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Bloom’s Taxonomy: Bloomin’ Peacock Tomorrow I am doing a training on the Treasures Supplement that I created over the summer. Most of the supplemental suggestions fall into the bottom two tiers of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Remember and Understand). I want to show teachers that just because these activities help students practice basic skills and remember and understand, there are SO many more options that will reach the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy! I created the Bloomin’ Peacock to show teachers the Blooms Taxonomy break down and the Bloomin’ digital Peacock that shows how the digital tools in the supplement break down. Below are the tools listed in my Bloomin’ Digital Peacock Bloomin' Digital Peacock Remember: BBC Skillwise- Spelling City- Starfall- Discovery Streaming- Lexipedia- YouTube- Gamegoo- PBS Kids- Apply:

327 Common Core Aligned Playlists from MentorMob & LearnZillion MentorMob and LearnZillion have teamed up to create a comprehensive collection of Common Core aligned learning playlists perfect for providing students with easy access to guided learning experiences. Currently there are 327 Common Core aligned playlists ready and available for free on the MentorMob site.MentorMob playlists are displayed in a step-by-step format that allow users to interact with live web content right on the page, keeping students on track without getting lost in a stream of open tabs and new pages. As students progress through a playlist at their own pace, MentorMob keeps track of completed steps. Flexibility to move within a playlist is provided by a preview that's always accessible on the side of the screen, allowing users to jump to different steps as needed for reteaching and challenge. The newly added LearnZillion Common Core aligned lessons focus on the use of narrated video for instruction. Coming Soon!

Express 7.13 - Are You Meeting Your Students' Needs for Love and Belonging? Are You Meeting Your Students' Needs for Love and Belonging? Muriel Rand "Ignore him—he just wants attention!" How many times have you heard a teacher say something like this? Attention-seeking behavior has a bad reputation in our schools, and it can often lead to difficult classroom management challenges. Yet Abraham Maslow, the humanistic psychologist, has helped us understand that seeking attention is a way of getting our needs for love and belonging met. Some children, because of a lack of social-emotional skills and competence, are hard to interact with. Notice what the consequences are when children act out inappropriately. So wouldn't it make sense to ignore these behaviors to stop reinforcing them? Schedule time to spend with the child. Meeting the strong attention needs of children not only helps them socially but also supports them academically. ASCD Express, Vol. 7, No. 13.

Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally 4/1/2008 By: Andrew Churches from Educators' eZine Introduction and Background: Bloom's Taxonomy In the 1950's Benjamin Bloom developed his taxonomy of cognitive objectives, Bloom's Taxonomy. This categorized and ordered thinking skills and objectives. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy In the 1990's, a former student of Bloom, Lorin Anderson, revised Bloom's Taxonomy and published this- Bloom's Revised Taxonomy in 2001.Key to this is the use of verbs rather than nouns for each of the categories and a rearrangement of the sequence within the taxonomy. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Sub Categories Each of the categories or taxonomic elements has a number of key verbs associated with it Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) The elements cover many of the activities and objectives but they do not address the new objectives presented by the emergence and integration of Information and Communication Technologies into the classroom and the lives of our students. Remembering Applying

Google Announces 100 Live Hangouts For Teachers Around The World Track Hurricane Sandy Using The Google Crisis Map 1.05K Views 0 Likes If you're on the east coast like we are, you've got a pit in your stomach about Hurricane Sandy. It's shaping up to be brutal and there's talk of widespread power outages and dangerous flooding and winds. In an effort to keep everyone safe, Google has created a very useful 'Crisis Map' that shows plenty of relevant information about the storm's trajectory, details about it, radar views, cloud cover, and more. Report: Vast Majority Of Top U.S. 7.33K Views 0 Likes Google has just unveiled some new statistics on the uptake of its popular Google Apps In Education platform. University of Michigan Developing Crash-Proof Cars 1.85K Views 0 Likes Forget Google's driverless cars. Google Drive Now Supports Native Editing On Mobile Devices 4.09K Views 0 Likes Google Drive is one of the most controversial yet useful edtech tools today.

Looking Collaboratively at Student Work: An Essential Toolkit Siderbars:Some Guidelines for Learning from Student Work The Collaborative Assessment Conference The Tuning Protocol: A Process for Reflection on Teacher and Student Work The Primary Language Record & The California Learning Record The 'External Review' of Portfolios and Exhibitions Making the Whole Student Visible: The Descriptive Review of a Child Surfacing the "Opportunity to Demonstrate" Factor Sampling a "Vertical Slice" of Student WorkWhat to Look for in Student Work: Some Standards for 'Authenticity' Examining Student Work: A Constructivist Protocol For More Information Looking closely together at student work can unveil a treasure trove of insights to guide school communities as they reflect on their purpose, assess their progress, and plan strategies for reaching all children better. It's scary work, though, and respectful protocols can help. In the two years after their nine-month-long project, the death rate among their patients fell by an astonishing 25 percent.

Teachers eat their young Teachers eat their young and education systems encourage them to do so. Too often beginning teachers are assigned too many courses with too many students and provided too little support. As a first year teacher, I was assigned five language arts classes at three different grade levels. If teacher preparation colleges mentored and supported beginning teachers for their first year of teaching, beginning teachers would benefit from further support and the teacher colleges could remain relevant and connected with real classrooms and schools. Local school boards, education departments, teachers' unions and teacher colleges need to collaborate in an effort to support and nurture beginning teachers. Some people complain that we have a hard time getting rid of bad teachers. Andy Hargreaves explains: We know that one of the biggest impact factors on student learning achievement in the schools is the quality of teachers.

What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day Remember when you used to have a period at the beginning of every day to think about your schedule, catch up with friends, maybe knock out a few tasks? It was called home room, and it went away after high school. But many successful people schedule themselves a kind of grown-up home room every day. You should too. The first hour of the workday goes a bit differently for Craig Newmark of Craigslist, David Karp of Tumblr, motivational speaker Tony Robbins, career writer (and Fast Company blogger) Brian Tracy, and others, and they’ll tell you it makes a big difference. Here are the first items on their daily to-do list. Don’t Check Your Email for the First Hour. Tumblr founder David Karp will "try hard" not to check his email until 9:30 or 10 a.m., according to an Inc. profile of him. If you need to make sure the most important messages from select people come through instantly, AwayFind can monitor your inbox and get your attention when something notable arrives. Choose Your Frog

How Does New Tech Measure Up to Traditional Standards? Lenny Gonzalez Some might say it’s all well and good to teach responsibility and accountability and self-sufficiency, but what about test scores? At Napa New Tech, the numbers speak for themselves. The school’s 2009 API scores was 818. “In general, our students do better across the country in humanities, language arts, social studies, and science,” said Chris Walsh, director of innovation and design at New Tech Network. He’s right. Also according to Knowledgeworks: - 26 of 28 New Tech schools with available data (or 93%) had attendance rates between 90-100% in 2008-09. - 98% of Napa New Tech graduates surveyed advanced to post-secondary education. - 40% are in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) career tracks compared with 7% of high school graduates nationwide. More numbers to take into account, showing that the New Tech model could work in any setting. - 1/3 of New Tech schools are in rural areas; 1/3 are in suburban; and 1/3 are in urban neighborhoods. Related
