9 Free Tools For Digital Storytelling Stories are important. Whether one tells a story to evoke emotion or to gain a new client, there’s a certain simplicity in it that speaks to a lot of people as everyone has a story to tell. Now with technology, there’s digital storytelling, too. Digital storytelling is accomplished by combining narration with digital content such as animation, stills, audio, etc. It is very popular these days in schools and educational institutions around the globe. 10 Tools to Teach Kids Basics of Programming 10 Tools to Teach Kids Basics of Programming We live in a digital era where gadgets from computers and smartphones to tablets have become an essential... 1. StoryJumper is a convenient tool that helps you write and illustrate stories by using a set of intuitive and built-in tools. You can publish your book online for free, or you can order your book in print form in a hardbound book starting from the cost of $24.95. 2. 3. 4. Little Bird Tales offers a simple and easy way to create a digital story.
New Zealand Key Competencies for 21st learning 40 Uses For Smartphones in School As Alanis Morissette once said, ‘isn’t it ironic’. After years of struggle between teachers and students and the use of smartphones in school, new educational trends are actually encouraging the use of these devices. The mobile, cellphone or smartphone is not just used for WhatsApp, Facebook or Angry Birds, it can be used in a multitude of ways from an educational perspective. Don’t believe us? Keep reading. In this article we bring together 40 uses for smartphones in school. Before we continue, it is worth remembering that this does not mean we should suddenly change the way in which we teach and allow the use of the smartphones without control. A revolution in the classroom: Check facts: probably the most common use of all. These 40 uses of Smartphones in School are just the beginning. Don’t forget to download the brand new ExamTime iOS and Android app today. About the ExamTime Blog
21st-Century-Skills Vocabulary learning | aplinglink I’ve just read Peter Yongqi Gu (2003)Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language: Person, Task, Context and Strategies Here are a few interesting points which emerge. All references can be found at the end of Peter’s article. 1. Intentional reading should supplement incidental reading. Like Rose Bard (who’s recently talked about her efforts to introduce an extensive reading programme to her students) and many others, I’m convinced of the value of extesive, TAVI, incidental reading. 2. I always used to tell students that when they were doing extensive reading (as opposed to reading and studying a short text), they should only resort to consulting a (monolingual) dictionary in extremis, relying for the rest of the time on contextual clues and getting the gist. 3. Well I knew that this was “back in fashion”, but here’s what the article says: 4. 5. 6. Like this: Like Loading...
How do we prepare learners for the 21st century? Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Pixlr- A Great Google Drive Tool for Editing Pictures February 7, 2015Pixlr Editor is a great photo editing tool that you can use to work on the pictures and images you want to use with your students or in your presentations. Pixlr is easy and simple to use and works right from your web browser. It is also integrated with Google Drive. Pixlr offers a bunch of interesting tools and features that you would normally find in desktop applications such as Gimp, Paint or Photoshop. "Some of the tools included are, red eye reduction, spot heal tool, drawing tools, clone tools, sharpen and blur tools and many more.The Adjustments include some advanced concepts like Levels, Curves, Cross process, Desaturate, Auto levels, Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast." Watch this video from Corey Jeffers to learn how you can link Pixlr to your Google Drive.
What's the Government's vision for tertiary education? 21 Phrases You Use Without Realizing You’re Quoting Shakespeare William Shakespeare devised new words and countless plot tropes that still appear in everyday life. Famous quotes from his plays are easily recognizable; phrases like "To be or not to be," "wherefore art thou, Romeo," and "et tu, Brute?" instantly evoke images of wooden stages and Elizabethan costumes. But an incredible number of lines from his plays have become so ingrained into modern vernacular that we no longer recognize them as lines from plays at all. Here are 21 phrases you use but may not have known came from the Bard of Avon. iStock "Nay, if our wits run the wild-goose chase, I am done, for thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of thy wits than, I am sure, I have in my whole five. This term didn't originally refer to actual geese, but rather a type of horse race. "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! Before Shakespeare, the color green was most commonly associated with illness. "Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. "If? [Thersites exits] Nope!