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Ancient Egypt for Kids

Ancient Egypt for Kids

Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni The Hypogeum of Paola, Malta, (Ipoġew in Maltese) literally meaning "underground" in Greek, is a subterranean structure dating to the Saflieni phase (3000-2500 BC) in Maltese prehistory. Thought to have been originally a sanctuary, it became a necropolis in prehistoric times and the remains of more than 7,000 individuals have been found. It is the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world. The Hypogeum was depicted on a 2 cents 5 mils stamp issued in the Maltese Islands in 1980 to commemorate the acceptance by UNESCO of this unique structure in the World Heritage Site list. It was closed to visitors between 1992 and 1996 for restoration works; since it reopened only 60 people per day are allowed entry. It was discovered by accident in 1902 when workers cutting cisterns for a new housing development broke through its roof. First Level[edit] The first level is very similar to tombs found in Xemxija in Malta. Second Level[edit] Hal Saflieni The Main Chamber[edit] Third Level[edit]

Handy Man - Tools - Early Humans for Kids Early man did not have sharp claws or strong sharp teeth. He was not larger or stronger than other animals. He could not run like deer or antelope. So how did early man survive? He had to use the things that animals did not have, reason and invention. The Stone Age is considered to have begun about two million years ago, and ended sometime after the end of the last ice age about ten thousand years ago. During the Stone Age, Homo Habilis appeared. Some scientists believe that Homo Habilis did not know how to start a fire. Campfires were very useful to Homo Habilis since fire keeps most animals away, so a campfire would be watched carefully to keep it going.

Web Chronology Project WebChron: The WebChronology Project began as an experiment in history pedagogy by the History Department at North Park University. As a result of changes in the department, WebChron has been removed from the University's server and is now administrated by David Koeller, the originator of the project, and has become part of his "Then Again. . . " website. The site consists of a series of hyperlinked chronologies developed by the instructors and historical articles prepared by students intended for use in history classes. The chronologies present alternatives to conventional historical periodizations; the articles allow students to share information with one another and with the world. Introduction, Conventions and Credits For additional information please see David Koeller and Larry Martin. "The WebChronology Project."

Map Collections The Library of Congress Search by Keyword | Browse by Geographic Location Index | Subject Index | Creator Index | Title Index The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress holds more than 4.5 million items, of which Map Collections represents only a small fraction, those that have been converted to digital form. The focus of Map Collections is Americana and Cartographic Treasures of the Library of Congress. These images were created from maps and atlases and, in general, are restricted to items that are not covered by copyright protection. Map Collections is organized according to seven major categories. Searching Map Collections The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. Special Presentations: Places in History

Livius. Articles on Ancient History Collapse: Why do civilisations fall? Hundreds of years ago in what is now modern Honduras, Copán was a thriving civilization, a center of the cultural life of the Maya. Tens of thousands of people made their home in the Copán Valley. Yet despite its importance, Copán went into decline. Across the vast territory of the ancient Maya, other important sites were sharing a similar fate. Classic Maya civilization was collapsing. Why did this great civilization fall? can combine with external causes (such as war or natural disaster) to bring about a collapse. Join us as we explore the collapse of four ancient civilizations. Ready to get started? "Collapse" is inspired by programs from Out of the Past, a video series from Annenberg Media.

eisp The Other Mystery of Easter Island Moai statues Easter Island is branded into popular consciousness as the home of the mysterious and towering moai statues, but these are not the only curiosity the South Pacific island holds. Where the moai are fascinating for their unknown purpose and mysterious craftsmen, the island's lost language of Rongorongo is equally perplexing. The unique written language seems to have appeared suddenly in the 1700s, but within just two centuries it was exiled to obscurity. Known as Rapa Nui to the island's inhabitants, Rongorongo is a writing system comprised of pictographs. In 1864, Father Joseph Eyraud became the first non-islander to record Rongorongo. Some time later, Bishop Florentin Jaussen of Tahiti attempted to translate the texts. In 1886 Paymaster William Thompson of the ship USS Mohican became interested in the pictographic system during a journey to collect artifacts for the National Museum in Washington. An Indus valley connection? A Rongorongo Tablet

2011 Starchild Skull Preliminary DNA Report Starchild Skull DNA Analysis Report—2011 A Layman's summary of this report is available HERE SUMMARY: Early in 2011, a geneticist attempting to recover Starchild Skull DNA identified four fragments that matched with human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Comparing those fragments with matching fragments from human mtDNA produced an astonishing result. In every comparison, the Starchild presented many more nucleotide differences than are normally found among humans. In one comparison detailed in this report, the compared segments of human mtDNA came from one of its most highly conserved regions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2003 DNA Testing 5. 454 Life Sciences Technology 6. 2010 DNA Testing & Results 7. 2003 vs 2011 Mitochondrial DNA Testing 8. 2011 DNA Testing & Results 9. 10. Introduction To The Starchild Skull: The Starchild Skull is a 900-year-old human-like bone skull with distinctly non-human characteristics. Formal research was carried out by credentialed experts in the USA, Canada, and UK. Drs.

