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Nobody got our costume & we didn't care. Playing your childhood hero for a night is awesome 40 CSS3 Button Tutorials For Designers In this article, we will go through some hand-picked, awesome tutorials for wonderful buttons you can put on your site using only CSS3. Some of these buttons play with colors, gradients or shapes while others are programmed to animate with hover or click actions, giving effects like it’s being pushed down; extending, shrinking or switching frames to reveal more information. Anything you can think of to do with buttons, there’s probably an example of it here. So without further ado, here are 40 Awesome CSS3 button tutorials for web designers. Recommended Reading: CSS3Tutorial: Create A Sleek On/Off Button Animated Buttons with CSS3 [Demo | Tutorial] Pin it Fancy 3D Button with CSS3 [Demo | Tutorial] Just Some Awesome CSS3 Buttons [Demo | Tutorial] CSS3 Social Buttons [Demo | Tutorial] Pretty CSS3 Buttons [Demo | Tutorial] Download Me! Add to Cart Button in CSS3 [Demo | Tutorial] CSS3 Github Buttons [Demo | Tutorial] CSS3 Animated Bubble Buttons [Demo | Tutorial]

Basic Installation Install the Smarty library files which are in the /libs/ sub directory of the distribution. These are .php files that you SHOULD NOT edit. They are shared among all applications and only get changed when you upgrade to a new version of Smarty. In the examples below the Smarty tarball has been unpacked to: /usr/local/lib/Smarty-v.e.r/ for *nix machines and c:\webroot\libs\Smarty-v.e.r\ for the windows enviroment. Example 2.1. Smarty-v.e.r/ libs/ Smarty.class.php Smarty_Compiler.class.php Config_File.class.php debug.tpl internals/*.php (all of them) plugins/*.php (all of them) Smarty uses a PHP constant named SMARTY_DIR which is the full system file path to the Smarty libs/ directory. Here's how you create an instance of Smarty in your PHP scripts: Try running the above script. Example 2.2. Example 2.3. Example 2.4. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Paths and Directories ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; *nix: "/path1:/path2" include_path = ". Example 2.5. Example 2.6. Note Example 2.7. Example 2.8. <?

Natural Selection 2 How To Make Your Own Sticky Header Bar Like MakeUseOf About a month ago, we introduced a new interface element to MakeUseOf – a floating navigation and search bar. The feedback we’ve been getting is almost entirely positive, internal search traffic has rocketed, and some readers having been asking about how to make one for their own site, so I thought I’d share. We’ll use jQuery to stick the bar to the top of the screen – but only past a certain point. I’ll do all this in the default WordPress theme – Twenty Eleven, though of course it can be applied to any theme or website which you sufficiently understand how to modify. The HTML First up, open the themes header.php and identify the navigation bar that we’ll be making sticky. Firstly, add a new DIV container surrounding this entire NAV section. <div id="access_container"><nav id="access" role="navigation"> ... Also, let’s move that default search bar into here. The CSS Open up the main style.css file and find the section for the search form: #branding #searchform { ... } jQuery Summary:

vim This looks God Damn Amazing for an Indie game. [Natural Selection 2] : gaming How to Build a Website From Scratch With Dreamweaver In a world of drag-and-drop website builders, Adobe Dreamweaver has done well to stay relevant amid the competition. Packed with great features and loads of tools to make your life easy, this software is a great choice for web designers and developers. But how do you build your first website using Dreamweaver? Getting Started With Dreamweaver You need to get a copy of Adobe Dreamweaver before you can start working with it, but a free trial is available. Head to the Adobe website, log in or register an account, and download the Adobe Creative Cloud tool to get started. This guide will show you how to make a basic website using Dreamweaver template files as its base. Step 1: Create a Dreamweaver Site Open Adobe Dreamweaver and go to the Site menu at the top of the page. Step 2: Create a Template File Next, it’s time to create a template file for your new website. Click on Create New or go to File > New and choose HTML Template from the Document Type list. A dialog will open at this point. <!

editors Quantum entanglement shows that reality can't be local. Either that, or faster-than-light communications is a go. : science tools WorkFlowy authorship
