How to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent
In the spirit of Laura Ingalls, with wash day being Monday, here's a little recipe for homemade laundry detergent you can use tomorrow, Monday! wash on Mondayiron on Tuesdaymend on Wednesday churn on Thursday clean on Friday bake on Saturday rest on Sunday from Little House in the Big Woods * I use these utensils for detergent making only. You will need: 1 bar of soap (any kind you want)1 cup of Borax1 cup of washing sodaa big pot ( that holds more than 2 gallons)a gratera funnela long spoon2 empty gallon jugs/containers Grate your bar of soap into your pot. Fill one gallon jug and pour water into pot with grated soap. Add the Borax and washing soda. Bring to a boil. Turn off the heat. Pour 1 gallon of your detergent into each container. A funnel helps tremendously. Now you have 2 gallons of homemade laundry detergent. This won't make many, if any, suds. Let me know if you make any or if you have any questions. Happy washing! * Edited 1/2011 to add comment from below about cost/savings!
David Bollier | news and perspectives on the commons
Safe and effective natural remedies for acne
(NaturalNews) Instead of opting for potentially harmful mainstream acne medications, try safe and effective natural remedies for acne problems. You may find your acne and associated problems such as redness and light scarring completely gone or greatly improved in as little as two weeks or less.Lemon juice, tea-tree oil and aqueous cream Before going to bed, bathe or shower and shampoo. Next, apply lemon juice over your face (this will itch for a minute or two). Rub in a small amount of pure tea-tree oil. Help this and other remedies along by eating three kiwifruit and about 3/4 cup of raw carrots daily. Oatmeal, vinegar, raspberries, egg, sea salt Pour some oatmeal into a small bowl. Honey and cinnamon Take three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon and make a paste. Lemon juice, H2O2, willow bark, aloe, echinacea and goldenseal Mix in a bowl or container some lemon juice, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, willow bark powder, echinacea and goldenseal. Egg white Mr.
26 Tips and Tricks To Simplify Life
I have been collecting all kinds of clever tips to make life just a little bit more simple. Here are some of my favs! 1. 10. 19. Simple Lemon water. Want to be eco-friendly but not have to mess with cloth diapers? More From New Nostalgia:
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Use Nature to Safely and Effectively Lessen and Eliminate Old Scars
(NaturalNews) Few of us go through life without accumulating a few scars. Sometimes those scars can be unsightly and in other instances old scars and scar tissue can cause physical discomfort and other problems. If a person is persistent however, scars can often be greatly diminished and even eliminated naturally. Before opting for cosmetic surgery, lasers, chemical peels or botox, consider the following safer options: Digestive Enzymes are particularly effective in removing and reducing scar tissue. Scars are formed from fibrin as part of the body's natural repair mechanism. For more information, see: Other natural remedies for lessening and eliminating scars are: *Applying and massaging lavender oil directly on scars helps them fade and in time can completely eliminate scars. *Flaxseed oil is a great way to fade scars. *Virgin, unrefined hempseed oil used twice daily often results in improvement and fading within a few weeks
6 Insect Repellent Plants To Grow – repel: mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas & more… |
Six insect repellent plants to grow – includes plants that repel biting insects such as: mosquitoes, gnats, ticks & fleas; and plants that protect other plants from aphids & mites etc. Planting and growing insect repellent plants provide a great opportunity to get out in the garden and plant some plants which are a perfect mix of beauty and functionality. Some people are sceptical about using plants to repel insects, whilst others are 100% convinced of the insect repelling properties of many garden plants. The thing is – if you take natural plant based insect repellents out of the equation; the only really option is DEET based products. There are serious health concerns about the toxic effects of DEET as it is absorbed into the body through your skin. At the end of the day, if you plant some of the plants listed below, at the very least you’ll be getting some pretty plants that smell beautiful. Feverfew is great for repelling mosquitoes and other flying biting insects.
Kim Klein and the Commons