Map: Occupy Wall Street Spreads Nationwide (Updated) The loose-knit protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street has stirred action from New York City to LA and spread overseas. Here we present an expanding map of protest hot spots and reported arrests, and track the movement's growth. Check back often for updates—and check out all the rest of MoJo's #OWS coverage here. Protests taking place beyond Manhattan: What began as a call for Americans to gather in New York's Financial District has given rise to like-minded actions nationwide and far beyond. Know of more locations for this map? Map production by Lauren Ellis, Samantha Oltman, and Tasneem Raja. How rich are the superrich? A huge share of the nation's economic growth over the past 30 years has gone to the top one-hundredth of one percent, who now make an average of $27 million per household. A timeline of the Occupy Wall Street movement: July 13: The Canadian magazine Adbusters makes a call to Occupy Wall Street.
US protests spread to 1,000 cities US protests spread to 1,000 cities Sun Oct 9, 2011 7:7AM Widening US protest rallies against the prevalence of top-level corruption, poverty, and social inequality in America, which began two weeks ago in New York, have now spread to more than 1,000 cities across the country, Press TV reports. Protest superstars such as Green Party leader and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader have boosted protester enthusiasm. The "Occupy Wall Street" movement began demonstrations against corporate greed and unemployment in mid-September and has continued staging protest rallies. As of Friday morning, the website "Occupy Together," a hub for nationwide events in solidarity with "Occupy Wall Street" reported gatherings in 1,000 cities. On Thursday, activists kicked off the "October 2011" protest by occupying Freedom Plaza, near the White House and Washington DC's downtown business and corporate section. "We need to stop investing in privatization.
Launch of a #ows currency design competition at Occupy Wall Street Many of Wall Street's occupiers understand that austerity comes from a shortage of money, not resources, and that the right to issue money is granted by the government to a banking cartel. Most US citizens have no understanding of what money is and how it is make artificially scarce to compel them to compete against one another in converting natural resources into "economic growth." Money need not be a destructive force which, through interest, centralises wealth and power. The occupiers of Wall street intend to issue their own 'complementary' currency to raise awareness of the role of monetary design in the currency monetary crisis. In order to ensure the new certificates will are as attractive and relevant as possible, we are launching a design competition, for the next seven days. We are thankful to the p2p foundation for hosting.
Occupy Wall Street: Children of the 1% out for a good time at the protests Teens from Bard and Parsons show their solidarity in NYChicago protesters heckle financial industry eventsDozens are arrested, including girl, 14, in first Des Moines protestWall St demonstrators plan march today on millionaires' mansions100 arrested as police clash with protesters in BostonMan falls to his death from car park near San Diego protestersObama senior adviser says President is on demonstrators' side By Paul Bentley and Micaela Mclucas Updated: 16:23 GMT, 11 October 2011 They have branded themselves the 99 per cent, camping out in New York's financial district to protest against corporate greed and financial inequality. But on the ground at the epicentre of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, a closer look at some of the impassioned protesters is starting to suggest that while many of them have genuine grievances, all may not be completely as advertised. Financial inequality? Tight knit: Among the group are now a growing number of privileged college students No money? Bored?
OccupyStreams.org - Global directory of #occupy live video streams YourLIVE! º Always There Sign up | Login Welcome Map Feed Details Download Help About Blog name @occupyamsterdam author created on 15 Oct 2011 at 15:34 posted in World location Beursplein 3, 1012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Post In] [Post Comment] Commenters ( 0 ) Locate Me Explore Area Center Item Zoom Marquee Map Types Showing: photo '@occupyamsterdam' Tip Press Locate Me to start sharing your Live location stream close Show balloon next time A critique of the #OccupyWallStreet tactics: Leaderlessness does not mean a lack of direction Participants in Occupy Wall Street, and the other viral snowclones that emerge for it, would be doing themselves a service by critically approaching this central question: there are no shortcuts, there are no easy victories. The Financial-Industrial complex that rules the USA, the crumbling Empire that feeds it, the nuclear deterrent that holds the world hostage is not easy to beat. And it cannot be beaten, no matter how hard you will it to be, without leadership and direction. Leaderless resistance is a self-kettle, a straight-jacket that will keep the movement from acquiring the true mass, political, basis that can enable actual change to happen. Excerpted from SKS: “The strategy and tactic of leaderless resistance is not actually being followed as prescribed by its creators. One of the unintended consequences is that in the context of a lack of leadership and direction is that the State, and their enforcers, the police, become the leaders and directors of the mass.
Occupy Wall Street | September 17th | #OCCUPYWALLSTREET The joyous freedom of possibility. Dissent can be personal, collective, creative — whatever you want it to be. Revolt can be physical or spectral, a blackspot on a corporate logo or a digital mindbomb posted online. The revolutionary spark is the same one that lit human existence. Print & Post If you only do one thing today and during the heady days of climate protest that follow, print out as many copies of this #WORLDREVOLUTION poster as you can and tape them up on bus stops, bank and shop windows, cash machines, government buildings, everywhere in your city where people will see them. Download September 11, 2014 What will you do on the September 17th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street? September 16, 2013 Revolution is a Rhizome September 19, 2012 Tactical Briefing #38. September 12, 2012 Where do we stand? July 23, 2012 Tactical Briefing #36 June 5, 2012 Occupy morphs into a new model! May 24, 2012 The fork in the road ahead. May 16, 2012 Tactical briefing #33. May 10, 2012 April 26, 2012 April 12, 2012
map: Thousands of students prepare to 'Occupy' colleges LOS ANGELES (RNN) - College students across the country are preparing for Thursday's national day of protests in unity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. As of Wednesday evening, 90 colleges were confirmed for Occupy College's "National Student Solidarity Protest," according to the group's website. Natalia Abrams, a spokeswoman and facilitator for the group, expects the number to surpass 100. This will be the second protest of the fledgling group, which sponsored a walk-out on college campuses Oct. 5. Thursday's protests are planned for 4:30 p.m. [SLIDESHOW: Occupy Wall Street protests spread] "It's not specifically a walk-out, because we don't want to confuse the protest," Abrams said about the new Occupy Colleges event. Instead, participating colleges are encouraged to host sit-ins and readings, in which they can spread awareness about the Occupy Wall Street movements and how they can become involved at a grassroots level. Abrams also has a message to deliver to skeptics.
