gain power over him or her.
A Bullying Quiz Printer-friendly version Objectives: Understand how evidence regarding behavioral patterns might challenge personal beliefs and assumptions about social behavior Use evidence about bullying behavior to inform daily decisions regarding social interactions and understand the necessity of making personal decisions in bullying situations Use factual information to consider consequences and alternatives of personal behavior choices IntroductionEven students who have experienced bullying might be surprised by the statistics and studies about bullying. The frequency with which students admit to bullying might surprise students who feel alone and isolated due to the wrath of a bully. It is important, likewise, for students who are victims and bystanders to seek help when this kind of behavior emerges. A common trait among bullies is lack of empathy, the inability to be aware of or understand other people's feelings. Activities
Peer pressure - Family Lives What children learn from their friends and the effects of peer pressure "Our son's out of control, he's been suspended from school twice, and is in a really bad crowd," one distraught parent told us. Parents are concerned that the teenage years seem to be starting long before children actually hit 13. At around the age of ten, some parents have said that their children seem to grow up very fast, shutting out their parents and wanting to spend more time with their friends. Then, by the time their children become fully fledged teenagers, they no longer wanted to talk to them about major issues such as sex, relationships and drugs, believing instead that their teen mates and the media are more influential role models. Talking to your teen about peer pressure If you're worried about peer pressure, one of the best things you can do is to create an environment in the home where your teenager can talk openly about anything that's worrying them.
Dealing With Bullying Listen What If You're the Bully? All of us have to deal with a lot of difficult situations and emotions. When some people feel stressed, angry, or frustrated, picking on someone else can be a quick escape — it takes the attention away from them and their problems. If you find it hard to resist the temptation to bully, you might want to talk with someone you look up to. Bullying behavior backfires and makes everyone feel miserable — even the bullies. Do you really want people to think of you as unkind, abusive, and mean? Steps to Stop Bullying in Schools If the environment at your school supports bullying, working to change it can help. You can try to talk to the bully. Most people hesitate to speak out because it can be hard. When a group of people keeps quiet like this, the bully's reach is extending beyond just one person. Another way to combat bullying is to join your school's anti-violence program or, if your school doesn't have one, to start one of your own.
Getting started – For families – Safety Center – Google As a parent or guardian, you know what feels right for your family and how your kids learn best. To help your family navigate through new technologies, gadgets, and services in an ever-changing online world, it helps to get practical advice. That’s why we continuously talk to safety experts, parents, educators and communities around the world – to keep a pulse on what works. Together, we can help nurture a community of responsible digital citizens. {*style:<ul>*} {*style:<li>*} {*style:<h3>*} Family Link {*style:</h3>*} {*style:<br>*} With the Family Link app from Google, you can stay in the loop as your kid explores on their Android device.
untitled Trenger oppdragelse i digitale medier Det sier professor Justin Patchin fra University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. – Det er ikke teknologien som er problemet, for mobbing har foregått til alle tider. Men tidligere foregikk mobbingen mer åpenlyst. – Å fjerne teknologien er derfor ingen løsning på problemet med digital mobbing, men vi må lære de unge hvordan de skal oppføre seg, sier Patchin. Villet og gjentatt Patchin har forsket på fenomenet digital mobbing siden begynnelsen av 2000-tallet. Han definerer digital mobbing som villet og gjentatt skade rettet mot andre mennesker ved hjelp av mobiltelefon, PC-er eller andre digitale plattformer. Rundt 23 prosent av befolkningen i USA har opplevd digital mobbing i løpet av livet. – Det er ikke store forskjellene på tradisjonell mobbing og digital mobbing, sier Patchin, som nylig holdt innlegg under NKVTS-seminaret om digital kjærestevold. Noen forskjeller Videre er det et kjennetegn ved digital mobbing at utsagnene sprer seg raskt. Sårbare for andres mening Hvem er mobberen? Kjærestevold
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