HomePage / Page D'Accueil La romanisation : Volubilis au Maroc Volubilis, une cité romanisée Volubilis se situe au nord du Maroc, à une trentaine de kilomètres de Meknès et à trois kilomètres de la ville Sainte de Moulay Idris. Premiers indices de l’existence d’une ville vers le III° siècle avant J.C., au II° siècle elle est intégrée au royaume maurétanien, puis ce royaume est annexé par Rome en 40 et la ville se transforme sous les effets de la romanisation. Volubilis se situe à 400 m d’altitude, au pied du massif montagneux, le Zerhoun. La cité constitue l’élément le plus avancé du dispositif de défense de la province, elle est elle-même protégée par deux camps d’auxiliaires romains. Vue depuis le forum Cette photographie, prise du Forum, permet d’avoir une vue du site de Volubilis. La rue principale La photo est prise du decumanus maximus qui rejoint la porte de Tanger à l’Arc de triomphe dédié à l’Empereur Caracalla. Une maison romaine mosaïque Beaucoup de mosaïques décoraient les demeures luxueuses. Arc de triomphe Forum

La romanisation d'une cité d'Afrique du Nord : Volubilis Résumé Ce programme présente le site antique de Volubilis au Maroc. Capitale du roi Juba II de Maurétanie, la ville s'est progressivement romanisée sous l'effet de la colonisation romaine en l'an 40 avant J-C. Elle mêle des monuments typiquement romains, comme le Capitole et le Forum, à des édifices conservant un style plus indigène, comme l'arche de Caracalla. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes pour visionner la vidéo, cliquez ici Cursus - 2de générale / Histoire - 6e / Histoire Site archéologique de Volubilis Valeur universelle exceptionnelle Brève synthèse Volubilis renferme les vestiges essentiellement romains d'un municipe fortifié bâti sur un site imposant au pied du Djebel Zerhoun. Sa superficie atteint 42 hectares. Elle est d'une importance exceptionnelle en ce qu'elle montre le développement urbain et la romanisation aux frontières de l'empire romain et l'illustration graphique de l'interface entre les cultures romaine et indigène. Les vestiges archéologiques de ce site témoignent de plusieurs civilisations. Critère (ii) : Le site archéologique de Volubilis est un exemple exceptionnel d'une ville témoignant d'un échange d'influences depuis la Haute Antiquité jusqu'à l'arrivée de l'Islam. Critère (iii) : Ce site est un exemple exceptionnel d'ensemble archéologique et architectural et d'un paysage culturel apportant un témoignage sur plusieurs cultures (libyco-berbère et maurétanienne, romaine, chrétienne et arabo-islamique) dont plusieurs sont disparues. Intégrité Authenticité

Forum Orandia - ****COMPLÉMENT SURPRENANT par gilles surprenant, mardi 08 mai 2012, 15:47 (il y a 709 jours) @ KIWANédité par gilles surprenant, mercredi 09 mai 2012, 13:57 ANTON PARKS-ADAM GENISISLIVRE AU COMPLET en PDF-514 PAGES Anton Parks est un écrivain franco-allemand qui aborde les sujets de l'Ufologie, de la Terre creuse, des reptiles humanoïdes et de la civilisation de Sumer. Les travaux d'Anton Parks sont analysés par le scientifique américain qui a travaillé longuement pour le projet SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - programme d origine américaine qui date des années 1960 et qui regroupe des projets dont le but est de détecter les signaux qu une intelligence extraterrestre pourrait émettre, volontairement ou non, depuis sa planète d origine). Parks est parvenu à déchiffrer l écriture cunéiforme (alors que seulement quelques sommités scientifiques dans le monde y parviennent). ANTON PARKS-LE SECRET DES ÉTOILES SOMBRESLIVRE AU COMPLET en PDF-204 PAGES Cet Universitaire déclare : La revoici
