NCJRS Hackathon Winner Docracy Is A GitHub For Legal Documents One of the winners at today’s TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon is Docracy, an open source site where users can share and sign legal documents, similar to what GitHub provides for code. The site is the brainchild of mobile app developers Matt Hall and John Watkinson, who are the founders of app development startup Larva Labs. Docracy is an online, opensource hub for quality legal documents like contracts, NDAs, wills, trusts and more. So startups or individuals can take their legal documents and compare them against these trusted, documents on Docracy and see what terms differ. Hall and Watkinson were recently were signing an NDA with a client and wasn’t sure if there were any terms in the NDA that should be flagged, or that were out of the ordinary. It’s a great idea and certainly one that many bootstrapped startups, freelancers or individuals can use in a pinch.
ANTIPOLYGRAPH A VC Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences VentureBlog International Association of Penal Law Bienvenue sur notre site Web ! Plateforme d’échanges au niveau mondial, l’Association Internationale de Droit pénal constitue la plus ancienne organisation mondiale réunissant des spécialistes des sciences pénales et l’une des plus anciennes sociétés savantes. C réée en 1924, en tant que refondation de l’Union Internationale de Droit Pénal (1889), nos domaines principaux d’activité sont : La politique criminelle et la codification du droit pénal. L’AIDP-IAPL est une association ouverte à tous ceux qui, dans les différents pays, se consacrent à l’étude et à l’application du droit pénal et s’efforcent de contribuer au progrès de la législation et des institutions assurant une justice toujours plus humaine et plus efficace. Venez tous nous rejoindre à l’AIDP-IAPL ! Président
SeriesSeed.com For Law Nerds As we mentioned in our previous post, most of the edits to Version 3.0 of Series Seed are formatting related. This section of the blog will break down most of our edits, and for those of you not ready to take the plunge into GitHub, we have included Word documents and redlines against Version 2.0. First and foremost, the largest formatting change is the merging of the previous Investors’ Rights Agreement and Stock Purchase Agreement into one new document called the Stock Investment Agreement, which covers all of the provisions of the previous two documents. Substantively, the largest change is that we have added five standard carve outs based on the NVCA model documents to the drag along provisions in Section 5.4 of the Stock Investment Agreement. We also removed the contribution to escrow provision that previously existed in Section 1.3.2 of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation. For Real Nerds Pull requests A pull request is simply a requested change to a document.
JA- just came across this and thought it was worth a look by jasonanderson2 May 20