Naomi Klein : « Le mouvement Occupons Wall Street est actuellement la chose la plus importante au monde » - Mobilisations J’ai été honorée d’être invitée à parler [le 29 septembre] devant les manifestants d’Occupons Wall Street. La sonorisation ayant été (honteusement) interdite, tout ce que je disais devait être répété par des centaines de personnes, pour que tous entendent (un système de « microphone humain »). Ce que j’ai dit sur la place de la Liberté a donc été très court. Je vous aime. Et je ne dis pas cela pour que des centaines d’entre vous me répondent en criant « je vous aime ». Hier, un des orateurs du rassemblement syndical a déclaré : « Nous nous sommes trouvés. » Ce sentiment saisit bien la beauté de ce qui se crée ici. S’il y a une chose que je sais, c’est que les 1 % [les plus riches] aiment les crises. Et une seule chose peut bloquer cette stratégie. Ce slogan est né en Italie en 2008. « Pourquoi protestent-ils ? Beaucoup de gens ont établi un parallèle entre Occupy Wall Street et les manifestations « antimondialisation » qui avaient attiré l’attention à Seattle en 1999. Notre courage,
Occupy Wall Street protests: 'Millionaires March' to target Rupert Murdoch's home Today protesters will protest at JP Morgan Chase headquarters in New YorkWent to homes of Rupert Murdoch and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Also targeted houses of David Koch, Howard Milstein and John PaulsonAround 1,000 demonstrators began Manhattan march yesterday at 12:30pmSome travelled by subway from base at Zuccotti Park to 59th Street to startObama senior adviser David Plouffe confirms President is on protesters' side By Mark Duell Updated: 14:35 GMT, 12 October 2011 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has criticised the Occupy Wall Street protesters for unfairly blaming 'hard-working' people for problems facing the U.S. Around 1,000 protesters tried to confront some of New York's wealthiest tycoons yesterday afternoon as they held a 'Millionaires March' in Manhattan to the homes of five top businessmen. But Mayor Bloomberg fumed: 'I don't appreciate the bashing of all the hard working people who live and work here and pay the taxes that support our city.' Organiser Doug Forand
Social Media Maps Provide Global View of Occupy Wall Street One month after the first protesters showed up on Wall Street, similar movements have popped up in cities throughout the world — and many more are being planned or discussed. As "Occupy Wall Street" evolves into "Occupy Everywhere," several new services are mapping the social media chatter surrounding them. Similar to the dashboards news outlets like Al Jazeera and independent projects like IAmJan25 and HyperCities created to track social media surrounding the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street maps now show where relevant geotaged tweets, YouTube videos and Flickr images are being posted, in real time. "I don't really have a strong political opinion," says Humphrey Flowerdew, who started mapping Occupy Wall Street tweets on Cravify.com. He and his partner Trung Huynh, who are both based in London, originally built Cravify to aggregate and map real estate listings. "It's just a different way to get a quick snapshot of what is happening around the world," Flowerdew says.
Le monde contre Wall Street 482,400 ont signé. Allons jusqu'à 1,000,000 Mise à jour: il y a plus d'un mois Visionnez ci-dessus la vidéo en direct de l'occupation de Wall Street! Images fournies par Moveon.org Nous l'avons fait! Publié le 7 Octobre 2011Des milliers d'Américains occupent pacifiquement Wall Street, un épicentre de la puissance financière mondiale et de la corruption. Alors que les travailleurs paient la facture d'une crise financière causée par des élites corrompues, les manifestants demandent une réelle démocratie, la justice sociale et la lutte contre la corruption. Cette année pourrait être l'année 1968 de notre siècle, mais pour réussir, ce mouvement doit rassembler tous les citoyens issus de tous les milieux.
POPULI-SCOOP, Scoop Populaire, infos et commentaires de citoyens-journalistes A la quatrième journée de contestation, du mardi, l’occupation de la place Zuccotti Park qui a été rebaptisée Liberty Plaza pour la circonstance de cette révolte inédite, continue. Située à une centaine de mètres de Wall-Street désormais qui est considérée comme le fief des escrocs du capitalisme, le lieu est prévu à être occupé pendant longtemps. Non loin de là, près de Broadway et Maiden Lane, des bases arrière non négligeables ont été constatées. De 300 à 500 jeunes se sont rassemblés en des réunions de masse pour discuter la manière de planifier leurs actions. Ils ont commencé à manifester samedi matin. Et présumaient, dès le commencement de leurs débats, d’être encore là le lundi à l’ouverture de la Bourse, pour la bloquer. Ils ont été qualifiés comme des « anti-cupidité », faute de leur accorder d’être révolutionnaires, comme la jeunesse des pays arabes, le socialisme on le voit avec Barack Obama quand il cite les plus démunis et la couverture sanitaire. 25 septembre