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Zapster, le premier zapping en temps réel, 24h/24 7j/7

Zapster, le premier zapping en temps réel, 24h/24 7j/7

Dashboard Everything, psychologie, mieux se connaître pour mieux vivre sa vie. MyTVShows During the last couple of years, MyTVShows has been having some serious issues with it's database. We ran a crowdfunding campaign so that we could afford to develop the much awaited new version of MyTVShows, with a lot of new features all of you requested and fixing the duplicated episodes problems. Thanks to all who contributed, we managed to hire a company to rebuild the website for us (you can try it at however, they didn't build the database as we wanted and it has even more bugs than the current one. This means that we have an incomplete website because we can't import or fix the episodes database and we can't migrate your data to the new database without hiring another company to redo the database (and the scripts that update it) but all the money was spent in rebuilding the website. I've maintained MyTVShows since 2007 because at the time there was no way to manage my episodes.

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