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40+ Super Secret iPad Features and Shortcuts

40+ Super Secret iPad Features and Shortcuts

Myths about iOS, iPad, iPhone & iPod touch I have the pleasure of working with educators who get to use iPads and iPod touches with students. Wherever I facilitate workshops, I find there are some myths floating around about Apple's iOS devices, and I'd like to clear up some of the misinformation. iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch do not have user manuals. Gone are the days when you receive a thick printed user manual with your electronics purchase. iPad User Guide: PDF or iBooksiPhone User Guide: PDF or iBooksiPod touch User Guide: PDF or iBooks You have to have a credit card associated with your iTunes account. A credit card is not required when you create an iTunes account. First log out of any iTunes accounts you might be signed into. If you have already given iTunes a credit card number, you can log into your account and click to edit your payment information. You can buy an app once and install it on all devices in the classroom or school. The Volume Purchase Program is only for paid apps. You need a Mac to sync multiple devices.

50 really useful iPad tips and tricks With great new features like two video cameras, a faster processor and a Retina display, the new iPad is the world's best tablet device. It's also fully capable of running the latest version of Apple's iOS operating system and great apps like iMovie and GarageBand. Here we present 50 really useful iPad tips. We cover everything from customising your Home screen through to getting more from built-in apps like Mail and Safari. 10 best tablet PCs in the world today The vast majority of these tips will also work on the original iPad and iPad 2, so owners of any generation of iPad shouldn't feel neglected. For 50 more iPad tips, check out a new iPad app called 100 Tricks & Tips for iPad 2, brought to you by our colleagues on MacFormat. 1. iOS now supports folders. Your iPad will create a folder with both the apps in. 2. Double-clicking the Home button shows you all the apps that are running on your iPad in a bar along the bottom of the screen. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The iPad supports a VPN connection.

My day with Siri I admit it: I love Siri. It helps that I work from home, so I can talk to my phone without inhibitions. It doesn't hurt that I generally crave pseudohuman contact. But the real reason is simply that I find Siri so useful. And in iOS 6, Siri has become even more useful than it was before. The iOS virtual assistant has learned to respond accurately to a variety of new instructions. I now find myself using Siri throughout the day, for a wide variety of tasks and queries. Morning routines First thing in the morning, I wake up to one of my kids clomping into my room. Once I know how warmly to dress that day, I find out what kinds of clothes I should put on. Armed with that intel, I’m off to shave and shower. The workday begins It’s rare that a workday of mine gets under way without a reminder or two from the night before beeping on my Mac and iOS devices, something like “Write the Siri story”—almost undoubtedly a reminder I set via Siri. Siri knows The dinner hour Evening Throughout the day

Best Free iPod / iPad Apps (without ads) for Education | MullOverThings I’m piloting the use of the iPod Touch for English Language Learners (ELLs), so most of the following apps apply to improving reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. There are lots of great apps that pertain to other subject areas, and there are a lot of great apps that are not free or contain ads (annoying). Each of the links will take you to the iTunes Preview page for that app. Enjoy! Best Free Reference Apps for Students: WordWeb (Dictionary) – Free, no ads, allows you to save words to “favorites” This dictionary doesn’t have some of the features that you get with some of the free apps with ads or apps you pay for (i.e. audio, images or translation). Wikipedia - the largest online encyclopedia Translate (Google) - I love the voice translation feature! College Search (ACT) - No matter what age your students are, it’s important to begin learning about college. EBSCOhost is an enormous database of articles for research. Best Free Apps for Student Creation: Animoto Poetry Creator and

A to Z Teacher Stuff For Teachers FREE online lesson plans, lesson plan ideas and activities, thematic units, printables, themes, teaching tips, articles, and educational resources 10 extremely awesome iPad tips and tricks | 11 of 11 As you're most likely aware of, there are some default apps on the iPad that are there to stay. They can't be deleted, but they can all be moved into a group... that is, all but one: Newsstand. Yes, this annoying app (to me, at least) is never used by many iPad users, yet Apple's made it such that you cannot delete it or even put it in a group. From your home screen, long-press an app to get the apps to jiggle. Since I don't ever use any of the default apps (outside of the App Store, iTunes, and Game Center), I have an app group titled "Default Apps." Need gadgets or gift ideas?

10 Things You Never Knew You Could Do On Your iPad — Apple News, Tips and Reviews How To Setup Parental Controls (Restrictions) on the iPad The iPad is a wonderfully easy and intuitive device to use. This is generally nothing but a major advantage – but at times it can cause issues if you have children who share your iPad or are allowed to use it from time to time. Problems you might encounter range from a child inadvertently deleting a frequently-used app to discovering that your child’s favorite new iPad game has allowed them to rack up hundreds of dollars worth of charges to your credit card via In-App purchases. Fortunately, the iPad (and iOS) comes with a strong set of parental controls that you can choose to apply to reduce the chances of seeing any problems when you allow your kids to use an iPad, it’s a shared one or one of their own. On the iPad these are called Restrictions – and here’s a quick rundown of how they can be setup: You’ll find these controls in the iPad’s Settings app – under Settings > General > Restrictions. There are four sections to the Restrictions area. Allow Allow Changes Allowed Content Game Center

How to Draw Celtic Knotwork The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program. I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw. This method, like most, begins with drawing the grid. The second step is to draw in the diagonals. Next draw in the connecting curves that will become the edges of the knotwork. This is the step that most people have the most trouble with: deciding where to "Break the Grid". So, where do we put these spaces to make an aesthetically pleasing design? Here is how I do it:: I CHEAT! 1). Or 2). But back to the tutorial. Follow the diagonals until you come to a red line. OK, now that you spent all of that time drawing the grid, the diagonals and the breaks, erase all of it except the knotwork path that we darkened in the last step. For this step a computer graphics program comes in real handy. We're almost there!

mrseastmans / FrontPage visitors since 3/3/09 Please click on the library catalog link below to access a world of information, e-books and great reference materials! Students remember to log-in to the MEADOWLARK database using your library number for the username AND password to send book recommendations to your friends and post book reviews. Meadowlark Library Catalog (at home) Meadowlark Library Catalog (at school) AR tests taken this month! Enable Javascript in your browser to view this content. What is a Wiki? A Wiki is software that allows people to create and edit Web pages on the Internet as a group. Watch the pod cast below to see what a wiki is all about! Registered School Librarians Web Page, 4.16.2008 Questions? Meadowlark Elementary School 1411 N. Andover, KS 67002 316.218.4630 Ext. 4 Sunflower Elementary School 616 E.

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