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La construction de la Tour Eiffel Contexte historique Dans une France aux prises avec des difficultés politiques et économiques, et encore marquée par le souvenir de sa défaite face à l’Allemagne en 1870, s’impose l’idée d’une Exposition universelle capable de redresser le pays et de restaurer son prestige au regard du monde entier. Prévue à Paris en 1889, année du centenaire de la Révolution française, l’Exposition est tout entière dévolue au fer, et son « clou » est la tour haute de trois cents mètres dessinée par Maurice Koechlin et construite par Gustave Eiffel. Analyse des images Dans le quartier du Champ-de-Mars en pleine mutation à la fin des années 1880, le chantier de la tour Eiffel qui commence en janvier 1887 est un spectacle nouveau et surprenant, régulièrement suivi par une foule de badauds et d’artistes. Parmi eux, un photographe resté anonyme s’attache chaque mois à fixer avec son appareil la progression du pylône de fer dans le ciel parisien depuis l’une des tours du palais du Trocadéro. Interprétation

Gabriele Basilico - A.A.M. Galleria Roma Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Quartiere IACP Fabio Filzi, Milano, 1936-1938 (Arch. Franco Albini 1905-1977, con Arch. Renato Camus e Arch. Giancarlo Palanti) Stampa ai sali d’argento su carta baritata (VINTAGE PRINT), 30,5x25,5 cm Note: serie “Ritratti di Architettura” e “Immagini del Novecento, Milano architetture 1919-1939” Copyright: Studio Gabriele Basilico / Courtesy: Collezione Francesco Moschini e Gabriel Vaduva A.A.M. Architettura Arte Moderna Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Quartiere IACP Fabio Filzi, Milano, 1936-1938 (Arch. Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Edificio per abitazioni in Via Gabrio Serbelloni, n.10-12, Milano, 1924-1927 (Arch. Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Edificio per abitazioni in Via Gabrio Serbelloni, n.10-12, Milano, 1924-1927 (Arch. Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Edificio per abitazioni in Via Gabrio Serbelloni, n.10-12, Milano, 1924-1927 (Arch. Gabriele Basilico, 1980-1982 Palazzo Fidia, Via Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, n.11, Milano, 1929-1932 (Arch.

Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes at MoMA A retrospective on the life and work of Le Corbusier opens today at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. This selection of drawings and paintings by the architect documents the various stages of his career, as presented in the exhibition. The first of five sections in Le Corbusier: An Atlas of Modern Landscapes is entitled From the Jura Mountains to the Wide World and covers the early years of the architect's life. Born in 1887 under the name Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, he learnt to draw by exploring the landscape surrounding his home in Switzerland. Towards the end of this time he visited cities across Europe, including Vienna, Athens, Paris and Berlin. Section two, The Conquest of Paris, shows works completed after the architect settled in Paris, when he adopted the pseudonym Le Corbusier and launched avant-garde art journal L'Esprit nouveau (The new spirit) with friends. The exhibition is open at MoMA until 23 September and is curated by architect and historian Jean-Louis Cohen.

socks-studio Webtype > Blog Daily User Ranked Lists There’s not much information about helter skelters on Wikipedia, so we decided to find out more:Despite becoming a recent fixture at Victorian themed winter fairs and a perennial one at summer funfairs, the helter skelter is clearly modeled on a Victorian lighthouse, and so is originally and end of pier attraction. We found a picture from 1907 where the helter skelter is clearly labeled as a one and we even found one labeled a helter skelter at Coney Island, so perhaps its a term that did carry to the US. The architectural style is even referenced in a spire at Disneyland, the capital of the funfair world.An almost exclusively British term for a spiral fairground slide, helter skelter is known in the US from songs by the Beatles, Oasis and Genesis, and from the association with Charles Manson. In the UK its one of those things that every child can recognize, but which when you really look at, becomes strangely unfamiliar and weird – an architectural naked lunch.

The Archigram Archive [Image: From an "ongoing speculative proposal exploring the implications of cones of vision and their interaction with an existing neoclassical ‘temple’ on the River Thames in Henley, Berkshire," by Archigram/Michael Webb]. As of roughly 16 hours ago, the Archigram Archival Project is finally online and ready to for browsing, courtesy of the University of Westminster: the archive "makes the work of the seminal architectural group Archigram available free online for public viewing and academic study." The newly launched site includes more than 200 projects; "this comprises projects done by members before they met, the Archigram magazines (grouped together at no. 100), the projects done by Archigram as a group between 1961 and 1974, and some later projects." [Image: "Proposal for a series of inflatable dwellings as part of an exhibition for the Commonwealth Festival, located in the lodge of Cardiff Castle," by Archigram/Ron Herron].

BLDGBLOG [Image: Jeffrey Inaba]. BLDGBLOG: With Volume 10 you call for more “agitation” in architectural discourse. Could you go into this a bit more? For instance, do we need a new Archigram or another Superstudio? Where will this agitation come from? Jeffrey Inaba: It’d be great if there was another Archigram or Superstudio. What seems ridiculous about that – not even on a content level, but on a deeper, structural level – is that these alliances and antagonisms are based on the least substantial of terms. Furthermore, when alliances are developed in tenuous terms like this, it doesn’t necessarily generate more in-depth discussion. In that sense, it seems important to reintroduce the term agitation because its meaning has been diminished: it now means trouble-maker or rabble-rouser, or somebody who is disruptive for ill-founded reasons. Once you re-introduce it, as well, you can begin to look out for it. [Image: A page-spread from Volume 10]. Inaba: Yeah. Inaba: That’s a really good question.
