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Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum

Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum

Wikipedia The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Glypto-, from the Greek root glyphein, to carve and theke, a storing-place) is an art museum in Copenhagen, Denmark. The collection is built around the personal collection of Carl Jacobsen (1842–1914), the son of the founder of the Carlsberg Breweries. Primarily a sculpture museum as indicated by the name, the focal point of the museum is antique sculpture from the ancient cultures around the Mediterranean including Egypt, Rome and Greece, as well as more modern sculptures such as a collection of Rodin works which is considered the most important outside France. However, the museum is equally noted for its collection of painting that includes an extensive collection of French impressionists and Post-impressionists as well as Danish Golden Age paintings. The French Collection includes works by painters such as Jacques-Louis David, Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Degas and Cézanne, as well as those by Post-impressionists such as van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec and Bonnard.

Pinacothèque- Munich Penn University In the course of their graduate career at Penn, AAMW students have the unusual opportunity to work with a collection of Mediterranean art and artifacts larger than that at any other university in North America. Founded in 1887, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has conducted more than 400 archaeological and anthropological expeditions around the world. Three gallery floors feature materials from Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Mesoamerica, Asia and the ancient Mediterranean World, as well as artifacts from native peoples of the Americas, Africa and Polynesia. The Museum also serves as the headquarters of the American Research Institute in Turkey, which maintains branches in Istanbul and Ankara. One of the most distinctive features of the Museum is its commitment to ethics in archaeology as well as to the archaeological context of the objects in its collection.

Vermeer Centrum Delft Wikipedia The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology — commonly called Penn Museum — is an archaeology and anthropology museum that is part of the University of Pennsylvania in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. History[edit] An internationally renowned educational and research institution dedicated to the understanding of cultural diversity and the exploration of the history of humankind, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology—which has conducted more than 300 archaeological and anthropological expeditions around the world—was founded during the administration of Provost William Pepper. In 1887, Provost Pepper persuaded the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania to erect a fireproof building to house artifacts from an upcoming expedition to the ancient site of Nippur in modern-day Iraq (then part of the Ottoman Empire). 2009 Restructuring[edit] Museum building[edit] The Stoner Courtyard at the Penn Museum

Insecula Le gouvernement égyptien mettra en place le Service des Antiquités égyptiennes en 1835, afin de mettre un terme au pillage des sites archéologiques et exposer les oeuvres qui appartenaient à l'État. Les jardins de l'Ezbékyia, au Caire, serviront d'entrepôt pour tous ces objets dans un premier temps. La collection sera ensuite transférée dans un édifice de la Citadelle. Le musée créé à Boulaq, en 1858, sera dirigé par l'archéologue français Auguste Mariette. Son contenu sera transféré dans une annexe du palais d'Ismaïl Pacha, souverain d'Égypte, à Giza en 1880. Ses collections comprennent notamment : - Les momies de certains pharaons de la XVIIIème à la XXème dynastie, découvertes à Thèbes

Notice des principaux monuments Construit par ordre du Khédive Ismaïl, le palais de Gizeh fut affecté au service des antiquités en 1890, et M. E. Grébaut, alors directeur général des Musées et des fouilles, y fit apporter de Boulaq les monuments qui pendant trente années avaient été réunis dans un Musée provisoire par les soins de A. Mariette, de M. qui s'opposaient alors à la construction d'un musée neuf sur la rive droite du Nil, décida que la somptueuse demeure d'Ismaïl deviendrait le Palais des antiquités égyptiennes. Quelque mal appropriée qu'elle soit à l'usage auquel elle est aujourd'hui consacrée, cette vaste construction a permis d'exposer toutes les collections, et les quatre-vingt-onze salles, dont quarante-six viennent d'être récemment ouvertes, permettent au public et aux savants d'admirer et d'étudier les restes de cette civilisation prodigieusement antique et sans rivale. S. le plus vaste et le plus riche du monde. M. Mariette (Auguste-Ferdinand) naquit à Boulogne-sur-Mer le 11 février 1821.

M.A. Mansoor Amarna Collection Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities - Montreal Chapter Passons-y un moment! Let's tarry here for a while! What it Is Ancient Egypt has fascinated the public ever since ancient times, particularly since it was rediscovered by the west just over 200 years ago. Since its launch in September 2006, In Search of Ancient Egypt in Canada has been identifying and describing Egyptian artefacts in museums across Canada. Name of the Museum Address Telephone, E-mail, and Website if applicable Person in charge (curator, director, other. History of the Museum relevant information such as founders, milestones in development, focus of the collection, size overall Exterior picture of the museum History of the Egyptian collection or items range of items (by type, period, etc.) if applicable, picture of the gallery “Featured” items that the museum wishes to display brief description, including size Name of the Site Address/location Telephone, E-mail, or Website if applicable History of the Site relevant information such as architect and/or designer and/or artist Funerary Dr.
