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A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked. The Story Behind Corning's Vision.

A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked. The Story Behind Corning's Vision.

Developing and Reviewing Online Courses: Items for Consideration Clayton R. Wright, crwr77 @ (This document is a revision of “The Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Online Courses” that the author released in 2003. Quality is an elusive concept, as all who measure it can define it differently. From an instructional design viewpoint, a quality online course is one that enables students to achieve learning outcomes in a flexible and effective manner. Quality is usually achieved through the efforts of a team that may comprise a number of professionals, including the academic program head, project coordinator, subject matter expert, instructional assistant, course writer or developer, course reviewer, instructional designer, graphics or multimedia designer, copyright officer, editor, and computer and information systems specialist. You should not consider the list of components and attributes as a definitive list but rather a starting point when considering what determines a quality course in your context. 1.0 General Information 6.

application d'evaluation en classe Plickers Estimating Costs and Time in Instructional Design Note that budgeting is not included in most ISD models, but as more and more Learning/Training Departments are being called upon to justify their expenses, I'm including it here. Budgeting Learning activities are budgeted in a wide variety of ways, so the degree of estimating the costs will depend upon the organization you are working for. Budgeting training is often a difficult chore as plans are often based on training an “average person.” Although the budget may not be correct the first time, especially if the training is new or complicated, it still should be performed at this time to give the training staff a goal to aim for. After performing the initial budget, it might seem that the training program will be quite expensive, but as Gary Wilber, CEO of Drug Emporium, Inc. said, “The expense isn't what it costs to train employees. Training Cost Guidelines Listed below are some various costs for estimating training costs. Estimating Development Hours eLearning Development Time Seat Time

Diffuser des contenus... | Piktochart Infographic Editor Pourquoi adopter des licences libres ? Où trouver des contenus libres de droit et gratuits pour nos contenus pédagogiques ? Par défaut, tout est interdit sauf exceptions législatives (copie privée, analyse et courte citation, parodies, pastiches, revues de presse...) Partager tout en conservant son droit d'auteur Diffuser des contenus réutilisables par d'autres. Assurer l'accès, l'usage et la pérennité dans l'intérêt général et le souci du bien vivre ensemble. Améliorer son travail en bénéficiant des contributions de chacun. Pourquoi autoriser les versions modifiées ? Démocratisation des ressources et du savoir 1- Citer le nom de l'auteur ou pseudonyme 2- Indiquer le lieu de publication et/ou l'url d'origine 3- Préciser la licence en abréviations ou en logo 4- Ou utiliser le code "embed" On parle de "biens communs" d'une communauté de personnes... Comment mettre en œuvre une licence libre ? À défaut, seul le droit d'auteur sera applicable, interdisant tout partage. Préciser le nom de l'auteur

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources Perhaps you have a special skill, talent, or knowledge-base that you want to share with others, and maybe you’ve heard that teaching online courses can make you a little extra money. The resources below will help you discover how to combine both what you have to offer and what you wish to gain by guiding you through creating and establishing an online course. No matter what age of student, subject you want to teach, or size of the class, you will find resources and information to bring your class online. Learning Management Systems Learning Management Systems host your online class and provide a place for students to receive and turn in assignments, class communication, and more. Moodle. Resources for Getting Your Class Online Read these articles to find out everything from using a free blog to host your class to selecting and implementing a Learning Management System. How to Teach an Online Course using WordPress.

untitled Sloan Consortium Group News Did you know that in education, quality matters is more than a saying, but an actual not-for-profit organization? In 2003, MarylandOnline began a three-year grant program to develop standards to certify online courses and materials. This greatly impacted teaching and learning, and Quality Matters gained state and national recognition. When the grant expired in 2006, Quality Matters continued on and now has more than 550 subscribers comprised of universities, colleges, technical schools, and other academic organizations, including University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Texas A & M University, Penn State, and Regent University. Today, Quality Matters has trained over 10,000 faculty and staff and is the gold standard for online course design. To learn more about Quality Matters, visit Another important standard Quality Matters addresses is "accessibility." Before you can use CaptionTube, you need to be able to access videos on YouTube.

untitled The Underbelly of Online Teaching July 29, 2011 By: Errol Craig Sull in Online Education No matter how much we embrace and enjoy online teaching, the human frailties of mistakes, disappointment, anger, frustration, and oversights will come calling each time we teach a class. Some students will really tick you off. You will never have enough time. Not all support staff or supervisors will have your back. You will get blamed for problems that are not your fault. Evaluations can be unfair. You will feel burned out and drained at times. Errol Craig Sull has been teaching online courses for more than 15 years and has a national reputation in the subject, both writing and conducting workshops on it. Excerpted from Sull, Errol C. Tags: advice to online instructors, avoiding faculty burnout, supporting online adjuncts, teaching online, teaching online courses, tips for online instructors

untitled le "smashing apps" : le workflow des applications !
