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VOICE BLOG PORTAL - Podcasting対応/声によるウェブログ -

Cours de japonais dans une école de langue à Tokyo : Ecole-Tokyo 100 mots japonais qu’il faut connaître (Attention à l'encodage des caractères) Vous souhaitez partir au Japon pour 3 mois ou 1 semaine? Alors avant de partir il est important de connaître un minimum de vocabulaire pour vivre au quotidien sereinement au pays du soleil levant et faire face aux petits tracas qui pourraient arriver. Voici une sélection de 100 mots très utiles qui vous permettront de vous faire comprendre par les japonais. En cas d’urgence トイレ (toire) = les toilettes 手洗い (tearai) = des toilettes où l’on peut se laver également les mains 助けて (tasukete) = à l’aide わかりません (wakarimasen) = je ne comprends pas やめて! 英語 (eigo) = Anglais (si vous souhaitez communiquer dans une langue étrangère autre que le japonais, il y a de grande chance que votre interlocuteur ne connaisse que l’anglais) 服 (fuku) = vêtement 死にそう (shini sou) = je me sens très mal (littéralement « j’ai l’impression que je vais mourir ») 警察 (keisatsu) = la Police 危険 (kiken) = Danger (Ces kanji sont souvent inscrit sur les panneaux à l’entrée de zones prohibées ou dangereuses) Poser une question どうした? なに?

Japanese Grammar Guide This guide was created as a resource for those who want to learn Japanese grammar in a rational, intuitive way that makes sense in Japanese. The explanations are focused on how to make sense of the grammar not from English but from a Japanese point of view. Before you begin If your computer is not setup to display Japanese, you’ll want to enable Japanese support to read the Japanese text. Other formats Paperback – Available on Amazon.PDF Version – Philipp Kerling wrote an awesome script to convert the site to PDF.iOS app – The guide is now available for iOS devices created by Adam Critchley.Android app – The guide is now available on Google Play created by Ignatius Reza Lesmana. This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License. The problem with conventional textbooks The problem with conventional textbooks is that they often have the following goals. A Japanese guide to learning Japanese grammar Suggestions

Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Official Practice Workbook | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test "Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Official Practice Workbook" (published 2012) For all levels, the workbook contains almost the same number of questions as an actual test, with questions selected from among those used in 2010 and 2011 tests. This is the first official practice workbook for the JLPT since the 2010 revision. ※The workbook is sold by Bonjinsha. Test items ※N1 and N2 have two test sections: Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Grammar)・Reading; and Listening. ※Among sample questions under Grammar and Reading for N1 and N2, please note that reprint of questions from specified sources (following questions) is prohibited without permission. ※N3, N4 and N5 have three test sections: Language Knowledge (Vocabulary); Language Knowledge (Grammar)・Reading; and Listening.

For Examinees: Let's Try Sample Questions! | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Page Top Start of Header Start of Menu Home > Sample Questions > Let's Try Sample Questions! Start of Text JLPT sample questions Sample questions show the form of test items on the JLPT. *Outside Japan, the test may be held only in July or December in some cities. End of Text

Japanese Syllabus | Exams | Websites | Resources | What next? | Dictionary Japanese Home > Japanese for regular updates. Beginners Course | Continuers Course | Extension Course | Heritage Course | Background Speakers Course Students should note that the prescriptions for HSC texts and issues for Extension and Background Speaker courses have changed, effective from HSC 2014. Beginners Course Continuers Course Extension Course Heritage Course Background Speakers Course | Copyright | Disclaimer | Contact Us | Help

10 Things I Wish I Knew About Japanese Learning When I Was First Starting Out | Tofugu When it comes to Japanese, I still have a long ways to go and a lot to learn. But, I’ve had lots of time to learn about learning, make mistakes, and apply plenty of learning theories of my own. Looking back now to when I was a wee lil’ lad, so naive and innocent (and incredibly good looking), I’ve come up with a list of ten things I really wish I had known during the days of my youth (and did I mention incredible good-looking-ness-ness?) that would have made my Japanese-learning life so, so much easier. But now, that information is going to be gifted to you so that your early Japanese language learning careers can be filled with unicorns and candy canes. You ready? 10. Memorization is the focus of most Japanese classes. Try learning five different things at the same time (as in, one right after another). 9. You're only as strong as your weakest point Nobody likes to do things they aren’t good at, but that’s what separates the pros from the not-really-good-at-anything people. 8. 7. 6.

A Select List of Japanese Language Study Sites These also help read a web page. You just have to copy and paste the text into the form. These are not aimed at JSL students, but if you understand Japanese fairly well, they are good. For - Daily Perhaps a bit too much time-wasting laughing and joking around and non-study related chatting between presenters, but still very good.

Memorize Japanese kanji, learn Japanese You must enable Java to view the applet You seem to be running Firefox.If you are running an old version of Firefox, first have a look in Tools/Options/Content, make sure "Enable Java" is checked, click OK and reload the page.Starting with Firefox 4, click on the Firefox orange menu (top left of the window), choose Add-ons, click Plugins and make sure the Java plugin is activated.If Java is not in the list please visit this page if you wish to download Java:Sun Microsystems Java download Finally, if the applet still does not display, go this support page of, Using the Java plugin with Firefox. You will then be invited to test a Sun Microsystem applet and generally that will solve the problem. <table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=1 bordercolor="#ff0000"><tr><td align="center"><span><b>You must enable JavaScript if you want to use this site.</b><BR></span></td></tr></table> If the Java applet does not display, please read the following page: Java Settings

Japanese Log (Language Learning Log I've only been studying Japanese for less than a month, so hopefully participating in this challenging will give me a huge kickstart to learning this notoriously difficult language. I don't know if I will be able to continue for the entire 3 month period, but I'm committed to participating for at least 2 months. So far I've been using the Power Japanese software from Transparent Language along with Pimsleur I, which I've been using passively. I've also just started watching the Let's Learn Japanese series and listening to the beginner's lessons at I've ordered the Assimil Japanese books and when they arrive they will form the backbone of my study along with the Let's Learn Japanese programs. I also have a few other learning materials that I may use from time to time. Other ways I incorporate Japanese into my life are by watching subtitled anime and trying to read manga in their original language.

Learn Japanese Online Nippon Talk - Japanese texts with furigana and English translation
