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S Guide to U.S. Government for Kids

S Guide to U.S. Government for Kids

December 5 Henry Reed Henry Reed Henry Reed was the narrow neck in the hourglass of tradition, through which tunes were guided back out into the wider currents of circulation. Alan Jabbour Josh and Henry Reed, circa 1903. Henry Reed, age 19, plays banjo; his older brother Josh plays fiddle. James Henry Neel Reed, known as Henry Reed, was born on April 28, 1884, in the Appalachian Mountains of Monroe County, West Virginia. Henry Reed learned the overwhelming majority of his tunes by ear and retained them by memory. Henry Reed Playing the Fiddle, Accompanied by Bobbie Thompson on Guitar, Kit Olson, photographer, Narrows, Virginia, Summer 1967. Reed's musical influence broadened significantly after 1966 when Karen and Alan Jabbour, graduate students at Duke University, began to audio tape his fiddling. The titles of Henry Reed's fiddle tunes are redolent of the old Appalachian frontier. Billy Bitzer and the Biograph Cameraman G. Together, Bitzer and Griffith forged the grammar and syntax of film.

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Museum Box Homepage C-SPAN Classroom | Free Primary Source Materials For Social Studies Teachers Post Secondary Prep The website was retired on October 2, 2011. You can find the information and resources listed on at the following websites:—The U.S. government's official Web portal to federal, state, and local government Web resources and services.CareerOneStop—Your pathway to career success. World Digital Library Home
