Isaac Newton's original Color Wheel correlation with Music displays the Godtype Continuum - GodType. | GodType. The Following Illustration is simply conjecture…. But I could not help but “See” the Godtype Continuum (1,2,4,5,1) (41.66%, 33.33%, 16.66% and 8.33% resonate) frequencies and ratio’s within the classic illustration drawn by Isaac Newton in which he attempted to visualize how his research into the primary colors of light had ABSOLUTE correlations with what he understood of music theory. Newton realized that the 7 notes of music most of us learn in grade school seemed to correlate with the distribution of colors he extracted from an invisible beam of light! The following Illustration is actually Isaac Newton’s original black and white drawing with the added “Red” – “yellow orange” -”Blue” and “Purple-Violet” of Godtype to show that the ratio’s of color, light and Godtype’s (cognitive types) seem to be patterned in the same sequence. With the same ratios. Newton’s original color wheel showed the patterns of colors of light matched the notes of music.. Godtype Table
Workplace and Careers Once you have taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument, and begin to better understand your individual preferences, the reasons behind past career choices.and perhaps future ones become more clear. The Center for the Applications of Psychological Type (CAPT) has been doing career research for the past twenty-five years. We have found that people self-select for a variety of roles within organizations; and often choose careers that compliment their strengths. Even though jobs have dramatically changed over the years, the human qualities measured by type preferences remain consistent. CAPT publishes a self-study career workbook, Looking at Type®: Your Career, written by Dr. Charles Martin. Career Descriptions ISTJs are most likely to find interesting and satisfying those careers that make use of their depth of concentration, their reliance on facts, their use of logic and analysis, and their ability to organize. For ESTPs the job search is an extremely practical process.
MBTI Step 2.16 MBTI Personality Types. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step 2 is a relatively recent addtition to this powerful tool. Whilst the MBTI Step 1 is very effective at illustrating the fundamental ways in which we differ and experience the world, it (like any other tool) has its limitations. Perhaps you know two people of the same MBTI Personality Type, yet what you experience from them is so very different. The MBTI Step 2 takes each of the 8 scales from Step 1 and breaks them down into 5 sub-scales known as facets. This gives us not 4 ways in which we differ but 40! We can use this knowledge to help explain why similar MBTI personality types appear so very different. Complete the MBTI Step 2 test online, receive your official MBTI results with an indepth interpretive report supported by professional telephone feedback call. Download Example MBTI Step 2 Interpretive Report (pdf) £240 plus VAT
:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology MBTI® Step II: The 40 Facets of the 16 Types | Personality Playbook By Sadie on September 21, 2014 When reading your MBTI® type description, have you ever felt like most things fit you, but a few were way off the mark? Well, some of that certainly comes from the fact that humans are individuals who have unique experiences and backgrounds… We are more than our type, but part of those differences may still fall within the realm Myers-Briggs® can explain. That’s where Step II comes into play. Step II is one of the three steps of the MBTI®, and it provides individuals not only with a 4-letter type code, which indicates the individual’s inborn type that stays with the person throughout life, but also with a description of where that individual falls on a continuum of 20 pairs of facets, 5 pairs per set of preferences, contained within type. What does this look like in real life? You might wonder how this happens. Another cool thing about facets is that they finally allow a place in MBTI® for a person to say that how he or she act depends on the situation!
Strong Interest Inventory® Quick Facts 2.1 million people walked away from their jobs in a single month in 2012, the most since the start of the great recession. –U.S. Dept. of Labor Top reasons for career disengagement: feeling unsatisfied, frustrated and unfulfilled. The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. Explore the Strong Model For providing a theoretical structure to the Strong, in 1974 John Holland’s psychology-based codes were incorporated into the assessment. In our culture, most people can be categorized into six Themes and each person may be characterized by one Theme or some combination. As shown below, Holland’s theory organizes the six Themes by placing them at the six points of a hexagon with those presumed to be the most closely related located adjacent to each other and those most dissimilar located across the hexagon from each other. Why It’s Popular How It Helps Strong Brand Portfolio Get Started
Personality Playbook Product Detail - iStartStrong Report Empower your clients or students to identify and pursue a career path that aligns with their interests and personality. The iStartStrong™ Report is based on results from the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment. It presents results as General Themes (based on GOTs) and Specific Interests (based on BISs) using engaging four-color graphics and provides hyperlinks to related O*NET occupations. Designed to be used by individuals without an interpretation session, the iStartStrong™ Report puts self-discovery into the hands of anyone seeking career direction. Download the iStartStrong™ Data Sheet for more information. Download the iStartStrong™ Data Sheet for Educators for more information. Questions about iStartStrong? Download Sample Report
Présentation du MBTI en français Myers Briggs MBTI Personality Types | Personality Pathways Subway Personality: The MBTI Map by Maria Popova What your subway station has to do with your propensity for extroversion. We love psychology. We love data visualization. So we’re all over the MBTI Map, a visualization showing the relationships between human personality descriptors from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test — a tool designed to make iconic Swiss psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types more digestible — using subway lines as a metaphor for the connections between the different representative words and personality types. A product of the Integrated Design Laboratory at Korea’s Ajou University, the map is a rare application of information design to the fields of psychology and sociology — and a brave effort to capture something as vague and abstract as personality visually and concretely. Using the 161 words in the MBTI test, the team conducted a survey asking the relative closeness between pairs of words. Pore over the brilliantly crafted map in this high-res PDF. Share on Tumblr
Jung and the Imago Dei "... Jung thinks of the self as undergoing continual transformation during the course of a lifetime.... At the end of his late work Aion, Jung presents a diagram to illustrate the dynamic movements of the self...." "The formula presents a symbol of the self, for the self is not just a stable quantity or constant form, but is also a dynamic process. "Although 'wholeness' seems at first sight to be nothing but an abstract idea (like anima and animus), it is nevertheless empirical in so far as it is anticipated by the psyche in the form of spontaneous or autonomous symbols. Page created Dec. 9, 2005 by Steven H.
MBTI Step 2 fournit un rapport avec les facettes des types de personnalités Accueil Différences entre MBTI et MBTI Step 2 facettes et rapport MBTI Step 2 Dans la formation MBTI Step 2 vous recevez un rapport qui vous donne votre score sur chacune des facettes de votre personnalité Vous recevez pour chaque paire de préférences, les résultats de chacune des facettes Dans le tableau ci-dessous, la personne introvertie a les facettes suivantes très développées: Récepteur Réservé Intime Réfléchi Tranquille Person Centred Therapy | Congruence by Saul McLeod published 2008 Humanistic therapies evolved in the USA in the 1950s. Carl Rogers proposed that therapy could be simpler, warmer and more optimistic than that carried out by behavioral or psychodynamic psychologists. His view differs sharply from the psychodynamic and behavioral approaches in that he suggested that clients would be better helped if they were encouraged to focus on their current subjective understanding rather than on some unconscious motive or someone else's interpretation of the situation. Rogers strongly believed that in order for a client's condition to improve therapists should be warm, genuine and understanding. "It is that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behavior - and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided." Person Centered Approach Core Conditions Empathy